Last Version: 0.5.0

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Last Version: 0.5.0

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Last Version: 0.5.0

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Last Version: 0.5.0

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Last Version: 0.5.0

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Last Version: 0.5.0

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Last Version: 0.5.0

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Last Version: 0.5.0

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Last Version: 0.5.0

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Last Version: 0.5.0

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Last Version: 0.5.0

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Last Version: 0.5.0

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Last Version: 0.5.0

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Last Version: 0.5.0

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Last Version: 0.5.0

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Last Version: 0.5.0

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Last Version: 0.5.0

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Last Version: 0.5.0

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Last Version: 0.5.0

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Last Version: 0.5.0

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Last Version: 0.5.0

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Last Version: 0.5.0

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Last Version: 0.5.0

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Last Version: 0.5.0

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Last Version: 0.5.0

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Last Version: 0.5.0

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Last Version: 0.5.0

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Last Version: 0.5.0

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Last Version: 0.5.0

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Last Version: 0.5.0

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Last Version: 0.5.0

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Last Version: 0.5.0

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Last Version: 2.0.0-M16

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Last Version: 2.0.0-M16

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Last Version: 2.0.0-M16

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Last Version: 2.0.0-M16

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com.dwolla : fs2-aws-testkit_2.12

Test implementations of fs2-aws classes

Last Version: 2.0.0-M16

Release Date:


com.dwolla : fs2-aws-testkit_2.13

Test implementations of fs2-aws classes

Last Version: 2.0.0-M16

Release Date:


com.dwolla : scala-aws-utils-testkit_2.12

Test utilities for interacting with the AWS SDKs from Scala

Last Version: 1.6.2

Release Date:


com.dwolla : scala-aws-utils-testkit_2.13

Test utilities for interacting with the AWS SDKs from Scala

Last Version: 1.6.2

Release Date:


com.dwolla : scala-aws-utils_2.12

Utilities for interacting with the AWS SDKs from Scala

Last Version: 1.6.2

Release Date:


com.dwolla : scala-aws-utils_2.13

Utilities for interacting with the AWS SDKs from Scala

Last Version: 1.6.2

Release Date:

aws-deploy-maven-plugin Maven Mojo

com.dzodi : aws-deploy-maven-plugin

This Maven plugin lets you deploy your Docker image to AWS ECR by existed Dockerfile in baseDir and deploy cloudformation project. With AWS Cloudformation and AWS ECR support, you can deploy your java application to AWS. Easy!

Last Version: 1.0.14

Release Date:

Gatling AWS Maven Plugin

com.ea.gatling : gatling-aws-maven-plugin

The Gatling AWS Maven plugin takes the pain out of scaling up your Gatling tests. It runs your load test on a configurable number of EC2 instances, aggregates a single load test report, and uploads the results to S3. All EC2 instances are terminated at the end of the test to ensure you are only paying for what you need.

Last Version: 1.0.17

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date:

AWS DynamoDB Enhanced Client Repository Starter

io.github.bhuwanupadhyay : aws-dynamodb-enhanced-client-repository-starter

Library for AWS DynamoDB Enhanced Client for DynamoRepository with zero configuration

Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.1.0-alpha.5

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.4.0-alpha.5

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