EzjOOQ (Easy jOOQ)
Simple CRUD Repository Wrapper for the jOOQ Library utilising Java Persistence API annotations. Makes basic CRUD operations extremely simple, leaving regular jOOQ DSL queries for the complex stuff.
For more information on jOOQ, view their docs here.
This library is not officially associated with jOOQ in any way.
Installation with Maven
Add the following to the dependencies section of your pom.xml:
This library also depends on jOOQ and the Java Persistence API, so ensure the following are also in your dependencies list:
Versions 3.x.x
of jOOQ should work with this library. Requires Java 8 or above.
Basic Usage
Annotating Your POJO Class
Annotate your classes with the @Table
annotation and fields with the @Column
annotation to let EzjOOQ know which table to use in your database. For example, a User
class might look like:
@Table(name = "users")
public class User {
@Column(name = "id")
private int id;
@Column(name = "email")
private String email;
@Column(name = "first_name")
private String firstName;
@Column(name = "last_name")
private String lastName;
Creating a Repository Instance
To instantiate a repository for performing CRUD operations on the User
CrudRepository<User> repo = new PojoRepository<>(DSL.using(yourDataSource, SQLDialect.POSTGRES), User.class);
Storing Entities
To store a single User
User user = new User();
To store multiple User
List<User> users = new ArrayList<>();
// ... add users to list ...
Reading Entities
To read all users from the database:
List<User> users = repo.readAll();
To read all users from the database where a specific condition is met:
Condition condition = // jOOQ condition
List<User> users = repo.readAllWhere(condition);
To read one user from the database where a specific condition is met:
Condition condition = // jOOQ condition
User user = repo.readOneWhere(condition);
Updating Entities
To update a user in the database where a condition is met:
User user = new User();
Condition condition = // jOOQ condition
boolean success = repo.updateWhere(user, condition);
Deleting Entities
To delete a user from the database:
User user = new User();
boolean success = repo.delete(user);
This repository is available under the MIT License.