
Wsmessenger is a long connection message middleware based on websocket protocl. It is built upon netty, so it can work well in high concurrency circumstances. It can be used to create PUSH service for android app. It also can be used to create monitor tools for web cluster.





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Wsmessenger is a long connection message middleware based on websocket protocl. It is built upon netty, so it can work well in high concurrency circumstances. It can be used to create PUSH service for android app. It also can be used to create monitor tools for web cluster.

Download wsmessenger-client

How to add to project

<!-- -->
implementation 'space.chensheng.wsmessenger:wsmessenger-client:1.5.0'
implementation ("space.chensheng.wsmessenger:wsmessenger-client:1.5.0")
<dependency org="space.chensheng.wsmessenger" name="wsmessenger-client" rev="1.5.0">
  <artifact name="wsmessenger-client" type="jar" />
@Grab(group='space.chensheng.wsmessenger', module='wsmessenger-client', version='1.5.0')
libraryDependencies += "space.chensheng.wsmessenger" % "wsmessenger-client" % "1.5.0"
[space.chensheng.wsmessenger/wsmessenger-client "1.5.0"]


compile (6)

Group / Artifact Type Version
space.chensheng.wsmessenger : wsmessenger-common jar 1.5.0
space.chensheng.wsmessenger : wsmessenger-message jar 1.5.0
org.slf4j : slf4j-api jar 1.7.7
log4j : log4j jar 1.2.14
org.slf4j : slf4j-log4j12 jar 1.7.7
io.netty : netty-all jar 4.0.30.Final

test (1)

Group / Artifact Type Version
junit : junit jar 3.8.1

Project Modules

There are no modules declared in this project.

Wsmessenger Project

Wsmessenger is a long connection message middleware based on websocket protocl. It builds on netty that make it work well in high concurrency circumstances. It can be used to create PUSH service for android app. It also can be used to create monitor tools for web cluster.

Quit start guide

Import dependencies

Here we use MAVEN to manage project's dependencies.

For server side, you should import wsmessenger-server.


For client side, you should import wsmessenger-client.


To implement customized messages, you should import wsmessenger-message


Set up server side

ServerBootstrap is used to set up the server side. The server will listen 2046 port by default.

Simply set up the server side.

WsMessengerServer server = new ServerBootstrap().build();

If you want to listen server's lifecycle and received messages, listeners can be added when setting up the server side.

WsMessengerServer server = new ServerBootstrap()
            .addLifecycleListener(new MyServerLifecycleListener())
            .addMessageListener(new MyTextMessageListener())

Set up client side

ClientBoostrap is used to set up the client side. Once client starts, it will establish a long connection to server through websocket protocol.

Before setting up the client side, you should create a config file in your project. The config should specify clientId and serverUrl.


Simply set up the client side.

WsMessengerClient client = new ClientBootstrap().build();

If you want to listen client's lifecycle and received messages, listeners can be added when setting up the client side.

WsMessengerClient client = new ClientBootstrap()
            .addLifecycleListener(new MyClientLifecycleListener())
            .addMessageListener(new MyTextMessageListener())

Send message

Server and client can comunicate with each other by sending message.

In server side, WsMessengerServer is used to send message.

TextMessage message = new TextMessage();
message.setContent("This is a text message sent to client!")
server.sendMessage(message, clientId);

In client side, WsMessengerClient is used to send message.

