Project Group: org.hpccsystems

HPCC Web Services Client API

org.hpccsystems : wsclient

This project allows a user to interact with ESP services in a controlled manner. The API calls available under allow for a user to target ESP's across multiple environments running a range of hpccsystems-platform versions. There is no guarantee that if a user utilizes generated stub code from wsdl, that the calls will be backwards compatible with older hpccsystems-platform versions.

Last Version: 8.6.38-1

Release Date:

HPCC Systems Commons Project

org.hpccsystems : commons-hpcc

Common library for HPCC functionality

Last Version: 8.6.38-1

Release Date:

HPCC Systems Distributed File System Client Project

org.hpccsystems : dfsclient

Client interface into HPCC Systems' Distributed File System.

Last Version: 8.6.38-1

Release Date:

Last Version: 8.6.38-1

Release Date:


org.hpccsystems : spark-hpcc

RDD for reading files residing in an HPCC cluster environment

Last Version: 8.6.38-1

Release Date:

Last Version: 7.10.70-1

Release Date:

HPCC Systems Java JDBC Driver

org.hpccsystems : jdbcdriver

JDBC Driver for HPCC Systems - access HPCC data via SQL in Java or other JVM language

Last Version: 1.0.6

Release Date:

RDF Data Ingestion into HPCC

org.hpccsystems : rdf2hpcc

This project allows a user to import RDF data into an easily ingestible format for HPCC

Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date:

HPCC Java Client Tools

org.hpccsystems : clienttools

This project contains standalone tools for working with the hpccsystems platform

Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date:

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