WYMIWYG Commons Core
Some utility classes. For example:
Allows to handle command line arguments by annotating an interface, e.g.
import org.wymiwyg.commons.util.arguments.CommandLine;
public interface MyAppArgs {
@CommandLine (
longName ="token",
shortName = "T",
required = true,
description = "The API-Token to access Service"
public String token();
@CommandLine (
longName ="supressExtensions",
shortName = "S",
required = false,
defaultValue = "true",
description = "Supress the file extensions"
And getting an instance implementing that interface with:
import org.wymiwyg.commons.util.arguments.ArgumentHandler;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
MyAppArgs arguments = ArgumentHandler.readArguments(MyAppArgs.class, args);