simter-context [中文]
A simple and powerful utils class tech.simter.Context
for share data during the same thread lifecycle.
This tools use thread-local variables to make each thread has its own initialized share data. You don't need to transfer context data through method arguments, just use Context.get(key)
to get its value inside the method.
- Java 8+
// set share data anywhere
Context.set("userId", new Long(0));
Context.set("userName", "RJ");
void someMethodInOtherClass(){
// get shared data by key anywhere
Long userId = Context.get("userId");
String userName = Context.get("userName");
// or get all shared data
Map<String, Object> all = Context.get();
// delete shared data anywhere
You can see that it just like to get a static constant value. But you need to know the difference: A static constant always has the same value even in different thread. But the context data is isolated between each thread.
mvn clean package
First take a look at simter-parent deploy config.
Deploy to LAN Nexus Repository
mvn clean deploy -P lan
Deploy to Sonatype Repository
mvn clean deploy -P sonatype
After deployed, login into Through Staging Repositories
, search this package, then close and release it. After couple hours, it will be synced to Maven Central Repository.
Deploy to Bintray Repository
mvn clean deploy -P bintray
Will deploy to;publish=1
. So first create a package
on Bintray. After deployed, check it from