Sample Flyway-Test-Extension Spring Boot 1

Sample Flyway-Test-Extension with Spring Boot 1.x





Spring Boot Container Microservices Flyway Data Databases




Last Version

Last Version

Release Date

Release Date





Sample Flyway-Test-Extension Spring Boot 1
Sample Flyway-Test-Extension with Spring Boot 1.x

Download flyway-test-sample-spring-boot-1

How to add to project

<!-- -->
implementation 'org.flywaydb.flyway-test-extensions.samples:flyway-test-sample-spring-boot-1:5.2.1'
implementation ("org.flywaydb.flyway-test-extensions.samples:flyway-test-sample-spring-boot-1:5.2.1")
<dependency org="org.flywaydb.flyway-test-extensions.samples" name="flyway-test-sample-spring-boot-1" rev="5.2.1">
  <artifact name="flyway-test-sample-spring-boot-1" type="jar" />
@Grab(group='org.flywaydb.flyway-test-extensions.samples', module='flyway-test-sample-spring-boot-1', version='5.2.1')
libraryDependencies += "org.flywaydb.flyway-test-extensions.samples" % "flyway-test-sample-spring-boot-1" % "5.2.1"
[org.flywaydb.flyway-test-extensions.samples/flyway-test-sample-spring-boot-1 "5.2.1"]


compile (8)

Group / Artifact Type Version
org.slf4j : jcl-over-slf4j jar 1.7.1
org.slf4j : slf4j-log4j12 jar 1.7.1
org.springframework : spring-core jar 5.0.2.RELEASE
org.springframework : spring-context jar 5.0.2.RELEASE
org.springframework : spring-orm jar 5.0.2.RELEASE
org.springframework : spring-test jar 5.0.2.RELEASE
org.springframework.boot : spring-boot-starter-data-jpa jar 1.5.9.RELEASE
org.flywaydb : flyway-core jar 5.2.1

runtime (1)

Group / Artifact Type Version
org.hsqldb : hsqldb jar 2.3.2

test (2)

Group / Artifact Type Version
org.flywaydb.flyway-test-extensions : flyway-spring-test jar 5.2.1
org.springframework.boot : spring-boot-starter-test jar 1.5.9.RELEASE

Project Modules

There are no modules declared in this project.


flyway-test-extension logo

Test extensions for the Flyway project

For Flyway's features, see the Flyway Db Org Page

Version 7.0.0 Released

2020-10-22 flyway-test-extensions version 7.0.0 released.

Version number 7.0.x are used to show the dependency to Flyway version 7.0.x.

See also Release Notes

Central maven repository under|ga|1|flyway-test-extensions contains all project jars.


This extension gives the ability to reset and/or fill the database with defined content.
With this precondition, each test provides a reproducible database start point.

  • Annotation FlywayTest for database unit testing. Use Flyway feature.

    • clean - execution of flyway task clean
    • init - execution of flyway task init
    • migrate - execution of flyway task migrate
  • Annotation FlywayTest for a single database control.
    Annotation FlywayTests if more than one database must be controlled during a test.
    Annotations can be used

    Test Setup Junit 4 Junit 5 TestNG
    Once per Class
    Once per Class with test annotation @BeforeClass @BeforeAll @BeforeClass
    Once per Method @Before @BeforeEach @BeforeMethod
    per Method @Test @Test @Test
  • Sample projects on how to use the annotations inside a unit testing environment

  • Additional project supports a DBUnit annotation use together with FlywayTest DBUnitSupport. A usage example you will find at UsageFlywayDBUnitTest.

How to use it

The flyway test extensions are available at Maven Central.

For a detail usage description see the UsageFlywaySpringTest usage page.

  • this version has a dependency on Spring 5.
  • The project is build with Java 8 compiler settings simular to Flyway project.
    If other compiler classes are needed use flyway-test-spring4 or flyway-test-spring3.


  • Add dependency to flyway-spring-test to your Maven pom file
  • Extend your test class with the Spring test runner annotation (Junit 4).
    @ContextConfiguration(locations = {"/context/simple_applicationContext.xml" })
                             FlywayTestExecutionListener.class })
  • Add the @FlywayTest annotation on each class or method were you need a clean database. You can also use the anntotation on class basis and every test method in the class where a clean database is also needed.
    // usage as once per class
    public class Spring4JUnitTest 

    // another TestClass
    public class Spring4JUnitTest {
    // usage as per test method
    public void testMethod() { 
  • Add the @FlywayTests with @FlywayTest annotation on each class or method were you need a clean multiple database setup.
    // usage as once per class
    @FlywayTests(value = {
	@FlywayTest(flywayName = "flyway1"),   // Flyway configuration for database 1
	@FlywayTest(flywayName = "flyway2")    // Flyway configuration for database 2
    public class Spring4JUnitTest 

    // another TestClass
    public class Spring4JUnitTest {
    // usage as per test method
    @FlywayTests(value = {
	@FlywayTest(flywayName = "flyway3"), // Flyway configuration for database 3
	@FlywayTest(flywayName = "flyway4")  // Flyway configuration for database 4
    public void testMethod() { 
  • Junit 5 support is only available together with Spring5 and need a different Spring setup.
    A step by step setup can be found here.
@ContextConfiguration(locations = { "/context/simple_applicationContext.xml" })
@FlywayTest         // as class annotation
public class Junit5SpringTest ...

    @FlywayTest(locationsForMigrate = {"loadmsqlbefore"})  // together with BeforeEach
    public void before() {

    @FlywayTest       // as method annotation
    public void testMethodLoad() {
  • TestNG support is only available with Spring5 and need a different Test setup.
@ContextConfiguration(locations = {"/context/simple_applicationContext.xml"})
@FlywayTest(locationsForMigrate = {"loadmsql"}) // execution once per class
public class MethodTest extends AbstractTestNGSpringContextTests {
    @FlywayTest(locationsForMigrate = {"loadmsql"}) // execution once per class
    public static void beforeClass(
    @FlywayTest(locationsForMigrate = {"loadmsql"}) // execution before each test method
    public void beforeMethod(

    @FlywayTest(locationsForMigrate = {"loadmsql"}) // as method annotation
    public void simpleCountWithoutAny(

Project depend on


  • The project depends on flyway version 7.0.4
  • The project will be supported until the extension will be integrated into the flyway project.
  • The project depends on Spring version 5.x (see flyway-spring5-test)
  • The project depends on Spring version 4.x (see flyway-spring4-test and flyway-dbunit-spring4-test)
  • The project depends on Spring version 3.2 (see flyways-swpring3-test and flyway-dbunit-spring3-test)
  • At the moment the code is tested with database H2 and Oracle.
    Only the DBunit part contains database specific code.

Flyway by Boxfuse

Database Migrations Made Easy by @boxfuse

