
WebJar for stormpath





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WebJar for stormpath
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<!-- -->
implementation 'org.webjars.bower:github-com-stormpath-stormpath-widget:0.0.1'
implementation ("org.webjars.bower:github-com-stormpath-stormpath-widget:0.0.1")
<dependency org="org.webjars.bower" name="github-com-stormpath-stormpath-widget" rev="0.0.1">
  <artifact name="github-com-stormpath-stormpath-widget" type="jar" />
@Grab(group='org.webjars.bower', module='github-com-stormpath-stormpath-widget', version='0.0.1')
libraryDependencies += "org.webjars.bower" % "github-com-stormpath-stormpath-widget" % "0.0.1"
[org.webjars.bower/github-com-stormpath-stormpath-widget "0.0.1"]


There are no dependencies for this project. It is a standalone project that does not depend on any other jars.

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#Stormpath is Joining Okta We are incredibly excited to announce that Stormpath is joining forces with Okta. Please visit the Migration FAQs for a detailed look at what this means for Stormpath users.

We're available to answer all questions at [email protected].

Stormpath Widget

Add beautiful login, registration, and multi-factor authentication screens to your app in only a few lines of code! To get started, please signup for a free developer account at

๐ŸŽ  To see a live demo, please visit ๐ŸŽ

Table of contents


Ready to add authentication to your application? Simply add a reference to the Stormpath widget in your HTML code:

<script src=""></script>

The widget uses the Stormpath Client API to authenticate the user. Every Stormpath Application has a Client API domain, you can find the domain in the Stormpath Admin Console, under the application's "Policies" menu. Once you have obtained the URL, configure the widget in your front-end application:

  window.stormpath = new Stormpath({
    appUri: ''

You will need to tell Stormpath where your front-end application is running, by adding it's domain to the list of Authorized Origin URIs on your Stormpath Application. This can be done from the Stormpath Admin Console. For example, if you are developing on a local sever that runs your front-end app at http://localhost:3000, you need to add that URI to the list

If this is not done, you will see the error Origin 'http://localhost:3000' is therefore not allowed access. in the browser error log.

If you will be using social login, you will also need to add this URI to the list of Authorized Callback URIs, otherwise you will see the error Specified redirect_uri is not in the application's configured authorized callback uri's. when you attempt social login.


๐Ÿ’ก To see a full code example, check out our example application.

When you are ready to show the login view, just call stormpath.showLogin():

<button onclick="stormpath.showLogin()">Log in</button>

Similarly, to show the registration interface, call stormpath.showRegistration():

<button onclick="stormpath.showRegistration()">Create account</button>

When the user successfully authenticates, the widget emits an authenticated event. You can use this to update the page. For example, you could show a Log out button once the user logs in by adding this to your <script> tag:

stormpath.on('authenticated', function() {
  console.log('You\'re authenticated!');

  document.getElementById('logout-btn').style.display = 'block';

The Log out button would simply need to call stormpath.logout():

<button id="logout-btn" onclick="stormpath.logout()" style="display:none;">Log out</button>

To understand everything that the widget is capable of doing, keep reading!

Modal vs. container mode

By default, the widget will display a modal (pop-up) on your page. If you want, you can display the widget inside of an existing <div> or other DOM element on your page. To do this, pass a DOM node to the widget via the container parameter:

window.stormpath = new Stormpath({
  appUri: '',
  container: document.getElementById('widget')

You can remove the rendered elements from the DOM at any time by calling stormpath.remove().


The widget includes a set of default styles and templates that work out-of-the-box. If you want the widget to better match the existing look and feel of your site, you can override the styles, or provide your own templates.

Applying new styles

The templates rendered by the widget contain HTML elements marked with sp-* classes. You can override the styles on these classes to provide your own styling. For example,

<style type="text/css">
  .sp-login-component .sp-submit-btn {
    background-color: lightgreen;

This changes the color of the Log in button on the widget's Login interface to green.

If you need to make changes to the HTML elements themselves, you'll need to provide your own templates.

Customizing the templates

The views the widget renders are split up into logical components, e.g. login, registration, forgot password, and so on. Each one of these components has a default HTML template that can be replaced with your own HTML.

To specify a custom template, pass a templates hash when initializing the Stormpath object:

window.stormpath = new Stormpath({
  appUri: '',
  templates: {
    login: "<h1>Login form, yo! More HTML here.</h1>",

You can also pass a reference to an existing DOM node:

window.stormpath = new Stormpath({
  appUri: '',
  templates: {
    login: document.getElementById('my-custom-login-form'),

Elsewhere on the page, you can stash your template in a hidden <div>:

<div style="display: none;">
  <div id="my-custom-login-form">
    <h1>Login form, yo! More HTML here.</h1>

For each component, you can pass:

  • a string containing HTML
  • an existing DOM node containing elements
  • a function that resolves to a string or a DOM node

Under the hood, the widget uses the Rivets library for lightweight data binding. Your template code can make use of rv-* attributes to bind data and behavior. For examples, refer to the default components views.



new Stormpath(options)

Creates a new instance of the Stormpath widget, but doesn't show anything until invoked with a showXYZ method. The allowed options are:

  • appUri - The address of your web server or Stormpath application (like If left blank, the widget will attempt to connect to a server running on the current domain.
  • container - Pass a DOM element to render the widget to. If null, the widget will default to modal mode.
  • authStrategy - Either cookie, token. If null, the widget will automatically pick the best strategy to use (cookie when connecting to a server on the same domain, token when connecting cross-domain).

getAccount() Promise.<Account, Error>

Gets the user's Stormpath account object, if the user is currently logged in.

getAccessToken() Promise.<JwtString, Error>

Gets the user's current access token, if a user is currently logged in. This does not work in if the authStrategy is cookie, in that mode it is assumed that the cookies are not readable by JS (httpOnly). This is likely the case if you are using one of our framework integrations on your server.

logout() Promise.<null, Error>

Logs the user out, the access token and refresh tokens are revoked.


Shows the login interface.


Shows the registration interface.


Shows the password reset interface.


Trigger the last step of the password reset workflow. The widget fetches the sptoken from the URL if it's not passed explicitly.

To distinguish from email verification, we recommend that you set the Link Base URL of your directory to, and then invoke the widget like so:

if ((/#change-password/).test(window.location.href)) {


Shows the MFA flow for enrolling a specific factor. Available types are google-authenticator and sms.


Trigger the email verification workflow. This is used when the user is landing on your app after clicking the email verification link. The widget fetches the sptoken from the URL if it's not passed explicitly.

To distinguish from password reset, we recommend that you set the Link Base URL of your directory to, and then invoke the widget like so:

if ((/#verify/).test(window.location.href)) {


Removes the widget from the DOM. This is useful when you are rendering the widget to your own container element.


These are the events that are emitted from the Stormpath instance.

stormpath.on('loggedIn', function onLoggedIn() {
  console.log('User logged in!');


This event is either emitted directly when the Stormpath instance is created and a session is present, or after a user logs in.


This event is either emitted directly when the Stormpath instance is created and no session is present, or after a user logs out.


This event is emitted when a new account is created.


This event is emitted once a user logs in.


This event is emitted once a user logs out.


Want to submit a pull request or debug an issue? Please see the CONTRIBUTING document for more information on how to develop for this project.



