Project Group: tech.sirwellington.alchemy


tech.sirwellington.alchemy : alchemy-generator

Part of the Alchemy collection. More Data means better tests. Alchemy Generator makes it easier to test your code by providing generators for common Objects and Data.

Last Version: 2.5.0

Release Date:


tech.sirwellington.alchemy : alchemy-kotlin

The Alchemy Collection; Making Java fun again.

Last Version: 1.6.1

Release Date:


tech.sirwellington.alchemy : alchemy-test

Part of the Alchemy collection. Testing your code should be as fun and simple as writing it. Alchemy Test is a Unit Test Library that makes it easier to test your code by providing syntactic sugar for unit-testing and mocking.

Last Version: 2.6.2

Release Date:


tech.sirwellington.alchemy : alchemy-http

Part of the Alchemy Collection. REST without the MESS. Makes it dead-easy to call RESTful Web Services in Java. It is designed for interactions with APIs written in REST and JSON.

Last Version: 3.4.1

Release Date:


tech.sirwellington.alchemy : alchemy-arguments

Part of the Alchemy Collection. Easy, Simple, and Robust argument checking logic for your Services, Libraries, and Scripts.

Last Version: 2.3

Release Date:


tech.sirwellington.alchemy : alchemy-collections

Collect Yo'Self! Part of the Alchemy Collection.

Last Version: 2.1

Release Date:


tech.sirwellington.alchemy : alchemy-http-mock

Part of the Alchemy Collection. Mock the World! Alchemy HTTP Mock makes Unit Testing with Alchemy HTTP a breeze.

Last Version: 3.4

Release Date:


tech.sirwellington.alchemy : alchemy-annotations

Alchemy; making Java fun again. Write what you mean, mean what you write. Alchemy Annotations allow clearer documentation of intent of your code.

Last Version: 2.2

Release Date:


tech.sirwellington.alchemy : alchemy

The Alchemy Collection; Making Java fun again.

Last Version: 2.12

Release Date:


tech.sirwellington.alchemy : alchemy-thrift

Part of the Alchemy Collection. Makes it Simple to work with Thrift in Java. Saves you from writing boiler-plate code, such as management of Clients, and serialization of Thrift Objects. This library also demonstrates how to incorporate thrift with maven, for incorporation into your continuous delivery and distribution of your thrift schemas.

Last Version: 2.1

Release Date:

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