Business Logic Libraries


com.cloudera.oryx : oryx-common

Common utilities and support code

Last Version: 2.8.0

Release Date:


com.gitee.kamismile : stoneComEx

Parent pom providing dependency and plugin management for applications built with Maven

Last Version: 1.1.2

Release Date:


org.openscience.cdk : cdk-smiles

Modular library for Cheminformatics

Last Version: 2.7.1

Release Date:

Flink : Connectors : Elasticsearch 5

org.apache.flink : flink-connector-elasticsearch5_2.11

The Apache Software Foundation provides support for the Apache community of open-source software projects. The Apache projects are characterized by a collaborative, consensus based development process, an open and pragmatic software license, and a desire to create high quality software that leads the way in its field. We consider ourselves not simply a group of projects sharing a server, but rather a community of developers and users.

Last Version: 1.14.5

Release Date:

FSCrawler Elasticsearch Client

com.bowriverstudio : fscrawler-elasticsearch-client

FS Crawler with custom OCR(Microsoft Computer Vision) offers a simple way to index binary files into elasticsearch.

Last Version: 2.6

Release Date:

xCMIS :: Search :: Service

org.xcmis : xcmis-search-service

An extensible implementation of OASIS's Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) specification.

Last Version: 1.3.0

Release Date:

xCMIS :: Search :: Parser CMIS

org.xcmis : xcmis-search-parser-cmis

An extensible implementation of OASIS's Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) specification.

Last Version: 1.3.0

Release Date:


us.codecraft : webmagic-selenium

A crawler framework. It covers the whole lifecycle of crawler: downloading, url management, content extraction and persistent. It can simply the development of a specific crawler.

Last Version: 0.7.5

Release Date:

Apache PDFBox application

org.apache.pdfbox : pdfbox-app

The Apache Software Foundation provides support for the Apache community of open-source software projects. The Apache projects are characterized by a collaborative, consensus based development process, an open and pragmatic software license, and a desire to create high quality software that leads the way in its field. We consider ourselves not simply a group of projects sharing a server, but rather a community of developers and users.

Last Version: 3.0.0-RC1

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.0.1

Release Date:

WSO2 TestGrid Project - Reporting POM

org.wso2.testgrid : org.wso2.testgrid.reporting

WSO2 is an open source application development software company focused on providing service-oriented architecture solutions for professional developers.

Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date:

WikiText :: Core

org.fusesource.wikitext : wikitext-core

This is a shared POM parent for FuseSource Maven projects

Last Version: 1.4

Release Date:

JPMML model Kryo SerDe

org.jpmml : pmml-model-kryo

JPMML class model Kryo serializers and deserializers

Last Version: 1.6.3

Release Date:

JPMML evaluator EclipseLink MOXy runtime

org.jpmml : pmml-evaluator-moxy

JPMML class model evaluator with EclipseLink MOXy runtime

Last Version: 1.6.3

Release Date:


com.mxpio : jeecg-boot-module-community

Jeecg-boot pro based on jeecg-boot-2.2.1

Last Version: 2.2.3

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.3.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.3.0-RC2

Release Date:

Siddhi Extension - MQTT Transport : siddhi-io-mqtt

WSO2 is an open source application development software company focused on providing service-oriented architecture solutions for professional developers.

Last Version: 3.0.2

Release Date:

Java AIST Class Kit

science.aist : jack

A collection of useful Java extensions

Last Version: 2.3.1

Release Date:


org.biojava : biojava-alignment

BioJava is an open-source project dedicated to providing a Java framework for processing biological data. It provides analytical and statistical routines, parsers for common file formats and allows the manipulation of sequences and 3D structures. The goal of the biojava project is to facilitate rapid application development for bioinformatics.

Last Version: 6.0.5

Release Date:

sparqlGraphLibrary : sparqlGraphLibrary

Semantics toolkit. Visual SPARQL and app service layer.

Last Version: 2.2.2

Release Date:

cadmium :: Search

com.meltmedia.cadmium : cadmium-search

Cadmium is a static content versioning and distribution system.

Last Version: 1.0.1

Release Date:

TrAP Core : trap-core

Core Trap implementations, with abstract classes for transports. This project provides the base functionality of Trap, but serves no purpose without at least one transport project.

Last Version: 1.4.2

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.3.44

Release Date:


com.discord4j : discord4j-core

A JVM-based REST/WS wrapper for the official Discord Bot API

Last Version: 3.2.2

Release Date:


org.jmonkeyengine : jme3-lwjgl3

jMonkeyEngine is a 3-D game engine for adventurous Java developers

Last Version: 3.5.2-stable

Release Date:

QR Invoice Library - PDFBox

ch.codeblock.qrinvoice.pdfbox : qrinvoice-pdfbox

Provides an PDFBox based PDF scanning implementation

Last Version: 1.14

Release Date:

QR Invoice Library - iText 5

ch.codeblock.qrinvoice.itext5 : qrinvoice-itext5

Provides an iText 5 specific payment part receipt writer

Last Version: 1.14

Release Date:

SWC - Sweble Article Cruncher

org.sweble.wikitext : swc-article-cruncher

A framework for multi-threaded processing of lots of articles.

Last Version: 3.1.9

Release Date:

SWC - Sweble Dump Reader

org.sweble.wikitext : swc-dumpreader

A small library for reading in Wikipedia dumps.

Last Version: 3.1.9

Release Date:

Last Version: 5.1.0

Release Date:


org.boofcv : boofcv-ip

BoofCV is an open source Java library for real-time computer vision and robotics applications.

Last Version: 0.40.1

Release Date:


com.squareup.okhttp3 : mockwebserver3

Square’s meticulous HTTP client for Java and Kotlin.

Last Version: 5.0.0-alpha.10

Release Date:

SpeedTools Geo Utilities

com.tomtom.speedtools : geo

Contains a set of geometry (and geographical) classes, which work with any latitude and longitude, without glitches around the poles or Fiji.

Last Version: 3.4.3

Release Date:

GeoWave CLI

org.locationtech.geowave : geowave-core-cli

Command Line Interface for GeoWave Tools

Last Version: 2.0.1

Release Date:


org.locationtech.geotrellis : geotrellis-s3_2.11

geographic data processing library for high performance applications

Last Version: 3.5.2

Release Date:

Apps: Common

com.cloudera.oryx : oryx-app-common

Common code supporting all layers of apps in this project

Last Version: 2.8.0

Release Date:


org.openscience.cdk : cdk-data

Modular library for Cheminformatics

Last Version: 2.7.1

Release Date:


org.biojava.thirdparty : forester

Applications and software libraries for evolutionary biology and comparative genomics research

Last Version: 1.039

Release Date:


com.xzixi.framework : elasticsearch


Last Version: 2.2.2

Release Date: