Project Group: org.debux.webmotion

WebMotion server

org.debux.webmotion : webmotion

WebMotion is Java web framework based on the Java EE6 standard

Last Version: 2.5.3

Release Date:

WebMotion extra jpa

org.debux.webmotion : webmotion-extra-jpa

WebMotion is Java web framework based on the Java EE6 standard

Last Version: 2.5.3

Release Date:

WebMotion extra shiro

org.debux.webmotion : webmotion-extra-shiro

WebMotion is Java web framework based on the Java EE6 standard

Last Version: 2.5.3

Release Date:

WebMotion extra sitemesh

org.debux.webmotion : webmotion-extra-sitemesh

WebMotion is Java web framework based on the Java EE6 standard

Last Version: 2.5.3

Release Date:

WebMotion extra spring

org.debux.webmotion : webmotion-extra-spring

WebMotion is Java web framework based on the Java EE6 standard

Last Version: 2.5.3

Release Date:

WebMotion extra all

org.debux.webmotion : webmotion-extra-all

WebMotion is Java web framework based on the Java EE6 standard

Last Version: 2.5.3

Release Date:

WebMotion project

org.debux.webmotion : webmotion-project

WebMotion is Java web framework based on the Java EE6 standard

Last Version: 2.5.3

Release Date:

WebMotion unit test

org.debux.webmotion : webmotion-unittest

WebMotion is Java web framework based on the Java EE6 standard

Last Version: 2.5.3

Release Date:

WebMotion test

org.debux.webmotion : webmotion-test

WebMotion is Java web framework based on the Java EE6 standard

Last Version: 2.5.3

Release Date:

WebMotion archetype

org.debux.webmotion : webmotion-archetype

WebMotion is Java web framework based on the Java EE6 standard

Last Version: 2.5.3

Release Date:

WebMotion wiki

org.debux.webmotion : wikimotion

WebMotion is Java web framework based on the Java EE6 standard

Last Version: 2.4

Release Date:

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