Projo Template Generation Tests

Projo is a Java library for reducing the amount of boiler-plate code that is necessary for implementing simple model objects and DTOs (including Value Objects and "POJOs").







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Projo Template Generation Tests
Projo is a Java library for reducing the amount of boiler-plate code that is necessary for implementing simple model objects and DTOs (including Value Objects and "POJOs").

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<!-- -->
implementation 'pro.projo:projo-template-generation-test:1.1.0'
implementation ("pro.projo:projo-template-generation-test:1.1.0")
<dependency org="pro.projo" name="projo-template-generation-test" rev="1.1.0">
  <artifact name="projo-template-generation-test" type="jar" />
@Grab(group='pro.projo', module='projo-template-generation-test', version='1.1.0')
libraryDependencies += "pro.projo" % "projo-template-generation-test" % "1.1.0"
[pro.projo/projo-template-generation-test "1.1.0"]


provided (1)

Group / Artifact Type Version
pro.projo : projo-template-generation jar 1.1.0

test (5)

Group / Artifact Type Version
pro.projo : projo-template-annotation jar 1.1.0
junit : junit jar 4.12
io.reactivex.rxjava2 : rxjava jar 2.1.14
commons-io : commons-io jar 2.6 : java-types jar 1.0.1

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Projo is a Java library for reducing the amount of boiler-plate code that is necessary for implementing simple model objects and DTOs (i.e., objects that don't contain any business logic). The name Projo is a portmanteau of Proxy and POJO.

You probably have written many classes like the following:

public class Person
    private String firstName;
    private String lastName;

    public String getFirstName()
        return firstName;

    public void setFirstName(String firstName)
        this.firstName = firstName;

    public String getLastName()
        return lastName;

    public void setLastName(String lastName)
        this.firstName = lastName;

Other languages, like Scala, for example, offer something called case classes that provide a very concise way of defining such a class, but in Java it is a lot of code (especially for a class that does essentially nothing). Even if you are not following DDD principles, an average software project can easily contain hundreds of these classes, accounting for thousands, if not ten-thousands, lines of code.

And by the way: did you notice the subtle bug in the code above? Check the setLastName(...) method. DTOs and POJOs may be simple classes, but they are still susceptible to bugs.

Projo offers a much simpler, more concise and less error-prone way of defining this kind of class. And it means a lot less typing for the developer.

Using Projo, the above code can be reduced to just a few lines of code:

public interface Person
    String getFirstName();
    void setFirstName(String firstName);
    String getLastName();
    void setLastName(String lastName);

But that's an interface! Every Java programmer knows that interfaces can't be instantiated. Who is going to implement that interface?

Yes, it's true, a simple new Person() won't do it anymore. Instead, you would use:

import static pro.projo.Projo.create;
    Person person = create(Person.class);

Projo will create a proxy object or generate an implementation class at runtime. This is similar to the mechanism that Mockito uses when creating mock objects, except Projo's getters and setters will be fully functional.

The above example is only the beginning: what about factories or builders for creating your objects? Also, if you want to safely use the objects as keys in a hash map you will need equals() and hashCode() methods. And what about a toString() method that actually produces readable information? Also, often times, a lot of the fields are mandatory and cannot be null or Optional, so you'll need more code to enforce that...

All this code is not only potentially a lot of typing, but it is also error-prone. Coding mistakes like the field mix-up in the example above are more common than you may think, but not always as easy to spot. An equals() method without a hashCode() method, or vice versa, is another common mistake. And even if both methods are present, that does not necessarily mean they were implemented correctly and in line with the hashCode/equals contract.

Projo completely removes the need for developers to ever again implement a getter, setter, hashCode, equals or toString method.

Still got questions? Please continue reading...


How do I use Projo in my project?

If you are using Maven, simply add these two dependencies to your POM:


The projo-runtime-code-generation dependency is technically optional, but highly recommended as it provides a way more efficient implementation. This dependency is not needed at compile-time, only at runtime. As a very minor down-side, Projo's runtime code generation brings in a transitive dependency on ByteBuddy.

If you are using a different build system, such as Gradle or SBT, please use the equivalent way to include the same dependency coordinates.

How does Projo relate to Project Lombok?