TextMessage message = new TextMessage();
message.setContent("This is a text message sent to server!")
client.sendMessage(message, null);
Server side's sender APIs
API description
sendMessage(WsMessage message) Send message to all connected clients.
sendMessage(WsMessage message, String clientId) Send message to specific client.
sendMessageReliably(WsMessage message, String clientId) Send message to specific client, and add message to pending queue if client is unavailable.
sendWaitingMessage(WsMessage message, String clientId, WaitingCallback callback) Send message to specific client, and waiting for client's response. Trigger callback when receiving response or timeout.
sendWaitingMessage(WsMessage message, String clientId, WaitingCallback callback, long timeout) Send message to specific client, and waiting for client's response in specific timeout milliseconds. Trigger callback when receiving response or timeout.
sendWaitingMessageReliably(WsMessage message, String clientId, WaitingCallback callback) Send message to specific client, and waiting for client's response. Trigger callback when receiving response or timeout. Add message to pending queue if client is unavailable.
sendWaitingMessageReliably(WsMessage message, String clientId, WaitingCallback callback, long timeout) Send message to specific client, and waiting for client's response in specific timeout milliseconds. Trigger callback when receiving response or timeout. Add message to pending queue if client is unavailable.
sendWaitingMessageReliablyWithRetry(WsMessage message, String clientId) Send message to specific client, and waiting for client's response. Retry 3 times until receiving success response. Add message to pending queue if client is unavailable.
sendWaitingMessageReliablyWithRetry(WsMessage message, String clientId, int retry) Send message to specific client, and waiting for client's response. Retry specific times until receiving success response. Add message to pending queue if client is unavailable.
Client side's sender APIs
API(serverId is always null) description
sendMessage(WsMessage message) send message to server
sendMessage(WsMessage message, String serverId) send message to server
sendMessageReliably(WsMessage message, String serverId) Send message to server, and add message to pending queue if server is unavailable.
sendWaitingMessage(WsMessage message, String serverId, WaitingCallback callback) Send message to server, and waiting for server's response. Trigger callback when receiving response or timeout.
sendWaitingMessage(WsMessage message, String serverId, WaitingCallback callback, long timeout) Send message to server, and waiting for server's response in specific timeout milliseconds. Trigger callback when receiving response or timeout.
sendWaitingMessageReliably(WsMessage message, String serverId, WaitingCallback callback) Send message to server, and waiting for server's response. Trigger callback when receiving response or timeout. Add message to pending queue if server is unavailable.
sendWaitingMessageReliably(WsMessage message, String serverId, WaitingCallback callback, long timeout) Send message to server, and waiting for server's response in specific timeout milliseconds. Trigger callback when receiving response or timeout. Add message to pending queue if server is unavailable.
sendWaitingMessageReliablyWithRetry(WsMessage message, String serverId) Send message to specific server, and waiting for server's response. Retry 3 times until receiving success response. Add message to pending queue if server is unavailable.
sendWaitingMessageReliablyWithRetry(WsMessage message, String serverId, int retry) Send message to specific server, and waiting for server's response. Retry specific times until receiving success response. Add message to pending queue when server is unavailable.

Implement customized message

Developer can implement customized message, and send it between server and client. To implement a customized message, you should extend WsMessage. The following is an example:

import space.chensheng.wsmessenger.message.component.WsMessage;

public class UserInfoMessage extends WsMessage {
    private int userId;
    private String userName;
    public int getUserId() {
        return userId;
    public void setUserId(int userId) {
        this.userId = userId;
    public String getUserName() {
        return userName;
    public void setUserName(String userName) {
        this.userName = userName;
UserInfoMessage message = new UserInfoMessage();
client.sendMessage(message, null);

Listen message

Message listeners can be added to listen specific message. Developer should implement your own MessageListener.

In server side, ServerMessageListener is used to implement. The following is an example listening TextMessage:

public class MyTextMessageListener extends ServerMessageListener<TextMessage> {
    protected void onMessage(TextMessage message, ClientInfo clientInfo, MessengerServer server) {
        String replyContent = "Hello client, i have received your text message " + message.getContent();
        TextMessage relyMessage = new TextMessage();
	    server.sendWaitingMessageReliablyWithRetry(replyMessage, clientInfo.getClientId());	

In client side, ClientMessageListener is used to implement. The following is an example listening TextMessage:

public class MyTextMessageListener extends ClientMessageListener<TextMessage> {

    protected void onMessage(TextMessage message, MessengerClient client) {
        String replyContent = "Hello server, i have received your text message " + message.getContent();
        TextMessage relyMessage = new TextMessage();
	    client.sendWaitingMessageReliablyWithRetry(replyMessage, null);


Listen lifecycle

Lifecycle listeners can be added to listen server and client's lifecycle. Developer should implement your own LifecycleListener.

