Project Group: org.omnaest.i18nbinder

i18nBinder-core module

org.omnaest.i18nbinder : i18nbinder-core

Converts a whole i18n properties folder into a xls file and merge it back to the properties file

Last Version: 0.1.17

Release Date:

i18nBinder-parent module

org.omnaest.i18nbinder : i18nbinder-parent

Converts a whole i18n properties folder into a xls file and merge it back to the properties file

Last Version: 0.1.17

Release Date:

i18nbinder-maven-plugin Maven Mojo

org.omnaest.i18nbinder : i18nbinder-maven-plugin

Converts a whole i18n properties folder into a xls file and merge it back to the properties file

Last Version: 0.1.17

Release Date:

i18nbinder-maven-plugin test

org.omnaest.i18nbinder : i18nbinder-maven-plugin-test

Converts a whole i18n properties folder into a xls file and merge it back to the properties file

Last Version: 0.1.17

Release Date:

i18nBinder-ant module

org.omnaest.i18nbinder : i18nbinder-ant

Converts a whole i18n properties folder into a xls file and merge it back to the properties file

Last Version: 0.1.17

Release Date:

i18nbinder-maven-plugin test

org.omnaest.i18nbinder : maven-i18nbinder-plugin-test

Converts a whole i18n properties folder into a xls file and merge it back to the properties file

Last Version: 0.1.15

Release Date:

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