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Arquillian Maven Plugin
A Maven plugin with support for start/deploy/undeploy/stop and run operations using the Arquillian Containers.
Similar to the famous jetty:run maven plugin. This goal will Setup and Start the Container, Deploy the given Archive, then wait for a JVM shutdown (ctrl+c), for so to UnDeploy and Stop the Container.
This should work with all types of containers: Embedded, Managed and Remote.
(note: Remote containers are not actually started, but Archive will be undeployed on shutdown)
This goal will Setup and Start the Container. The Container is added to the Maven execution context for reuse by other command.
This goal will deploy the given Archive defined by "filename". An Exception is thrown if start has not been called.
This goal will undeploy the given Archive defined by "filename". An Exception is thrown if start has not been called.
This goal stops the Container and cleans up the Maven context.
This goal will Setup and Start the Container and Deploy the Archive, for so to Stop the Container.
(note: This goal only makes sense used with Remote containers)
This goal will Setup and Start the Container and Deploy the Archive, for so to Stop the Container.
(note: This goal only makes sense used with Remote containers)
Parent directory to where the Archive can be found. Default value is: ${project.build.directory}/
The Archive name as found in 'targetDir'. Default value is: ${project.build.finalName}.${project.packaging}
Where the plugin should find the Container libraries.
TEST (default)
Loads the projects Test Scoped ClassPath.
Loads the projects Compile Scoped ClassPath.
Only search the ClassPath defined in the plugins dependencies section.
<!-- Normal dependencies used for testing -->
Call the plugin using the following command line:
mvn arquillian:run -Pjetty
The dependencies needed are the same as described in the Reference Guide -> Complete Container Reference.
See the test/ sub module for a complete setup using both Arquillian for testing the module and the Maven module for manual verification.