In server side, ServerLifecycleListener is used to implement. The following is an example:

public class MyServerLifecycleListener extends ServerLifecycleListener {
    public void onServerStart(MessengerServer server) {
        //server is started
    public void onClientConnect(ClientInfo clientInfo, MessengerServer server) {
        //client is connected
    public void onClientDisconnect(ClientInfo clientInfo, MessengerServer server) {
        //client is disconnected 

In client side, ClientLifecycleListener is used to implement. The following is an example:

public class MyClientLifecycleListener extends ClientLifecycleListener {

    public void onClientConnect(MessengerClient client) {
        //success to connect server
    public void onClientStart(MessengerClient client) {
        //client is started
    public void onClientStop(MessengerClient client) {
        //client is stopped
    public void onClientRestart(MessengerClient client) {
        //client restarts


Advanced configuration

There are serveal advanced configurations for server and client.

In server side, you can create a config file named in your project. It is optional. The following table shows configuration details:

property name property value
serverId Default is wsmessenger-server. The server's id. The serverId will be set to message when sending message to client.
serverPort Default is 2046. The port listened by server.
pendingClientMaxCount Default is 100. Server will keep messages in pending queue for unavailable clients. If unavailable client's size exceed max count, new messages will not keep for new unavailable clients.
pendingClientMaxMsg Default is 100. The max number of messages kept in pending queue for single unavailable client.
pendingClientTimeoutMillis Default is 3600000. Time unit is millisecond. If an unavailable client sitting in pending queue exceeds pendingClientTimeoutMillis, it will be removed from the pending queue.
pendingClientTimeoutCheckerIntervalMinutes Default is 5. Time unit is minute. The interval minutes to check whether unavailable clients is timeout or not.
maxPendingMsg Default is 1000. The total number of messages kept in pending queue for all unavailable clients.
acceptorThreadSize Default is 1. The number of threads to accept connections from clients. One thread is enough.
ioThreadSize Default is 4. The number of threads to read io from clients.
businessThreadSize Default is 8. The number of threads to execute business tasks.
heartbeatIntervalSeconds Default is 60. Time unit is second. The interval seconds to send heartbeat to clients.
heartbeatMaxFail Default is 3. The max fail times of heartbeat. The long connection to client will be closed if heartbeat fail specific times.
soBacklog Default is 3074. The same as socBacklog in TCP/IP.
allowHalfClosure Default is false. The same as allowHalfClosure in TCP/IP
waitingMsgTimoutMillis Default is 120000. Time unit is millisecond. The timeout to wait receiver's response for message that needed response. If timeout to wait resposne, the timeout callback will be triggered.
waitingMsgMaxSize Default is 1000. The number of messages kept in waiting response queue. New waiting inforamtion will not be added to waiting queue if waiting size execceds the max size.
maxContentLen Default is 1048576. Unit is byte. The max size of message.
maxFrameSize Default is 1048576. Unit is byte. The max size of message.
retryTaskMaxSize Default if 1000. The max number of retry tasks kept in retry queue. New retry task will be dropped if the retry queue execceds max size.

In client side, you must create a config file named in your project. It is required. The following table shows configuration details:

property name property value
clientId REQUIRED. The messenger client id. Server will identify different client by clientId.
serverUrl REQUIRED. The server url client will connect to. Just like this ws://
ioThreadPoolSize Default is 1. The number of threads ro read io from server.
businessThreadPoolSize Default is 4. The number of threads to execute business tasks.
heartbeatSeconds Default is 60. Time unit is second. The interval seconds to send heartbeat to server.
heartbeatMaxFail Default is 3. The max fail times of heartbeat. The long connection to server will be closed if heartbeat fail specific times.
reconnectMillis Default is 10000. Time unit is milliseconds. The interval milliseconds to reconnect server when server is unavailable.
maxPendingMsg Default is 1000. The max number of messages kept in pending queue for unavailable server.
waitingMsgTimoutMillis Default is 120000. Time unit is millisecond. The timeout to wait receiver's response for message that needed response. If timeout to wait resposne, the timeout callback will be triggered.
waitingMsgMaxSize Default is 1000. The max number of messages kept in waiting response queue. New waiting inforamtion will not be added to waiting queue if waiting size execceds the max size.
maxContentLen Default is 1048576. Unit is byte. The max size of message.
maxFrameSize Default is 1048576. Unit is byte. The max size of message.
retryTaskMaxSize Default if 1000. The max number of retry tasks kept in retry queue. New retry task will be dropped if the retry queue execceds max size.

