Project Group: org.notima.generic.businessobjects.adapter

Business Object Adapters

org.notima.generic.businessobjects.adapter : businessObjectAdapters

A collection of adapters used to convert between ERP:s and common format

Last Version: 1.8.11

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.8.11

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.8.11

Release Date:

Fortnox Business Objects Adapter

org.notima.generic.businessobjects.adapter : fortnoxAdapter

Adapter to convert Fortnox data to the common format found on

Last Version: 1.8.11

Release Date:

UBL for Business Objects

org.notima.generic.businessobjects.adapter : ublAdapter

A collection of adapters used to convert between ERP:s and common format

Last Version: 1.8.11

Release Date:

Notima Ratepay Report Adapter

org.notima.generic.businessobjects.adapter : ratepayReportAdapter

A collection of adapters used to convert between ERP:s and common format

Last Version: 1.8.11

Release Date:

Email Sender

org.notima.generic.businessobjects.adapter : emailAdapter

A collection of adapters used to convert between ERP:s and common format

Last Version: 1.8.11

Release Date:

Notima Jasper Report Adapter

org.notima.generic.businessobjects.adapter : jasperReportAdapter

Adapter to convert Business Objects Data to Jasper Reports

Last Version: 1.8.11

Release Date:

Excel Adapter

org.notima.generic.businessobjects.adapter : excelAdapter

Converts to and from Excel and other spreadsheet formats

Last Version: 1.8.11

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.8.11

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.8.11

Release Date:

BusinessObjects CSV Adapter

org.notima.generic.businessobjects.adapter : csvAdapter

Adapter to convert CSV data to the common format found on

Last Version: 1.8.11

Release Date:

ADempiere Adapter

org.notima.generic.businessobjects.adapter : adempiereAdapter

Adapter that connects directly to ADempiere database.

Last Version: 1.8.11

Release Date:

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