Project Group: org.wso2.carbon.identity

WSO2 Carbon - Cassandra based User Manager Module

org.wso2.carbon.identity : identity-userstore-cassandra

WSO2 is an open source application development software company focused on providing service-oriented architecture solutions for professional developers.

Last Version: 5.1.1

Release Date:

WSO2 Carbon - Platform Aggregator Pom

org.wso2.carbon.identity : identity-extension-parent

WSO2 is an open source application development software company focused on providing service-oriented architecture solutions for professional developers.

Last Version: 5.1.1-m3

Release Date:


org.wso2.carbon.identity : identity-event-handler-email

WSO2 is an open source application development software company focused on providing service-oriented architecture solutions for professional developers.

Last Version: 1.0.0-m2

Release Date:

WSO2 Carbon - Email Event Handler Aggregator Module

org.wso2.carbon.identity : event-handler-email

This is a Carbon bundle that represent the Email Event Handler Aggregator Module.

Last Version: 1.0.0-m2

Release Date:

WSO2 Carbon - Platform Aggregator Pom

org.wso2.carbon.identity : carbon-identity

WSO2 is an open source application development software company focused on providing service-oriented architecture solutions for professional developers.

Last Version: 5.0.8

Release Date:

WSO2 Carbon - Agents Aggregator Module

org.wso2.carbon.identity : agents

This is a Carbon bundle that represent the Agents Aggregator module.

Last Version: 5.0.8

Release Date:

WSO2 Carbon - Application Authenticators Aggregator Module

org.wso2.carbon.identity : application-authenticators

This is a Carbon bundle that represent the pplication Authenticators Aggregator module.

Last Version: 5.0.8

Release Date:

WSO2 Carbon - Application Authenticator Feature Aggregator Module

org.wso2.carbon.identity : application-authenticator-features

WSO2 is an open source application development software company focused on providing service-oriented architecture solutions for professional developers.

Last Version: 5.0.8

Release Date:

WSO2 Carbon - BasicAuth Application Autenticator Feature Aggregator Module

org.wso2.carbon.identity : basicauth-application-authenticator-feature

WSO2 is an open source application development software company focused on providing service-oriented architecture solutions for professional developers.

Last Version: 5.0.8

Release Date:

WSO2 Carbon - Basic Auth Request Path Application Autenticator Feature Aggregator Module

org.wso2.carbon.identity : basicauth-request-path-authenticator-feature

WSO2 is an open source application development software company focused on providing service-oriented architecture solutions for professional developers.

Last Version: 5.0.8

Release Date:

WSO2 Carbon - FIDO Application Autenticator Feature Aggregator Module

org.wso2.carbon.identity : fido-application-authenticator-feature

WSO2 is an open source application development software company focused on providing service-oriented architecture solutions for professional developers.

Last Version: 5.0.8

Release Date:

WSO2 Carbon - Agent Feature Aggregator Module

org.wso2.carbon.identity : Agent-feature

WSO2 is an open source application development software company focused on providing service-oriented architecture solutions for professional developers.

Last Version: 5.0.8

Release Date:

WSO2 Carbon - Authenticator Feature Aggregator Module

org.wso2.carbon.identity : authenticator-features

WSO2 is an open source application development software company focused on providing service-oriented architecture solutions for professional developers.

Last Version: 4.5.6

Release Date:

WSO2 Carbon - Claim Management Feature Aggregator Module

org.wso2.carbon.identity : claim-management-feature

WSO2 is an open source application development software company focused on providing service-oriented architecture solutions for professional developers.

Last Version: 4.5.6

Release Date:

WSO2 Carbon - Identity Provider Feature Aggregator Module

org.wso2.carbon.identity : identity-provider-feature

WSO2 is an open source application development software company focused on providing service-oriented architecture solutions for professional developers.

Last Version: 4.5.6

Release Date:

WSO2 Carbon - Identity Relying Party Feature Aggregator Module

org.wso2.carbon.identity : identity-relyingparty-feature

WSO2 is an open source application development software company focused on providing service-oriented architecture solutions for professional developers.

Last Version: 4.5.6

Release Date:

WSO2 Carbon - Application Autentication Framework Feature Aggregator Module

org.wso2.carbon.identity : application-authentication-framework-feature

WSO2 is an open source application development software company focused on providing service-oriented architecture solutions for professional developers.

Last Version: 4.5.6

Release Date:

WSO2 Carbon - Identity Provisioning Feature

org.wso2.carbon.identity : identity-provisioning-feature

WSO2 is an open source application development software company focused on providing service-oriented architecture solutions for professional developers.

Last Version: 4.5.6

Release Date:

WSO2 Carbon - Thrift Authentication Aggregate Feature

org.wso2.carbon.identity : identity-thrift-feature

WSO2 is an open source application development software company focused on providing service-oriented architecture solutions for professional developers.

Last Version: 4.5.6

Release Date:

WSO2 Carbon - Captcha Management Module

org.wso2.carbon.identity : captcha-mgt

This is a Carbon bundle that handles the captcha related functionalities.

Last Version: 4.5.2

Release Date:

WSO2 Carbon - Identity Authenticators

org.wso2.carbon.identity : identity.authenticators

This is a Carbon bundle that represent authenticators.

Last Version: 4.5.2

Release Date:

WSO2 Carbon - Facebook Application Autenticator Feature Aggregator Module

org.wso2.carbon.identity : facebook-application-authenticator-feature

WSO2 is an open source application development software company focused on providing service-oriented architecture solutions for professional developers.

Last Version: 4.5.2

Release Date:

WSO2 Carbon - Google OpenID Connect Application Authenticator Feature Aggregator Module

org.wso2.carbon.identity : google-oidc-application-authenticator-feature

WSO2 is an open source application development software company focused on providing service-oriented architecture solutions for professional developers.

Last Version: 4.5.2

Release Date:

WSO2 Carbon - Captcha Management Feature

org.wso2.carbon.identity : captcha-mgt-feature

WSO2 is an open source application development software company focused on providing service-oriented architecture solutions for professional developers.

Last Version: 4.5.2

Release Date:

WSO2 Carbon - Identity Aggregator Module

org.wso2.carbon.identity : identity

This is a Carbon bundle that represent the Identity module.

Last Version: 4.4.1

Release Date:

WSO2 Carbon - Identity Authorization Feature Aggregator Module

org.wso2.carbon.identity : identity-authorization-feature

WSO2 is an open source application development software company focused on providing service-oriented architecture solutions for professional developers.

Last Version: 4.4.1

Release Date:

WSO2 Carbon - Identity Feature Aggregator Module

org.wso2.carbon.identity : identity-features

WSO2 is an open source application development software company focused on providing service-oriented architecture solutions for professional developers.

Last Version: 4.4.0

Release Date:

WSO2 Carbon - Big data enabled Cassandra User Store Module

org.wso2.carbon.identity : cassandra-userstore

WSO2 is an open source application development software company focused on providing service-oriented architecture solutions for professional developers.

Last Version: 4.3.3

Release Date: