Project Group: org.mapfish.print


org.mapfish.print : print-lib

Library for generating PDFs and images from online webmapping services

Last Version: 3.22.0

Release Date:


org.mapfish.print : print-servlet

Web application for generating PDFs and images from online webmapping services

Last Version: 3.22.0

Release Date:


org.mapfish.print : print-standalone

Application for generating PDFs and images from online webmapping services. All dependencies are included

Last Version: 3.22.0

Release Date:


org.mapfish.print : print-cli

Application for generating PDFs and images from online webmapping services. All dependencies are included

Last Version: 3.18.2

Release Date:


org.mapfish.print : print-deb

Debian package containing Web-application for generating PDFs and images from online webmapping services.

Last Version: 3.16.1

Release Date:

  • 1