Project Group: org.eclipselabs.osgi-http-service-utils

OSGi HTTP Service Utils - API

org.eclipselabs.osgi-http-service-utils : org.eclipselabs.osgi-http-service-utils.api

This project provides a HTTP Admin Service which makes it possible to start more than one OSGi HTTP Service in one platform. The source code is based on the equinox jetty bundle (

Last Version: 0.4.0

Release Date:

OSGi HTTP Service Utils - Implementation

org.eclipselabs.osgi-http-service-utils : org.eclipselabs.osgi-http-service-utils.internal

This project provides a HTTP Admin Service which makes it possible to start more than one OSGi HTTP Service in one platform. The source code is based on the equinox jetty bundle (

Last Version: 0.4.0

Release Date:

OSGi HTTP Service Utils - Demo

org.eclipselabs.osgi-http-service-utils : org.eclipselabs.osgi-http-service-utils.demo

This project provides a HTTP Admin Service which makes it possible to start more than one OSGi HTTP Service in one platform. The source code is based on the equinox jetty bundle (

Last Version: 0.4.0

Release Date:

OSGi HTTP Service Utils - Integration Tests

org.eclipselabs.osgi-http-service-utils : org.eclipselabs.osgi-http-service-utils.tests

This project provides a HTTP Admin Service which makes it possible to start more than one OSGi HTTP Service in one platform. The source code is based on the equinox jetty bundle (

Last Version: 0.4.0

Release Date:

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