'd6' is a java library for Lightweight O/R mapper with ease of use
It is licensed under MIT License.
Quick Start
Generate O/R mapping Model classes
Step1.Create Database on MySQL 5.7
show databases;
create database if not exists test_db;
use test_db;
CREATE TABLE article (
site_id INT NOT NULL ,
published_at TIMESTAMP ,
updated_at TIMESTAMP ,
title VARCHAR(255) NULL ,
description TEXT NULL ,
content TEXT NULL ,
fulltext_col TEXT AS (CONCAT(title, ' ', description,' ', content)) STORED ,
author VARCHAR(255) ,
category VARCHAR(255) ,
FULLTEXT INDEX full_text_index (fulltext_col)
) COLLATE='utf8_bin' ENGINE=InnoDB;
Step2.Show description of the table
The description of your table is like below.
mysql> desc article;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| entry_id | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL | |
| site_id | int(11) | NO | | NULL | |
| published_at | timestamp | NO | | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP |
| updated_at | timestamp | NO | | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | |
| title | varchar(255) | YES | | NULL | |
| link | text | YES | | NULL | |
| description | text | YES | | NULL | |
| content | text | YES | | NULL | |
| fulltext_col | text | YES | MUL | NULL | STORED GENERATED |
| author | varchar(255) | YES | | NULL | |
| category | varchar(255) | YES | | NULL | |
Step3.Generate model classes
Write like below to get a java source code(model class) for that table.
import org.riversun.d6.predev.D6JavaModelGen4MySQL;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
D6JavaModelGen4MySQL generator = new D6JavaModelGen4MySQL();
String text=
"mysql> desc article;"+"\n"+
"| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |"+"\n"+
"| entry_id | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL | |"+"\n"+
"| site_id | int(11) | NO | | NULL | |"+"\n"+
"| published_at | timestamp | NO | | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP |"+"\n"+
"| updated_at | timestamp | NO | | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | |"+"\n"+
"| title | varchar(255) | YES | | NULL | |"+"\n"+
"| link | text | YES | | NULL | |"+"\n"+
"| description | text | YES | | NULL | |"+"\n"+
"| content | text | YES | | NULL | |"+"\n"+
"| fulltext_col | text | YES | MUL | NULL | STORED GENERATED |"+"\n"+
"| author | varchar(255) | YES | | NULL | |"+"\n"+
"| category | varchar(255) | YES | | NULL | |"+"\n"+
String modelClasses = generator.generateModelClass(text);
Step4.Run to generate source code
Now, you can get the source code like this.
import org.riversun.d6.D6Model;
import org.riversun.d6.annotation.DBColumn;
import org.riversun.d6.annotation.DBTable;
public class Article implements D6Model
@DBColumn(columnName="entry_id", columnType="int(11)", isNullable=false, isPrimaryKey=true)
public Integer entryId;
@DBColumn(columnName="site_id", columnType="int(11)", isNullable=false)
public Integer siteId;
@DBColumn(columnName="published_at", columnType="timestamp", isNullable=false)
public java.sql.Timestamp publishedAt;
@DBColumn(columnName="updated_at", columnType="timestamp", isNullable=false)
public java.sql.Timestamp updatedAt;
@DBColumn(columnName="title", columnType="varchar(255)")
public String title;
@DBColumn(columnName="link", columnType="text")
public String link;
@DBColumn(columnName="description", columnType="text")
public String description;
@DBColumn(columnName="content", columnType="text")
public String content;
@DBColumn(columnName="fulltext_col", columnType="text")
public String fulltextCol;
@DBColumn(columnName="author", columnType="varchar(255)")
public String author;
@DBColumn(columnName="category", columnType="varchar(255)")
public String category;
Create DB connection class
import org.riversun.d6.DBConnInfo;
public class DBDef {
public static final String JDBC_DRIVER = "com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver";
public static final String DATABASE_URL = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/";
public static final String USER = "root";
public static final String PASS = "root_password";
public static final String DBNAME = "test_db";
public static final String OPTION="?characterEncoding=UTF-8&serverTimezone=UTC";
public static DBConnInfo createDBConnInfo() {
DBConnInfo dbConnInfo = new DBConnInfo();
dbConnInfo.DBDriver = JDBC_DRIVER;
dbConnInfo.DBUser = USER;
dbConnInfo.DBPassword = PASS;
return dbConnInfo;
Create DAO(Data Access Object) class
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import org.riversun.d6.DBConnInfo;
import org.riversun.d6.core.D6Crud;
import org.riversun.d6.core.D6Inex;
import org.riversun.d6.core.D6Logger;
public class ExampleDao {
public static void main(String[] args) {
D6Logger.DEBUG = true;
ExampleDao dao = new ExampleDao();
Article article = new Article();
article.entryId = 0;
article.siteId = 0;
article.publishedAt = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());
article.updatedAt = article.publishedAt;
article.title = "my title";
article.link = "http://www.google.com";
article.description = "some descriptions";
article.content = "some contents";
article.author = "foo";
article.category = "bar";
* Do Select
* @return
public Article[] getArticles() {
final D6Crud crud = getCrud();
final Article[] result = (Article[]) crud.execSelectTable(
"SELECT * FROM article",
return result;
* Do Insert
* @param article
* @return
public boolean addArticle(Article article) {
final D6Crud crud = getCrud();
// Specify a column name not to be included at the time of update
final D6Inex inclusiveExclusive = new D6Inex();
final boolean isSuccess = crud.execInsert(new Article[] { article }, inclusiveExclusive);
return isSuccess;
private D6Crud mCrud = null;
* Returns CRUD object to operate the RDBMS
* @return
private D6Crud getCrud() {
if (mCrud == null) {
final DBConnInfo dbConnInfo = DBDef.createDBConnInfo();
mCrud = new D6Crud(dbConnInfo);
return mCrud;
See javadoc as follows.
- Add dependencies to maven pom.xml file.