mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId="" -DartifactId="my-app-id" -DdroolsVersion="My-droolsVersion" -Dslf4jVersion="My-slf4jVersion" -DjunitVersion="My-junitVersion" -DpomEclipseCompatible="My-pomEclipseCompatible" -DexampleWithCEP="My-exampleWithCEP" -DarchetypeGroupId="org.kie" -DarchetypeArtifactId="kie-drools-archetype" -DarchetypeVersion="8.20.0.Beta" -DinteractiveMode=false
License |
License |
GroupId | GroupIdorg.kie |
ArtifactId | ArtifactIdkie-drools-archetype |
Version | Version8.20.0.Beta |
Type | Typemaven-archetype |
Description |
DescriptionKIE :: Drools Maven Archetype
A basic kjar template with Drools rule example, JUnit 4 and logging binding.
Use property droolsVersion to specify which version of Drools to use in generated kjar.
Use property exampleWithCEP for a CEP rule example and related JUnit test case.
Use property pomEclipseCompatible for pom-plug-in settings for Eclipse (will setup org.eclipse.m2e lifecycle-mapping plug-in).
Project URL |
Project URL |
Project Organization |
Project OrganizationJBoss by Red Hat |
mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=<> -DartifactId=<my-app> -DarchetypeGroupId=org.kie -DarchetypeArtifactId=kie-drools-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=8.20.0.Beta -DinteractiveMode=false