Project Group: systems.dmx

DMX Core

systems.dmx : dmx-core

Parent POM for all OSGI bundle (fragment) projects that want to be hot deployed. Hot deployment is realized by copying the build artifact to the `bundle-deploy` directory.

Last Version: 5.2.1

Release Date:

DMX Contacts

systems.dmx : dmx-contacts

Parent POM for all DMX plugins (= OSGi bundles). 3 features: - declares the `dmx-core` dependency as needed by all DMX plugins - preconfigures the DMX default bundle activator - derives the hot deployment feature

Last Version: 5.2.1

Release Date:

DMX Timestamps

systems.dmx : dmx-timestamps

Parent POM for all DMX plugins (= OSGi bundles). 3 features: - declares the `dmx-core` dependency as needed by all DMX plugins - preconfigures the DMX default bundle activator - derives the hot deployment feature

Last Version: 5.2.1

Release Date:

DMX Files

systems.dmx : dmx-files

Parent POM for all DMX plugins (= OSGi bundles). 3 features: - declares the `dmx-core` dependency as needed by all DMX plugins - preconfigures the DMX default bundle activator - derives the hot deployment feature

Last Version: 5.2.1

Release Date:

DMX Date/Time

systems.dmx : dmx-datetime

Parent POM for all DMX plugins (= OSGi bundles). 3 features: - declares the `dmx-core` dependency as needed by all DMX plugins - preconfigures the DMX default bundle activator - derives the hot deployment feature

Last Version: 5.2.1

Release Date:

DMX Events

systems.dmx : dmx-events

Parent POM for all DMX plugins (= OSGi bundles). 3 features: - declares the `dmx-core` dependency as needed by all DMX plugins - preconfigures the DMX default bundle activator - derives the hot deployment feature

Last Version: 5.2.1

Release Date:

DMX Workspaces

systems.dmx : dmx-workspaces

Parent POM for all DMX plugins (= OSGi bundles). 3 features: - declares the `dmx-core` dependency as needed by all DMX plugins - preconfigures the DMX default bundle activator - derives the hot deployment feature

Last Version: 5.2.1

Release Date:

DMX Storage - Neo4j

systems.dmx : dmx-storage-neo4j

Parent POM for all OSGI bundle (fragment) projects that want to be hot deployed. Hot deployment is realized by copying the build artifact to the `bundle-deploy` directory.

Last Version: 5.2.1

Release Date:

DMX Config

systems.dmx : dmx-config

Parent POM for all DMX plugins (= OSGi bundles). 3 features: - declares the `dmx-core` dependency as needed by all DMX plugins - preconfigures the DMX default bundle activator - derives the hot deployment feature

Last Version: 5.2.1

Release Date:

DMX Facets

systems.dmx : dmx-facets

Parent POM for all DMX plugins (= OSGi bundles). 3 features: - declares the `dmx-core` dependency as needed by all DMX plugins - preconfigures the DMX default bundle activator - derives the hot deployment feature

Last Version: 5.2.1

Release Date:

DMX Topicmaps

systems.dmx : dmx-topicmaps

Parent POM for all DMX plugins (= OSGi bundles). 3 features: - declares the `dmx-core` dependency as needed by all DMX plugins - preconfigures the DMX default bundle activator - derives the hot deployment feature

Last Version: 5.2.1

Release Date:

DMX Bundles

systems.dmx : dmx-bundles

List of DMX bundles that make up the DMX distribution. Used by module `dmx-distribution` for assembling the distro zip.

Last Version: 5.2.1

Release Date:

DMX Caching

systems.dmx : dmx-caching

Parent POM for all DMX plugins (= OSGi bundles). 3 features: - declares the `dmx-core` dependency as needed by all DMX plugins - preconfigures the DMX default bundle activator - derives the hot deployment feature

Last Version: 5.2.1

Release Date:

DMX Access Control

systems.dmx : dmx-accesscontrol

Parent POM for all DMX plugins (= OSGi bundles). 3 features: - declares the `dmx-core` dependency as needed by all DMX plugins - preconfigures the DMX default bundle activator - derives the hot deployment feature

Last Version: 5.2.1

Release Date:

DMX Base

systems.dmx : dmx-base

Parent POM for all DMX plugins (= OSGi bundles). 3 features: - declares the `dmx-core` dependency as needed by all DMX plugins - preconfigures the DMX default bundle activator - derives the hot deployment feature

Last Version: 5.2.1

Release Date:

DMX Webclient

systems.dmx : dmx-webclient

Parent POM for all DMX plugins (= OSGi bundles). 3 features: - declares the `dmx-core` dependency as needed by all DMX plugins - preconfigures the DMX default bundle activator - derives the hot deployment feature

Last Version: 5.2.1

Release Date:

DMX Notes

systems.dmx : dmx-notes

Parent POM for all DMX plugins (= OSGi bundles). 3 features: - declares the `dmx-core` dependency as needed by all DMX plugins - preconfigures the DMX default bundle activator - derives the hot deployment feature

Last Version: 5.2.1

Release Date:

DMX Webservice

systems.dmx : dmx-webservice

Parent POM for all DMX plugins (= OSGi bundles). 3 features: - declares the `dmx-core` dependency as needed by all DMX plugins - preconfigures the DMX default bundle activator - derives the hot deployment feature

Last Version: 5.2.1

Release Date:

DMX Tags

systems.dmx : dmx-tags

Parent POM for all DMX plugins (= OSGi bundles). 3 features: - declares the `dmx-core` dependency as needed by all DMX plugins - preconfigures the DMX default bundle activator - derives the hot deployment feature

Last Version: 5.2.1

Release Date:

DMX Bookmarks

systems.dmx : dmx-bookmarks

Parent POM for all DMX plugins (= OSGi bundles). 3 features: - declares the `dmx-core` dependency as needed by all DMX plugins - preconfigures the DMX default bundle activator - derives the hot deployment feature

Last Version: 5.2.1

Release Date:

Felix Bundles

systems.dmx : felix-bundles

Apache Felix bundles that belong to the DMX distribution.

Last Version: 5.2.1

Release Date:

3rd Party Bundles

systems.dmx : 3rd-party-bundles

3rd-party (= non-DMX) libraries to be provisioned in the OSGi runtime.

Last Version: 5.2.1

Release Date:

DMX Hot Deploy

systems.dmx : dmx-hot-deploy

Parent POM for all OSGI bundle (fragment) projects that want to be hot deployed. Hot deployment is realized by copying the build artifact to the `bundle-deploy` directory.

Last Version: 5.2.1

Release Date:

DMX Provision

systems.dmx : dmx-provision

DMX is a knowledge building platform

Last Version: 5.2.1

Release Date:

DMX Plugin

systems.dmx : dmx-plugin

Parent POM for all DMX plugins (= OSGi bundles). 3 features: - declares the `dmx-core` dependency as needed by all DMX plugins - preconfigures the DMX default bundle activator - derives the hot deployment feature

Last Version: 5.2.1

Release Date:

DMX Features

systems.dmx : dmx-features

DMX is a knowledge building platform

Last Version: 5.2.1

Release Date:

DMX Test

systems.dmx : dmx-test

DMX is a knowledge building platform

Last Version: 5.2.1

Release Date:


systems.dmx : dmx

DMX is a knowledge building platform

Last Version: 5.2.1

Release Date:

DMX Distribution

systems.dmx : dmx-distribution

DMX is a knowledge building platform

Last Version: 5.2.1

Release Date:

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