MockServer Example

An example project demonstration tests using the mock server and proxy







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MockServer Example
An example project demonstration tests using the mock server and proxy
Project URL

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Download mockservice-examples

How to add to project

<!-- -->
implementation 'org.mock-server:mockservice-examples:2.3'
implementation ("org.mock-server:mockservice-examples:2.3")
<dependency org="org.mock-server" name="mockservice-examples" rev="2.3">
  <artifact name="mockservice-examples" type="war" />
@Grab(group='org.mock-server', module='mockservice-examples', version='2.3')
libraryDependencies += "org.mock-server" % "mockservice-examples" % "2.3"
[org.mock-server/mockservice-examples "2.3"]


compile (23)

Group / Artifact Type Version
org.mock-server : mockserver-jetty jar 2.3
org.mock-server : mockserver-client jar 2.3
org.mock-server : mockserver-core jar 2.3
org.eclipse.jetty : jetty-http jar 9.1.0.v20131115
org.eclipse.jetty : jetty-server jar 9.1.0.v20131115
org.eclipse.jetty : jetty-client jar 9.1.0.v20131115
org.eclipse.jetty : jetty-util jar 9.1.0.v20131115
org.apache.httpcomponents : httpclient jar 4.3.1
org.apache.httpcomponents : httpcore jar 4.3.1 : jar 2.0
org.glassfish.jersey.core : jersey-client jar 2.5.1 : jersey-media-json-jackson jar 2.5.1
org.glassfish.grizzly : grizzly-http-client jar 1.6
com.ning : async-http-client jar 1.7.22
org.glassfish.jersey.connectors : jersey-apache-connector jar 2.5.1
org.freemarker : freemarker jar 2.3.18
org.codehaus.jackson : jackson-mapper-asl jar 1.9.12
javax.annotation : javax.annotation-api jar 1.2
org.springframework : spring-core jar 3.2.5.RELEASE
org.springframework : spring-context jar 3.2.5.RELEASE
org.springframework : spring-context-support jar 3.2.5.RELEASE
org.springframework : spring-web jar 3.2.5.RELEASE
org.springframework : spring-webmvc jar 3.2.5.RELEASE

provided (1)

Group / Artifact Type Version
javax.servlet : javax.servlet-api jar 3.1.0

runtime (5)

Group / Artifact Type Version
org.slf4j : slf4j-api jar 1.7.5
org.slf4j : slf4j-jcl jar 1.7.5
org.slf4j : slf4j-log4j12 jar 1.7.5
org.slf4j : slf4j-jdk14 jar 1.7.5
ch.qos.logback : logback-classic jar 1.0.13

test (5)

Group / Artifact Type Version
org.jsoup : jsoup jar 1.7.2
junit : junit jar 4.11
org.springframework : spring-test jar 3.2.5.RELEASE
org.mockito : mockito-all jar 1.9.5
org.hamcrest : hamcrest-core jar 1.3

Project Modules

There are no modules declared in this project.

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Please see: Change Log


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Maven Central mockserver

Maven Central contains the following MockServer artifacts:

In addition MockServer SNAPSHOT artifacts can also be found on Sonatype.

Node Module & Grunt Plugin

NPM Registry contains the following module:

Docker Hub

Docker Hub contains the following artifacts:

Helm Chart
MockServer Clients
Previous Versions
Version Date Git & Docker Tag / Git Hash Documentation Java API REST API
5.11.2 08 Nov 2020 mockserver-5.11.2 / eb84f2 Documentation Java API 5.11.x REST API
5.11.1 22 Jul 2020 mockserver-5.11.1 / 361e5c Documentation Java API 5.11.x REST API
5.11.0 08 Jul 2020 mockserver-5.11.0 / 756758 Documentation Java API 5.11.x REST API
5.10.0 24 Mar 2020 mockserver-5.10.0 / 14124d Documentation Java API 5.10.x REST API
5.9.0 01 Feb 2020 mockserver-5.9.0 / eacf07 Documentation Java API 5.9.x REST API
5.8.1 23 Dec 2019 mockserver-5.8.1 / f0e9ab Documentation Java API 5.8.x REST API
5.8.0 01 Dec 2019 mockserver-5.8.0 / 7c9fc5 Documentation Java API 5.8.x REST API
5.7.2 16 Nov 2019 mockserver-5.7.2 / 7c9fc5 Documentation Java API 5.7.x REST API
5.7.1 09 Nov 2019 mockserver-5.7.1 / 0ca353 Documentation Java API 5.7.x REST API
5.7.0 01 Nov 2019 mockserver-5.7.0 / b58bc5 Documentation Java API 5.7.x REST API
5.6.1 21 Jul 2019 mockserver-5.6.1 / aec1fb Documentation Java API 5.6.x REST API
5.6.0 21 Jun 2019 mockserver-5.6.0 / 8f82dc Documentation Java API 5.6.x REST API
5.5.4 26 Apr 2019 mockserver-5.5.4 / 4ffd31 Documentation Java API 5.5.x REST API
5.5.1 29 Dec 2018 mockserver-5.5.1 / 11d8a9 Documentation Java API 5.5.x REST API
5.5.0 15 Nov 2018 mockserver-5.5.0 / 06e6fd Documentation Java API 5.5.x REST API
5.4.1 20 Jun 2018 mockserver-5.4.1 / 7cd5de Documentation Java API 5.4.x REST API
5.3.0 25 Dec 2017 mockserver-5.3.0 / ad62bb Documentation Java API 5.2.x REST API
5.2.3 17 Dec 2017 mockserver-5.2.3 / e81c53 Documentation Java API 5.2.x REST API
5.2.2 12 Dec 2017 mockserver-5.2.2 / b47090 Documentation Java API 5.2.x REST API
5.2.1 11 Dec 2017 mockserver-5.2.1 / 834ec8 Documentation Java API 5.2.x REST API
5.2.0 10 Dec 2017 mockserver-5.2.0 / ccb4d2 Documentation Java API 5.2.x REST API
5.1.1 06 Dec 2017 mockserver-5.1.1 / 664afb Documentation Java API 5.1.x REST API
5.1.0 05 Dec 2017 mockserver-5.1.0 / bbdda1 Documentation Java API 5.1.x REST API
5.0.1 05 Dec 2017 mockserver-5.0.1 / 975fb8 Documentation Java API 5.0.x REST API
5.0.0 04 Dec 2017 mockserver-5.0.0 / ed5d13 Documentation Java API 5.0.x REST API
4.1.0 30 Nov 2017 mockserver-4.1.0 / 4e37b2 Documentation Java API 4.x.x REST API
4.0.0 28 Nov 2017 mockserver-4.0.0 / 8b2455 Documentation Java API 4.x.x REST API


If you have any problems, please check the project issues and avoid opening issues that have already been fixed. When you open an issue please provide the following information:

  • MockServer version (i.e. 5.11.2)
  • How your running the MockServer (i.e maven plugin, docker, etc)
  • MockServer log output, at INFO level (or higher)
  • What the error is
  • What you are trying to do


Pull requests are, of course, very welcome! Please read our contributing to the project guide first. Then head over to the open issues to see what we need help with. Make sure you let us know if you intend to work on something. Also check out Trello Backlog to see what is already in the backlog.

Feature Requests

Feature requests are submitted to github issues. Once accepted they will be added to the backlog. Please check out Trello Backlog to see what is already in the backlog.


