Project Group: org.opendatadiscovery

Adapter Server Contract

org.opendatadiscovery : adapter-contract-server

Adapter Server Contract defines OpenDataDiscovery APIs and models for Java pull adapters

Last Version: 0.1.14

Release Date:

Ingestion Contract Client

org.opendatadiscovery : ingestion-contract-client

Ingestion Contract Client defines OpenDataDiscovery APIs and models for HTTP Java client

Last Version: 0.1.14

Release Date:

Ingestion Contract Server

org.opendatadiscovery : ingestion-contract-server

Ingestion Contract Server defines OpenDataDiscovery APIs and models for receiving ingestion data

Last Version: 0.1.14

Release Date:

Java ODDRN Generator

org.opendatadiscovery : oddrn-generator-java

OpenDataDiscovery Resource Name generator for Java

Last Version: 0.1.10

Release Date:

ODD Platform Ingestion Contract

org.opendatadiscovery : odd-platform-ingestion-contract

ODD Platform Java package with OpenDataDiscovery models and APIs

Last Version: 0.1.1

Release Date:

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