The Cucumber Parallel Testing project allows parallel testing of Cucumber JVM tests. Multiple threads are executed in parallel, each triggering a Cucumber test runner which in turn runs features that have not been run by the other threads.
Each test runner attempts to run a feature file. If the feature file has not already been run it will add it to a register and run it. If the feature file has already been registered it will skip it and attempt to run the next one in the same manner. In this manner feature files are run in turn by processing threads.
Comparison with other techniques
Other techniques involve invasive management of tags or branches in order to organise feature files/scenarios in such a way that runners will specifically target groupings tests. The disadvantages of this approach are -
- Developers need to be aware of this strategy and ensure they implement feature files/scenarios in such a way that the load will be spread equally
- It is likely that one group of tests will take an unnecessarily long period of time to execute whilst others are idle, as the are specifically targeting tests
The advantage of this approach is that
- Once the parallel runners are set-up there is no need for the developer to have to worry about how feature files/scenario are branched/tagged. The test framework simply processes the next feature file that has not been run.
- Because feature files are run in-turn, thread idle time is limited and threads are likely to only be idle towards the end of testing when all features files are either being processed or have been processed
The disadvantage of this approach is that it works on a per-feature basis. It is not appropriate for cases where there are many scenarios in few feature files (tagging may be better in this case).
Import the dependency from the Maven central repository -
Create a test runner for every thread to be run. The report locations should be unique. Note - test runners RunWith ParallelCucumber; an extension of the Cucumber class.
@CucumberOptions(glue = {"uk.co.hmtt.parallel.bdd.tests"},
format = {"pretty", "html:target/cucumber/cucumber-html-report-1", "json:target/cucumber/json/cucumber-1.json"},
features = {"src/test/resources/features"},
tags = {"~@wip"})
public class FirstParallelTestRunner {}
@CucumberOptions(glue = {"uk.co.hmtt.parallel.bdd.tests"},
format = {"pretty", "html:target/cucumber/cucumber-html-report-2", "json:target/cucumber/json/cucumber-2.json"},
features = {"src/test/resources/features"},
tags = {"~@wip"})
public class SecondParallelTestRunner {}
Update your POM file to ensure that multiple threads are run. The number of threads should match the number of runners. Ensure you incude all parallel runners; and exclude any other tests
By default one report will be produced per thread. In order to consolidate all reports under a single thread, use the maven cucumber reporting plugin and point it to the output location of the Json report files.
You should now be able to run your Cucumber tests as per normal. Note, Cucumber tests must be run using Maven in order to be run in parallel; and you should also use "clean" in order to remove the test record file between test runs. eg. mvn clean install
Cucumber Report
Sonar Report