Project Group: org.jsonx

JSONx Binding

org.jsonx : binding

The JSON/Java Binding API is designed to bind JSON documents to Java objects. More specifically, the JSON/Java Binding API provides a way for JSON objects whose structure is expressed in the JSON Schema Definition Language to be parsed and marshaled, to and from Java objects of strongly-typed classes. The JSON/Java Binding API can also be used to validate JSON documents as they are parsed from text or marshaled from Java objects against a JSD. Thus, the JSON/Java Binding API is a reference implementation of the validation and binding functionalities of the JSON Schema Definition Language.

Last Version: 0.3.2

Release Date:


org.jsonx : jsonxml

JsonXml is JSON expressed in XML syntax. This document presents the structural part of JsonXml, as well as the normative specification of the JsonXml API. It also contains a directory of links to these related resources.

Last Version: 0.3.2

Release Date:

JSONx Generator

org.jsonx : generator

The JSD Binding Generator consumes a JSD schema, and produces Java classes in the form of .java files. The generated classes have code that relies on the JSON/Java Binding API to achieve binding between JSON documents conforming to a JSD schema, and Java object representations of these documents.

Last Version: 0.3.2

Release Date:

JSONx Maven Plugin

org.jsonx : jsonx-maven-plugin

The jsonx-maven-plugin plugin is used to generate JSONx and JSD bindings with the JSONx framework.

Last Version: 0.3.2

Release Date:


org.jsonx : jsonx

A collection of specifications and reference implementations that provide structural and functional patterns intended to help developers work with JSON. The JSONx Framework is based on the JSON Schema Definition Language, which is a schema language inspired by the [XMLSchema] specification. This document introduces the JSONx Framework, and presents a directory of links to its constituent parts and related resources.

Last Version: 0.3.2

Release Date:


org.jsonx : jaxrs

JAX-RS Integration for JSONx is implemented to the specification of the JAX-RS API. JAX-RS Integration for JSONx implements the MessageBodyReader and MessageBodyWriter interfaces in JxObjectProvider to integrate with JAX-RS server runtimes.

Last Version: 0.3.2

Release Date:

Jsonx JSON

org.jsonx : json

JSONX is JSON expressed in XML syntax. This document presents the structural part of JSONX, as well as the normative specification of the JSONX-JSON API. It also contains a directory of links to these related resources.

Last Version: 0.2.2

Release Date:

Jsonx Schema

org.jsonx : schema

The JSON Schema Definition Language is designed to describe JSON documents by using schema components to constrain and document the meaning, usage and relationships of their constituent parts: value types and their content. Schemas may also provide for the specification of additional document information, such as normalization and defaulting of values. Schemas have facilities for self-documentation. Thus, the JSON Schema Definition Language can be used to define, describe and catalogue JSON vocabularies for JSON documents.

Last Version: 0.2.2

Release Date:

Jsonx RS

org.jsonx : rs

JAX-RS Integration for JSONX is implemented to the specification of the JAX-RS API. JAX-RS Integration for JSONX implements the MessageBodyReader and MessageBodyWriter interfaces in JxObjectProvider to integrate with JAX-RS server runtimes.

Last Version: 0.2.2

Release Date:

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