Project Group: tech.b180.cordaptor

Cordaptor Microkernel

tech.b180.cordaptor : cordaptor-kernel

Microkernel implementation response for loading all other Cordaptor modules

Last Version: 0.4.0-corda4.7

Release Date:

Cordaptor Corda Common

tech.b180.cordaptor : cordaptor-corda-common

Common definitions and helpers for integrating with Corda

Last Version: 0.4.0-corda4.7

Release Date:

Cordaptor embedded CorDapp bundle

tech.b180.cordaptor : cordaptor-bundle-rest-embedded

Single-file deployable CorDapp embedding Cordaptor into a Corda node

Last Version: 0.4.0-corda4.7

Release Date:

Cordaptor Corda RPC Client

tech.b180.cordaptor : cordaptor-corda-rpc-client

Entry point for standalone Cordaptor connecting to a Corda node via RPC

Last Version: 0.4.0-corda4.7

Release Date:

Cordaptor Corda Service

tech.b180.cordaptor : cordaptor-corda-service

Implementation of Corda service instantiating Cordaptor inside a Corda node

Last Version: 0.4.0-corda4.7

Release Date:

Cordaptor Local Cache

tech.b180.cordaptor : cordaptor-local-cache

Implements local JVM-level caching for API entities

Last Version: 0.4.0-corda4.7

Release Date:

Cordaptor OpenAPI Endpoint

tech.b180.cordaptor : cordaptor-rest-endpoint

Provides a REST API for the CorDapps running on the node

Last Version: 0.4.0-corda4.7

Release Date:

Common Development and Distribution License 1.1

tech.b180.cordaptor : glassfish-javax-json-shaded

Shaded implementation of javax.json 1.1 into Cordaptor package namespace

Last Version: 1.1

Release Date:

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