Project Group: org.finra.herd

herd sdk

org.finra.herd : herd-sdk

This project contains swagger generated clients that invoke the herd REST API's.

Last Version: 0.160.0

Release Date:

herd tools common

org.finra.herd : herd-tools-common

This is a project where common code across all tools can reside.

Last Version: 0.160.0

Release Date:

herd service

org.finra.herd : herd-service

This project contains the business service code. This is a classic service tier where business logic is defined along with it's associated transaction management configuration.

Last Version: 0.160.0

Release Date:

herd core

org.finra.herd : herd-core

This project contains the core code. This contains low level general purpose code that can be used by most other project tiers.

Last Version: 0.160.0

Release Date:

herd model

org.finra.herd : herd-model

This project contains the domain and model code. This consists of JPA entity classes and other data transfer objects (DTO's).

Last Version: 0.160.0

Release Date:

herd dao

org.finra.herd : herd-dao

This project contains the database application layer (DAL) code. This contains code for accessing various external data sources such as databases, AWS services, etc.

Last Version: 0.160.0

Release Date:

herd rest

org.finra.herd : herd-rest

This project contains the REST endpoint code. This is where incoming REST API's are defined.

Last Version: 0.160.0

Release Date:

herd model api

org.finra.herd : herd-model-api

This project contains the model API classes. This contains the herd XSD and generates Java POJO's from them. These classes are used for incoming and outgoing calls into the system (e.g. via REST).

Last Version: 0.160.0

Release Date:

herd app

org.finra.herd : herd-app

This project contains the application code. This contains code used by the application at the WAR level.

Last Version: 0.160.0

Release Date:

herd docs swagger

org.finra.herd : herd-docs-swagger

This is the swagger REST documentation project.

Last Version: 0.160.0

Release Date:

herd ui

org.finra.herd : herd-ui

This project contains the user interface (UI) code. This is where the server side code resides for building and displaying the user interface.

Last Version: 0.160.0

Release Date:

herd docs swagger new

org.finra.herd : herd-docs-swagger-new

This is the swagger REST documentation project.

Last Version: 0.160.0

Release Date:

herd sdk resources

org.finra.herd : herd-sdk-resources

This project contains shared files used to build herd-sdk and herd-sdk-ext.

Last Version: 0.160.0

Release Date:

herd model api 1.5

org.finra.herd : herd-model-api-15

This project contains the model API classes compiled for JDK 1.5 and above. This project depends on herd-model-api and should not contain any actual files.

Last Version: 0.160.0

Release Date:

herd docs javadoc

org.finra.herd : herd-docs-javadoc

This project produces project-wide javadoc.

Last Version: 0.160.0

Release Date:

herd scripts

org.finra.herd : herd-scripts

This is the base scripts project that is the parent for all specific sub-script projects.

Last Version: 0.160.0

Release Date:

herd access validator

org.finra.herd : herd-access-validator

This is herd access validator application. This tool can be used to validate access to remote herd server.

Last Version: 0.160.0

Release Date:

herd build

org.finra.herd : herd-build

This is the base pom for the build related sub-projects. The build projects contain all non-code related support files.

Last Version: 0.160.0

Release Date:

herd code

org.finra.herd : herd-code

This project contains the herd code. This is where all source code and non-build related files reside.

Last Version: 0.160.0

Release Date:

herd sdk ext

org.finra.herd : herd-sdk-ext

This project contains swagger generated clients that invoke the herd REST API's.

Last Version: 0.160.0

Release Date:


org.finra.herd : herd

This is the base pom for the herd project.

Last Version: 0.160.0

Release Date:

herd retention expiration exporter

org.finra.herd : herd-retention-expiration-exporter

This is the record destruction reporter application. This tool can be used to generate report for to be submitted for approval as per record retention policy.

Last Version: 0.160.0

Release Date:

herd content loader

org.finra.herd : herd-content-loader

This is the base pom for the various tools.

Last Version: 0.160.0

Release Date:

herd war

org.finra.herd : herd-war

This project contains the web application archive (WAR) configuration. This is where the WAR is assembled along with some supporting files. Any Java code should go in herd-application or herd-ui so other WAR's could potentially be defined that have access to that common code.

Last Version: 0.160.0

Release Date:

herd docs

org.finra.herd : herd-docs

This is the base documentation project that is the parent for all specific sub-documentation projects.

Last Version: 0.160.0

Release Date:

herd scripts sql

org.finra.herd : herd-scripts-sql

This project contains the database SQL scripts used to setup and configure a herd database.

Last Version: 0.160.0

Release Date:

herd data destructor

org.finra.herd : herd-retention-expiration-destroyer

This is the mark for record destruction application. This tool can be used to mark record for destruction after getting approval as per retention policy.

Last Version: 0.160.0

Release Date:

herd scripts bootstrap

org.finra.herd : herd-scripts-bootstrap

This project contains the core herd EMR bootstrap scripts.

Last Version: 0.160.0

Release Date:

herd swaggergen maven plugin new

org.finra.herd : herd-swaggergen-maven-plugin-new

This is the Swagger YAML generator Maven plugin which generates a Swagger YAML file based on a herd REST/XSD configuration.

Last Version: 0.160.0

Release Date:

herd build tools

org.finra.herd : herd-build-tools

This is the build tools pom which contains build supporting files such as code quality support files.

Last Version: 0.160.0

Release Date:

herd tools

org.finra.herd : herd-tools

This is the base pom for the various tools.

Last Version: 0.160.0

Release Date:

herd downloader

org.finra.herd : herd-downloader

This is the downloader application. This is a tool that aids in the downloading of files from S3 to the local file system.

Last Version: 0.160.0

Release Date:

herd swaggergen maven plugin

org.finra.herd : herd-swaggergen-maven-plugin

This is the Swagger YAML generator Maven plugin which generates a Swagger YAML file based on a herd REST/XSD configuration.

Last Version: 0.160.0

Release Date:

herd sdk common

org.finra.herd : herd-sdk-common

This project contains swagger generated clients that invoke the herd REST API's.

Last Version: 0.160.0

Release Date:

herd uploader

org.finra.herd : herd-uploader

This is the uploader application. This is a tool that aids in the uploading and registering of files from the local file system to S3.

Last Version: 0.160.0

Release Date:

herd scripts cloud formation

org.finra.herd : herd-scripts-cloud-formation

This project contains the cloud formation scripts and supporting files to configure a running instance of herd.

Last Version: 0.160.0

Release Date:

herd pandas python library

org.finra.herd : herd-pandas

This is the base pom for the various tools.

Last Version: 0.160.0

Release Date:

herd spark data source

org.finra.herd : herd-spark-data-source

This is the base pom for the various tools.

Last Version: 0.112.0

Release Date:

herd spark data catalog

org.finra.herd : herd-spark-data-catalog

This is the base pom for the various tools.

Last Version: 0.112.0

Release Date:

herd spark 2.2 data source

org.finra.herd : herd-spark-2.2-data-source

This is the base pom for the various tools.

Last Version: 0.112.0

Release Date:

herd spark 2.1 data source

org.finra.herd : herd-spark-2.1-data-source

This is the base pom for the various tools.

Last Version: 0.100.0

Release Date:

herd spark 2.2 data catalog

org.finra.herd : herd-spark-2.2-data-catalog

This is the base pom for the various tools.

Last Version: 0.88.0

Release Date:

herd spark 2.1 data catalog

org.finra.herd : herd-spark-2.1-data-catalog

This is the base pom for the various tools.

Last Version: 0.88.0

Release Date:

herd web assets

org.finra.herd : herd-web-assets

This project contains the web assets. This is where the UI code exists for the browser application (e.g. Javascript code, static assets, etc.).

Last Version: 0.38.0

Release Date:

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