Project Group: org.sonatype.flexmojos

Last Version: 4.2-beta

Release Date:

Flexmojos Maven Plugin

org.sonatype.flexmojos : flexmojos-maven-plugin

With this maven plugin Flex3/AS3 sources can be compiled into a SWC or SWF package.

Last Version: 4.2-beta

Release Date:

Flexmojos Common Matcher

org.sonatype.flexmojos : flexmojos-common-matchers

A set of Hamcrest matcher to help filtering Maven Artifacts

Last Version: 4.0-beta-1

Release Date:

Flexmojos Super poms

org.sonatype.flexmojos : flexmojos-super-poms

Work around to get super poms installed/deployed automatically

Last Version: 4.0-pre-alpha-1

Release Date:

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