mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId="" -DartifactId="my-app-id" -DtestLibrary="My-testLibrary" -DcompilerMode="My-compilerMode" -DarchetypeGroupId="" -DarchetypeArtifactId="java8-quickstart-archetype" -DarchetypeVersion="1.0.0" -DinteractiveMode=false
License |
License |
GroupId | |
ArtifactId | ArtifactIdjava8-quickstart-archetype |
Version | Version1.0.0 |
Type | Typemaven-archetype |
Description |
Basic Java 8 archetype. Options:
-testLibrary: [junit, testng, none]. DEFAULT: junit. Adds the requested test library to the POM deps.
-compilerMode: [simple, test-only, retrolambda-main, retrolambda-all]. DEFAULT: simple.
--simple: everything is compiled as Java 8.
--test-only: set up test for Java 8, and main for Java 7.
--retrolambda-main: main code is compiled as Java 8, and then converted to Java 7 via retrolambda.
--retrolambda-all: all code is compiled as Java 8, and then converted to Java 7 via retrolambda.
NOTE: Retrolambda support provided "as is" - if you have any problems, please file a ticket on the GitHub page!
Project URL |
Project URL |
Source Code Management |
Source Code Management |
mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=<> -DartifactId=<my-app> -DarchetypeArtifactId=java8-quickstart-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=1.0.0 -DinteractiveMode=false