AngularJS service for communicating with endpoints described by swagger v1.2.
To use, include one of these files in your application:
- swagger-angular-client.js
- swagger-angular-client.js.min, a minified version (source map)
You may also bower install swagger-angular-client
to install using bower. Once you've included the script, you can include the swagger-client
module as a dependency to your existing application and use the swaggerClient service to generate api clients.
Schemas can be generated using fetch-swagger-schema.
Simple Example
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src="angular.js"></script>
<body ng-app="myApp" ng-cloak>
Pet: {{ pet.name || 'Loading...' }}
<script src="swagger-client.js"></script>
<!-- `petStoreSchema.js` exposes the JSON object generated by [fetch-swagger-schema] when run against http://petstore.swagger.wordnik.com/api/api-docs to the window as `PetStoreSchema` (see `examples/petStoreSchema.js`). -->
<script src="petStoreSchema.js"></script>
angular.module('myApp', ['swagger-client'])
.run(function($rootScope, swaggerClient){
var api = swaggerClient(PetStoreSchema);
api.pet.addPet({id: 1, name: 'Bob'}).then(function(){
return api.pet.getPetById(1);
$rootScope.pet = pet;
Real-world Example
'use strict';
// First, we need to define a provider for the api client, we'll call it 'myAPI'
['window', function(window){
var schema = window.API_SCHEMA,
// Override the base path to enable pointing to different backends
this.basePath = function(basePath){
api.apiDeclaration.basePath = basePath;
// Allows for setting the auth token during .config() phase of app start up.
this.auth = function(authToken){
auth = authToken;
// Instantiates the swagger-angular-client
this.$get = ['$rootScope', 'swaggerClient', function($rootScope, swaggerClient){
var api = swaggerClient(schema);
// Handle any future api token changes
$rootScope.$on('api token changed', function($event, authToken){
return api;
// Now we'll configure myAPI during app start up by setting the auth token.
// You would decide where this token comes from. Maybe it's ok to embed directly
// in the code. Maybe it comes from a cookie. Maybe you don't even need auth.
// This all depends on your auth scheme.
.config(['myAPIProvider', function(myAPIProvider){
// Finally, we can start using myAPI in the application
.run(['myAPI', function(myAPI){
// This would be an application-specific call. In this example, we make an
// http request to a api endpoint to notify the metrics resource that the
// application has loaded.
time: Date.now()