
WebJar for blueprint-monorepo



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WebJar for blueprint-monorepo
Project URL

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Source Code Management

Source Code Management

Download github-com-palantir-blueprint

How to add to project

<!-- -->
implementation 'org.webjars.npm:github-com-palantir-blueprint:1.27.0'
implementation ("org.webjars.npm:github-com-palantir-blueprint:1.27.0")
<dependency org="org.webjars.npm" name="github-com-palantir-blueprint" rev="1.27.0">
  <artifact name="github-com-palantir-blueprint" type="jar" />
@Grab(group='org.webjars.npm', module='github-com-palantir-blueprint', version='1.27.0')
libraryDependencies += "org.webjars.npm" % "github-com-palantir-blueprint" % "1.27.0"
[org.webjars.npm/github-com-palantir-blueprint "1.27.0"]


compile (83)

Group / Artifact Type Version
org.webjars.npm : del jar [3.0.0,4)
org.webjars.npm : react-dom jar [15.5.1,16)
org.webjars.npm : highlights jar [3.0.1,4)
org.webjars.npm : source-map-loader jar [0.2.1,0.3)
org.webjars.npm : vinyl-source-stream jar [1.1.0,2)
org.webjars.npm » string-replace-loader jar [1.3.0,2)
org.webjars.npm : gulp-insert jar [0.5.0,0.6)
org.webjars.npm : gulp jar [3.9.1,4)
org.webjars.npm : json-loader jar [0.5.4,0.6)
org.webjars.npm » karma-phantomjs-shim jar [1.4.0,2)
org.webjars.npm » karma-webpack jar [2.0.4,3)
org.webjars.npm : types__react jar 0.14.40
org.webjars.npm : stylelint-config-standard jar [17.0.0,18)
org.webjars.npm : types__react-addons-css-transition-group jar 0.14.17
org.webjars.npm : gulp-sass jar [3.1.0,4)
org.webjars.npm : react jar [15.5.1,16)
org.webjars.npm » gulp-load-plugins jar [1.5.0,2)
org.webjars.npm » github-com-atom-language-less jar v0.33.0
org.webjars.npm : gulp-less jar [3.3.2,4)
org.webjars.npm : karma-sinon jar [1.0.5,2)
org.webjars.npm : karma-chrome-launcher jar [2.2.0,3)
org.webjars.npm : gulp-util jar [3.0.8,4)
org.webjars.npm : stylelint jar [8.0.0,9)
org.webjars.npm : karma-chai jar [0.1.0,0.2)
org.webjars.npm : gulp-replace jar [0.6.1,0.7)
org.webjars.npm : ts-loader jar [1.3.3,2)
org.webjars.npm : sinon jar [1.17.6,2)
org.webjars.npm : types__react-addons-transition-group jar 0.14.17
org.webjars.npm : run-sequence jar [2.0.0,3)
org.webjars.npm : marked jar [0.3.6,0.4)
org.webjars.npm : webpack jar [1.13.2,2)
org.webjars.npm : typescript jar [2.2.1,2.3)
org.webjars.npm : http-server jar [0.10.0,0.11)
org.webjars.npm : gulp-rename jar [1.2.2,2)
org.webjars.npm : istanbul-instrumenter-loader jar [0.2.0,0.3)
org.webjars.npm : types__dom4 jar 1.5.20
org.webjars.npm : phantomjs-prebuilt jar [2.1.14,3)
org.webjars.npm : gulp-postcss jar [7.0.0,8)
org.webjars.npm : postcss-url jar [7.1.1,8)
org.webjars.npm » stylelint-scss jar [1.5.1,2)
org.webjars.npm : karma-coverage jar [1.1.1,2)
org.webjars.npm » documentalist jar [0.0.6,0.0.7)
org.webjars.npm : chai jar [4.1.0,5)
org.webjars.npm : karma-firefox-launcher jar [1.0.1,2)
org.webjars.npm : mocha jar [3.4.2,4)
org.webjars.npm » gulp-count jar [0.3.0,0.4)
org.webjars.npm : autoprefixer jar [7.1.2,8)
org.webjars.npm : types__mocha jar 2.2.32
org.webjars.npm » gulp-stylelint jar [4.0.0,5)
org.webjars.npm : tslint jar [4.5.1,5)
org.webjars.npm » types__enzyme jar 2.8.0
org.webjars.npm » node-sass-package-importer jar [3.0.4,4)
org.webjars.npm : karma-sourcemap-loader jar [0.3.7,0.4)
org.webjars.npm : types__classnames jar 0.0.31
org.webjars.npm : types__chai jar 3.5.2
org.webjars.npm : gulp-sourcemaps jar [2.6.0,3)
org.webjars.npm : enzyme jar [2.9.1,3)
org.webjars.npm » types__assertion-error jar 1.0.30
org.webjars.npm : lerna jar [2.0.0,3)
org.webjars.npm » tslint-react jar [2.4.0,3)
org.webjars.npm : karma-mocha-reporter jar [2.2.3,3)
org.webjars.npm : sorted-object jar [2.0.1,3)
org.webjars.npm : types__react-dom jar 15.5.0
org.webjars.npm : karma-phantomjs-launcher jar [1.0.4,2)
org.webjars.npm : types__tether jar 1.1.27
org.webjars.npm » npm-run-all jar [4.0.2,5)
org.webjars.npm » github-com-wmeldon-better-handlebars jar v0.1.1
org.webjars.npm » gulp-mocha jar [4.3.1,5)
org.webjars.npm : gulp-connect jar [5.0.0,6)
org.webjars.npm : karma-mocha jar [1.3.0,2)
org.webjars.npm » ts-quick-docs jar [0.5.1,0.6)
org.webjars.npm » gulp-typescript jar [3.2.1,4)
org.webjars.npm » github-com-giladgray-language-typescript jar 10.1.15
org.webjars.npm » stylelint-config-palantir jar [2.1.0,3)
org.webjars.npm : karma jar [1.7.0,2)
org.webjars.npm » types__pure-render-decorator jar 0.2.27
org.webjars.npm » gulp-tslint jar [7.1.0,8)
org.webjars.npm : react-test-renderer jar [15.5.4,16)
org.webjars.npm » gulp-strip-css-comments jar [1.2.0,2)
org.webjars.npm : gulp-concat jar [2.6.1,3)
org.webjars.npm : postcss-import jar [10.0.0,11)
org.webjars.npm : lodash jar [4.17.4,5)
org.webjars.npm : merge-stream jar [1.0.1,2)

