
WebJar for angular-screenmatch





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WebJar for angular-screenmatch
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How to add to project

<!-- -->
implementation 'org.webjars.bower:angular-screenmatch:1.0.1'
implementation ("org.webjars.bower:angular-screenmatch:1.0.1")
<dependency org="org.webjars.bower" name="angular-screenmatch" rev="1.0.1">
  <artifact name="angular-screenmatch" type="jar" />
@Grab(group='org.webjars.bower', module='angular-screenmatch', version='1.0.1')
libraryDependencies += "org.webjars.bower" % "angular-screenmatch" % "1.0.1"
[org.webjars.bower/angular-screenmatch "1.0.1"]


There are no dependencies for this project. It is a standalone project that does not depend on any other jars.

Project Modules

There are no modules declared in this project.


Simple Angular API for performing screen size related tasks.

  • a single resize listener on the window for optimal performance
  • ngIf style directive
  • bind variables to always reflect screen size
  • bind callbacks to fire on screen change
  • execute one time tasks like loading data
  • create custom rules or extend and use predefined sets
  • Bootstrap 3 support



bower install angular-screenmatch

Or get the minified script from /dist.

<script src='/path/to/your/modules/angular-screenmatch.min.js'></script>

The matchMedia polyfill is included and will be injected automatically into legacy browsers (<IE10)

Declare module as a dependency
angular.module('yourmodule', ['angular.screenmatch']);
Inject screenmatch into a Controller
angular.controller('YourController', function(screenmatch) {
    screenmatch.once('sm', function () {
        console.log('we logged a match to sm!');


Using the Directive

The directive is super easy to use. Just assign a string that you want it to watch, and it will behave like ngIf.

<div asm-screen="md, lg">
    <p>I will only appear on medium and large screens!</p>

In a Controller


Assign a variable to bind to get an object that has two properties. The first is active, which always reflects the truthiness of the string passed in.

$scope.portable = screenmatch.bind('xs, sm', $scope);

$ === true; //true if the screen is xs or sm

if ($ {

The second property is unbind() which you can call to stop the variable updating.

$scope.portable.unbind(); //now I no longer react to changes!

The $scope argument that's initially passed in to bind is the scope you want to bind a resize listener too. When that scope is destroyed, the listener will deregister. You can omit this argument and it will listen on $rootScope indefinitely instead, or until you cancel it using unbind.

Check out the section on how resize events are handled for more information on listeners.


If you only want to run some code when a screen size is initially matched, execute it in the callback for once. This is great for things like loading data from a backend.

screenmatch.once('lg', function () {

once attempts to find a match on load and if it fails, registers a listener which will check conditions each time the screen resizes. Whenever a match is found, the callback is executed, and the listener is deregistered.


If you want to run code every time a screen size is matched, execute it in the callback for when. Optionally you can pass in a second callback which will execute when the screen size is unmatched again.

screenmatch.when('lg', function () {
}, function () {

On load, a match (or unmatch) will be made, and the appropriate callback will execute. It won't run again unless the truthiness of the match changes - so no need to worry about multiple callbacks firing on every screen resize.

If you need to deregister when manually, you can assign it to a variable and then call cancel().

var stuff = screenmatch.when('lg', function () {
    doStuff(); //will do stuff every time large gets matched

stuff.cancel() // does nothing now

If you don't care about resize events and just want to check the screen size on load, you can use is for a one time binding.

var smallScreen ='sm, xs');
if (smallScreen) {

Just remember that is will not update if the screen is resized.

How resize events are handled

A single event listener is added to $window which broadcasts resize events using $rootScope.$broadcast. The broadcast is wrapped in an $interval with a configurable debounce setting, to delay firing it when the window resizes.

This prevents having to bind an event listener to $window every time a directive is used or an angular binding is made. Instead, scope is passed as an argument to the screenmatch functions and a listener is registered using scope.$on. The listener will deregister whenever the scope is destroyed.

