Project Group: org.kaleidofoundry

KaleidoFoundry core

org.kaleidofoundry : kaleido-core

Benefit from kaleido core features, like file store service, caching, configuration, naming service

Last Version: 0.10.1

Release Date:

KaleidoFoundry javaee / jakartaee extension

org.kaleidofoundry : kaleido-javaee

JavaEE / JakarataEE CDI integration for the injection of kaleido components

Last Version: 0.10.1

Release Date:

KaleidoFoundry messaging

org.kaleidofoundry : kaleido-messaging

An asynchronous messaging solution for produce and consume messages on bus like jms, active mq, ibm mq, tibco rdv...

Last Version: 0.10.1

Release Date:

KaleidoFoundry bootstrap for cdi

org.kaleidofoundry : kaleido-bootstrap-cdi

Benefit from CDI in an unmanaged environment like junit, tomcat, jetty, or java main program

Last Version: 0.10.1

Release Date:

KaleidoFoundry parent POM

org.kaleidofoundry : kaleido-parent

Parent POM for all kaleido-foundry modules. It provides default build configurations.

Last Version: 0.10.1

Release Date:

KaleidoFoundry spring extension

org.kaleidofoundry : kaleido-spring

Spring integration for the injection of kaleido components

Last Version: 0.10.1

Release Date:

KaleidoFoundry guice extension

org.kaleidofoundry : kaleido-guice

Guice integration for the injection of kaleido components

Last Version: 0.10.1

Release Date:

KaleidoFoundry appengine extension

org.kaleidofoundry : kaleido-appengine

Extends kaleido core features for google application engine : file store service, caching, ...

Last Version: 0.10.1

Release Date:

KaleidoFoundry mailing extension

org.kaleidofoundry : kaleido-mailing

Parent POM for all kaleido-foundry modules. It provides default build configurations.

Last Version: 0.10.1

Release Date:

KaleidoFoundry wiki samples

org.kaleidofoundry : kaleido-sample

Kaleido in actions, this module provides code samples used in the wiki

Last Version: 0.10.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.10.1

Release Date:

KaleidoFoundry jee6 extension

org.kaleidofoundry : kaleido-jee6

Java EE6 CDI integration for the injection of kaleido components

Last Version: 0.9.0

Release Date:

KaleidoFoundry cdi launcher extension

org.kaleidofoundry : kaleido-launcher

Benefit from CDI in an unmanaged environment like junit, tomcat, jetty, or java main program

Last Version: 0.9.0

Release Date:

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