Gantt Chart Add-on for Vaadin 8
Gantt is an UI component add-on for Vaadin 8.
You can read more about Gantt charts in general from here:
Download latest release jar from
Please use version 0.9.5 with Vaadin Framework 7.
List of features that are supported:
- Server side API allows to modify timeline options and step options like start/end date, caption, color and adding/removing steps
- adjustable timeline range
- timeline supports Hour, Day and Week resolutions
- modify step's start date and end date by dragging and moving the step (move and resize events)
- reorder steps by drag and dropping
- scrolling enabled horizontally and vertically for a large chart content
- scales the small timeline and content width up to fit in the space available
- Vaadin Table or Grid can be used as a row header, vertical scrolling is mirrored to the table/grid and vice versa
- background grid
- dynamically modifiable predecessor relations between steps
- sub-steps
- tooltips for steps
- touch support
- supports Valo theme
- current time indicator
Technical details:
- server side class name is Gantt, it extends AbstractComponent
- client side connector class name is GanttConnector
- client side widgets (pure GWT) are
- GanttWidget: main widget that GanttConnector uses, extends ComplexPanel
- TimelineWidget: standalone widget representing timeline.
- AbstractStepWidget: extends ComplexPanel
- StepWidget
- SubStepWidget
- SvgArrowWidget
Tested to work with following browsers:
- IE 11
- Edge
- Firefox
- Chrome
- Safari
Online demo available @
Code can be found under /gantt-demo folder.
Building and running demo
- git clone
- mvn clean install
- cd gantt-demo
- mvn jetty:run
To see the demo, navigate to http://localhost:8080/gantt-demo
License & Author
Add-on is distributed under Apache License 2.0. For license terms, see LICENSE.txt.
Gantt is written by Tomi Virtanen