
Reusable light-weight Android components by furdei.systems







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Reusable light-weight Android components by furdei.systems
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<!-- https://jarcasting.com/artifacts/systems.furdei/furdroid-components/ -->
// https://jarcasting.com/artifacts/systems.furdei/furdroid-components/
implementation 'systems.furdei:furdroid-components:1.1.1'
// https://jarcasting.com/artifacts/systems.furdei/furdroid-components/
implementation ("systems.furdei:furdroid-components:1.1.1")
<dependency org="systems.furdei" name="furdroid-components" rev="1.1.1">
  <artifact name="furdroid-components" type="aar" />
@Grab(group='systems.furdei', module='furdroid-components', version='1.1.1')
libraryDependencies += "systems.furdei" % "furdroid-components" % "1.1.1"
[systems.furdei/furdroid-components "1.1.1"]


provided (2)

Group / Artifact Type Version
android » android jar 5.0.1_r2
com.android.support » support-v4 aar 21.0.0

Project Modules

There are no modules declared in this project.

Furdroid Components

Furdroid-components is a set of light-weight reusable Android components, such as TintedDrawable support for any API version, PartialLoadingAdapter, FullCursorAdapter and visual widgets to work with FullCursorAdapter.

Before you start

Before you start using furdroid please make sure you have Android artifacts 'android:android' and 'com.android.support' in your local Maven repository. If you don't please visit maven-android-sdk-deployer project and follow the instruction.

Maven Dependency


Gradle Dependency

dependencies {
  compile 'systems.furdei:furdroid-components:1.1.1'



TintedDrawable implements support for color tinting introduced in Android API 21. It takes another drawable as a 'pattern' for tinting and a tint color or a ColorStateList for state-based tinting.

You should provide pattern drawable and tint color or ColorStateList through constructor arguments. You can also customize tint mode by calling a setTintMode(PorterDuff.Mode) method. The default mode is the most commonly used PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_IN mode.

This implementation tints drawable resource by changing a pattern's color filter based on the state of TintedDrawable instance. It stores only one copy of the pattern drawable so does not consume a significant amount of additional memory.

Feel free to use TintedDrawable for both API 21 and lower. This implementation will use API 21 if running on Lollipop devices or higher and fall back to custom implementation on the lower API versions.


FullCursorAdapter is an adapter that produces a view for all the rows in a cursor. Unlike the standard Android Adapter, this implementation creates views for every row in a cursor at once. It is helpful when you are sure that there will always be a few of rows and your app will not run out of memory because of creating too many views. Widgets that use FullCursorAdapter do not provide neither scrolling nor view recycling because all views are always visible. However you can include such view into a ScrollView just in case some child views wouldn't fit on some small screens.


FullCursorListView is a view that displays a full cursor, e.g. all rows in a cursor. This implementation displays all items in a plain list. The list can be either horizontal or vertical. Unlike the standard Android ListView, this implementation creates views for every row in a cursor at once. It is helpful when you are sure that there will always be a few of rows and your app will not run out of memory because of creating too many views.


PartialLoadingAdapter is an adapter for loading large cursors backed by RESTful services with a local cache in a database. This adapter is responsible for displaying "loading" items in the end of already loaded items in case when there is at least one more portion of unfetched data and for calling for that unfetched portion of data either.

Adapter does NOT provide any functionality for loading data itself, calling supplied listener PartialLoadingListener to start a loading process. loadNextPortionOfData method is called on the background thread by default unless you change this by calling setLoadNextPortionOnBackgroundThread(false).

Adapter always tries to load one more portion of data while user is looking through the end of the already shown portion. The threshold of "the end" can be configured through the setCursorPositionLoadingThreshold method. The default value is 15, which means that in case when cursor's length is 50 then the loading starts when the user goes further than 50 - 15 = 35 records. Note that loading doesn't start immediately. It is required that the threshold is crossed 3 times at least. It prevents us from reacting to "false" views when a ListView triggers adapter's getView method to determine it's length for example.


Furdroid-components is distributed as a part of furdroid project. Follow this link to find more useful visual components, widgets and database tools by furdei.systems.