Project Lombok uses compile-time code generation to splice getters, setters, equals, etc., into your class files when you compile your sources. Generating code at compile time can be tricky and requires some hacks to get IDEs to recognize the generated code. Projo, on the other hand, does not use compile-time code generation, it uses runtime code-generation, so your class files will always directly correspond to the code that you wrote, and no hacky IDE integration is required. The downside of Projo (if you want to call it that), is that you need to change your code from using new Pojo() to create(Pojo.class), as shown above. Is Projo better than Lombok, or vice versa? No, not really either way, they are just different approaches to the same problem. Your mileage may vary.

The Projo library itself is built using some compile-time code generation (for example, to generate factory interfaces with varying numbers of parameters). For the basic features of Projo, as demonstrated above, no Projo code generation will take place at compile time of a project that includes Projo on its class path. However, Projo's compile-time code generation features, such as annotation-based "API scraping" of interfaces and enums, can be leveraged in combination with Projo's runtime features. Generating POJO or DTO interfaces based on some templated structure (e.g., an XML schema) and then have them automatically implemented at runtime is one example of such a combined use of compile-time and runtime features of Projo.

Does Projo support immutable objects?

Yes, Projo does support immutable objects. As immutable objects need to be fully initialized when they are created this requires the use of a factory or a builder.

To use a factory, simply add a static factory field to your Projo interface:

import pro.projo.doubles.Factory;
import static pro.projo.Projo.creates;

interface Person
    Factory<Person, String, String> FACTORY = creates(Person.class).with(Person::firstName, Person::lastName);
    String firstName();
    String lastName();

To create an object, you can then simply use the factory:

    Person person = Person.FACTORY.create("John", "Doe");

Alternatively, immutable objects can also be constructed using a builder:

    Person person = Projo.builder(Person.class)
        .with(Person::firstName, "John")
        .with(Person::lastName, "Doe")

Can Projo create Value Objects?

The Value Object pattern (free article available here) requires objects to be immutable and have equals(Object) and hashCode() methods that are based on the individual fields of the object instead of the object's identity. Projo will create appropriate implementations of equals(Object) and hashCode() if at least one of these three criteria is fulfilled:

  • the Projo interface declares an equals(Object) method (should also have @Override annotation)
  • the Projo interface declares a hashCode() method (should also have @Override annotation)
  • the Projo interface has a @pro.projo.annotations.ValueObject annotation

For example, both equals(Object) and hashCode() will be implemented properly, even if the Projo interface only declared and overrode the hashCode() method. Projo will never create objects that have inconsistent equals(Object) and hashCode() methods: either both methods will be implemented on a field-by-field basis or both methods will be based on object identity (but never a mix of the two).

Are Java proxies efficient for implementing objects at runtime?

No, not at all. In fact, proxies are quite horribly inefficient, both from a memory use and a performance perspective. Performance-wise, proxy-implemented objects are 2 to 3 orders of magnitude slower than regular Java objects (typically by a factor of ~650). They also use a lot more memory.

For those reasons, it is always recommended to have Projo RCG (Runtime Code Generation) on the runtime classpath. Projo RCG will replace the default proxy-based implementation with much more efficient code that is generated at runtime.

Will Projo work with my JAX-RS application?

Yes, Projo provides integration support for JAX-RS, and Projo objects can be serialized and deserialized just like any other object. To enable the integration, simply put the projo-jax-rs JAR on your runtime classpath (it is not needed at compile time), i.e.:


The integration uses auto-discovery to modify your JAX-RS serialization and deserialization so that it becomes Projo-aware. Instead of trying to new up an interface, the deserializer will correctly use the Projo library to instantiate new objects.

Currently, Projo only supports Jersey as the JAX-RS provider, in conjunction with the MOXy marshaller, as well as the Jackson marshaller, both in a limited fashion (i.e., not all Jersey/MOXy/Jackson features are supported or recognized). Eventually, there will be more complete support, and other JAX-RS implementations (such as CXF) will be supported as well.

What is new in Projo 1.1.0?

Besides several bug fixes (e.g., #1, #10, #11), Projo 1.1.0 also introduced two major new features:

Until more detailed documentation becomes available, please have a look at the test cases in the projo-template-generation-test and jackson module to get a basic idea how these new features can be used.