Project Modules

There are no modules declared in this project.

Blueprint CircleCI

Blueprint is a React-based UI toolkit for the web.

It is optimized for building complex, data-dense web interfaces for desktop applications which run in modern browsers and IE11. This is not a mobile-first UI toolkit.

Read the introductory blog post ▸

View the full documentation ▸

Try it out on CodeSandbox ▸

Read frequently asked questions (FAQ) on the wiki ▸


Blueprint's change log and migration guides for major versions live on the repo's Github wiki.


This repository contains multiple projects in the packages/ directory that fall into 3 categories:


These are the component libraries we publish to NPM.

  • npm – Core styles & components.
  • npm – Components for interacting with dates and times.
  • npm – Components for generating and displaying icons.
  • npm – Popover2 and Tooltip2 components.
  • npm – Components for selecting items from a list.
  • npm – Scalable interactive table component.
  • npm – Components for picking timezones.


These are hosted on GitHub Pages as static web applications:

  • docs-app – Documentation site at
  • landing-app – Landing page at

These are used as development playground environments:

  • table-dev-app – demo page that supports manual testing of all table features

Build tooling

These packages define development dependencies and contain build configuration. They adhere to the standard NPM package layout, which allows us to keep clear API boundaries for build configuration and isolate groups of devDependencies. They are published to NPM in order to allow other Blueprint-related projects to use this infrastructure outside this monorepo.

  • npm – Documentation theme for Documentalist data.
  • npm – ESLint configuration used in this repo and recommended for Blueprint-related projects
  • npm – implementations for custom ESLint rules which enforce best practices for Blueprint usage
  • npm
  • npm – various utility scripts for linting, working with CSS variables, and building icons
  • npm – various utility functions used in Blueprint test suites
  • npm – TSLint configuration used in this repo and recommended for Blueprint-related projects (should be installed by @blueprintjs/eslint-config, not directly)
  • npm


Looking for places to contribute to the codebase? First read the contribution guidelines, then check out the "help wanted" label.


Lerna manages inter-package dependencies in this monorepo. Builds are orchestrated via lerna run and NPM scripts.

Prerequisites: Node.js v12+, Yarn v1.22+

One-time setup

After cloning this repo, run:

  1. yarn to install all dependencies.
  2. If running on Windows:
    1. npm install -g windows-build-tools to install build tools globally
    2. Ensure bash is your configured script-shell by running:
      npm config set script-shell "C:\\Program Files\\git\\bin\\bash.exe"
  3. yarn verify to ensure you have all the build tooling working properly.

Incorporating upstream changes

If you were previously in a working state and have just pulled new code from develop:

  • If there were package dependency changes, run yarn at the root.
    • This command is very quick if there are no new things to install.
  • Run yarn compile to get the latest built versions of the library packages in this repo.
    • This command is quicker than yarn verify since it doesn't build the application packages (docs-app, landing-app, etc.) or run tests

Developing libraries

Run yarn dev from the root directory to watch changes across all packages and run the docs application with webpack-dev-server.

Alternately, each library has its own dev script to run the docs app and watch changes to just that package (and its dependencies): yarn dev:core, yarn dev:datetime, etc. One exception is table: since it has its own dev application, the dev:table script runs table-dev-app instead of the docs.

Updating documentation

Much of Blueprint's documentation lives inside source code as JSDoc comments in .tsx files and KSS markup in .scss files. This documentation is extracted and converted into static JSON data using documentalist.

If you are updating documentation sources (not the docs UI code which lives in packages/docs-app or the docs theme in packages/docs-theme), you'll need to run yarn compile from packages/docs-data to see changes reflected in the application. For simplicity, an alias script yarn docs-data exists in the root to minimize directory hopping.

Updating icons

The One-time setup and Incorporating upstream changes steps should produce the generated source code in this repo used to build the icons documentation. This is sufficient for most development workflows.

If you are updating icons or adding new ones, you'll need to run yarn compile in packages/icons to see those changes reflected before running any of the dev scripts.


This project is made available under the Apache 2.0 License.


Palantir Technologies

