A Guided Tour to the JQueues Java package for Discrete-Event Simulation of Queueing Systems
First Full Draft: May 3rd, 2018.
First chapters are quite OK, but subsequent ones (Chapter 8 and beyond) need serious reviewing.
The jqueues (https://github.com/jandejongh/jqueues) package and its dependency jsimulation (https://github.com/jandejongh/jsimulation) provide Java support for discrete-event simulation of queueing systems, loosely modeled after Graham Birtwistle's DEMOS package for SIMULA. Both projects have been released under Apache v2 License. This project contains a guided tour to both packages. This documentation, though, is released under a different LICENSE, basically stating that my company, TNO, and I are the sole copyright holders and that you are not allowed to distribute modified versions of the documentation without my consent.
This project's structure is that of a Maven project. The source code of the project consists of all compile-able examples introduced in the documentation, and follows Maven coventions for Java source code. The LaTeX-based documentation itself and the resulting PDF file(s) are in the 'doc' subdirectory of the project. Note that the documentation is not under Maven control (so you cannot build/deploy it from Maven).
Grab the PDF file(s) in the 'doc' subdirectory, and use them to your advantage.
Provided that you accept the LICENSE agreement, contributions to the text are more than welcome, as well as any feedback on the contents of the documentation. Please do not hesitate to contact me, or submit an issue, if the documentation is in any way unclear, incomplete or simply wrong. Needless to say, I will be more than happy to at the very least acknowledge your contribution in the documentation.
The documentation and sample code in jqueues-guided-tour are copyright (C) 2010-2018 TNO, The Netherlands, and (C) 2010-2018 Jan de Jongh, The Netherlands.
The documentation and sample code in jqueues-guided-tour are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
You should have received a copy of the license along with this work. If not, see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/.