This repo will no longer be maintained. Please see scss-resets. Along with normalize it also has other css resets all in one package.
This is simply a renamed normalize.css file, suitable for importing with npm and libsass directly. No changes have been made to the actual file.
Based on normalize.css version 8.0.1
npm install node-normalize-scss --save-dev
Stylesheet usage
Use either method above or for your chosen task runner (gulp.js, Grunt, etc.), then in your stylesheet:
@import "normalize";
gulp.js Usage
Using the gulp-sass plugin.
var gulp = require('gulp');
var sass = require('gulp-sass');
gulp.task('sass', function () {
// includePaths: require('node-normalize-scss').with('other/path', 'another/path')
// - or -
includePaths: require('node-normalize-scss').includePaths
Grunt Usage
Using grunt-sass
The grunt-sass task uses node-sass (LibSass) underneath, and is the recommended way to use Grunt with node-neat.
Example config:
sass: {
dist: {
options: {
// includePaths: require('node-normalize-scss').with('other/path', 'another/path')
// - or -
includePaths: require('node-normalize-scss').includePaths
files: {
'path/to/output.css': 'path/to/input.scss'