To create a permanent listener, the scope argument can be omitted from any function and it will default to listening on $rootScope. Be careful to unregister any listeners you don't need if you use this feature.

You can hook into the $broadcast event anywhere else in your project by registering your own listener. See the docs for more info.

scope.$on('screenmatch::resize', function () {

The $window event listener can be disabled during configuration if you don't want to use it. Doing this will prevent screenmatch from dynamically updating after the initial load. It is not recommended unless you only want to calculate the screen size on load.


All of the configuration options are set in the angular module config block by injecting screenmatchConfigProvider. If they are not set, the defaults are used.

Configure Rules

There are several ways to customise the rules used to match against.

Predefined rules.

To use a predefined set of rules, assign a string to screenmatchConfigProvider.config.rules.

    .config(function(screenmatchConfigProvider) {
        screenmatchConfigProvider.config.rules = 'matchmedia';

There are currently two predefined sets, bootstrap for Bootstrap 3, or matchmedia for matchMedia devices.

bootstrap : {
    lg: '(min-width: 1200px)',
    md: '(min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199px)',
    sm: '(min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px)',
    xs: '(max-width: 767px)'

matchmedia : {
    print : 'print',
    screen : 'screen',
    phone : '(max-width: 767px)',
    tablet : '(min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px)',
    desktop : '(min-width: 992px)',
    portrait : '(orientation: portrait)',
    landscape : '(orientation: landscape)'

The default is Bootstrap 3.

Custom rules

To use a custom set of rules, assign an object instead. The values must be strings, to match against CSS media queries.

.config(function(screenmatchConfigProvider) {
    screenmatchConfigProvider.config.rules = {
        tiny : '(max-width: 320px)',
        phablet : '(min-width: 321px) and (max-width: 991px)',
        standard : '(min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1280px)',
        big: '(min-width: 1281px)'
Add rules

If you want to add rules to one of the predefined sets, use screenmatchConfigProvider.config.extrarules. Assign a valid object and the rules will be added to whichever set is in use.

.config(function(screenmatchConfigProvider) {
    screenmatchConfigProvider.config.extrarules = {
        //added to default bootstrap set
        xl : '(min-width: 1600px)'

Configure the resize broadcast


To set the delay between the window resizing and the broadcast, use screenmatchConfigProvider.config.debounce. Assign an int for a delay in ms. The default is 250.

.config(function(screenmatchConfigProvider) {
    screenmatchConfigProvider.config.debounce = 500;
Disable the event listener

To disable binding the $window resize event listener, and any related functionality, use screenmatchConfigProvider.config.nobind.

.config(function(screenmatchConfigProvider) {
    screenmatchConfigProvider.config.nobind = true;


Checks a list of values for matchmedia truthiness. Only triggers once, on load.


String containing a comma separated list of values to match.


True if any of the values is a match, else False.

screenmatch.bind(string[, scope])

Watches a list of values for matchmedia truthiness. Returns an object with methods to observe and cancel the watch.


String containing a comma separated list of values to match.

Scope to register the listener on. Defaults to $rootScope if omitted.


Object with two properties: is True if any of the values is a match, else False.

Object.unbind() to stop listening to resize events.

screenmatch.once(string, callback[, scope])

Watches a list of values for matchmedia truthiness. Executes a callback when it finds a match, then stops watching. The callback will only execute once.


String containing a comma separated list of values to watch.

Callback function to execute.

Scope to register the listener on. Defaults to $rootScope if omitted.


No return value. Callback will only execute on successful match.

screenmatch.when(string, true_callback[, false_callback, scope])

Watches a list of values for matchmedia truthiness. Executes a callback when it finds a match. Optionally executes a second callback when it unmatches. Returns an object with method to cancel the watch.


String containing a comma separated list of values to match.

True Callback to execute on succesful match.

False Callback to execute on unmatch (optional)

Scope to register the listener on. Defaults to $rootScope if omitted.


Object with one property:

Object.cancel() to stop listening to resize events and stop executing callbacks

