
io.ktor : ktor-client-cio-iosarm32

Ktor is a framework for quickly creating web applications in Kotlin with minimal effort.

Last Version: 2.0.2

Release Date:

Last Version:

Release Date:


net.sourceforge.javydreamercsw : vm-client-branding

Sonatype helps open source projects to set up Maven repositories on

Last Version: 0.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 3.6.1

Release Date:

Google APIs Client Library Plugin for Hudson

org.vx68k.hudson.plugin : google-api-client-plugin

This plugin provides the functions of the Google APIs Client Library for Java to other plugins.

Last Version: 1.0

Release Date:


com.goyeau : kubernetes-client_3

A Kubernetes client for Scala

Last Version: 0.8.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.0.2

Release Date:


org.webjars.npm : cli-boxes

WebJar for cli-boxes

Last Version: 2.2.1

Release Date:

Local Sqs Async Client

com.jashmore : local-sqs-async-client

Provides a local Amazon SQS implementation that can talk to a locally running SQS queue like localstack

Last Version: 5.0.0

Release Date:

Datatype Editor Plugin Web

org.eclipse.vorto : org.eclipse.vorto.editor.datatype.web

Eclipse Vorto Server comprises repository, generators and editor

Last Version: 0.10.0.M1

Release Date:

Last Version: 4.3.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 3.48.0

Release Date:

vespaclient-container-plugin : vespaclient-container-plugin

Parent artifact for all Vespa maven projects.

Last Version: 8.7.17

Release Date:

Mylyn WikiText Toolkit : org.eclipse.mylyn.wikitext.toolkit

A toolkit to make writing tests for WikiText easier.

Last Version: 3.0.42

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.9.0

Release Date:

OAuth 2/Open ID Connect support for the client

edu.uiuc.ncsa.myproxy : oa4mp-client-oauth2

Open Authorization (OAuth) client and server code for MyProxy

Last Version: 4.3

Release Date:

FreeSWITCH Event Socket Library - Java Client

org.freeswitch.esl.client : org.freeswitch.esl.client

The FreeSWITCH Event Socket Library provides a TCP based control and/or monitoring interface to a running switch. This project provides a Java client to the ESL.

Last Version: 0.9.2

Release Date:

CometD :: Java :: Annotation :: Client : cometd-java-annotation-client

The CometD project is a scalable web messaging bus that uses WebSocket and HTTP AJAX push technology patterns known as "Comet" techniques

Last Version: 7.0.7

Release Date:

Microsoft Cognitive Services Speech SDK for Java : client-sdk

This SDK allows you to use the Microsoft Cognitive Speech Service. See for more information.

Last Version: 1.22.0

Release Date:

Google API CtoolkiT Client - Google Pub/Sub

org.ctoolkit.restapi : ctoolkit-client-pubsub

Google API CtoolkiT REST API Client Implementation of Google Pub/Sub

Last Version: 0.38

Release Date:


fr.inria.eventcloud : eventcloud-deployment-cli

Parent module for EventCloud maven related modules.

Last Version: 1.6.0

Release Date:


io.ktor : ktor-client-cio-watchosarm64

Ktor is a framework for quickly creating web applications in Kotlin with minimal effort.

Last Version: 2.0.2

Release Date:

Last Version: 3.11.0.v20160510-1223

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.6.0

Release Date:


io.ktor : ktor-client-plugins

Ktor is a framework for quickly creating web applications in Kotlin with minimal effort.

Last Version: 2.0.2

Release Date:

Last Version: 3.13.2

Release Date:


net.skobow : oauth2-restclient-spring-boot-autoconfigure

Lean and easy to use OAuth2 enabled and Spring Boot powered REST client to interact with secured APIs

Last Version: 0.3.0

Release Date:


org.richardinnocent.polysight : polysight-core-client

A common library for Polysight client implementations to use.

Last Version: 0.0.4-ALPHA

Release Date:

Last Version: 3.6.2

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.0.1-RELEASE

Release Date:

hawkBit :: Examples :: Management client API

org.eclipse.hawkbit : hawkbit-example-mgmt-feign-client

Parent pom providing dependency and plugin management for applications built with Maven

Last Version: 0.2.0M3

Release Date:


io.trino : trino-clickhouse

Trino - ClickHouse Connector

Last Version: 387

Release Date:

Central Dogma (centraldogma-client-spring-boot1-autoconfigure-shaded)

com.linecorp.centraldogma : centraldogma-client-spring-boot1-autoconfigure-shaded

Highly-available version-controlled service configuration repository based on Git, ZooKeeper and HTTP/2 (centraldogma-client-spring-boot1-autoconfigure-shaded)

Last Version: 0.32.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.1.13

Release Date:


org.dromara : soul-client-alibaba-dubbo

Parent pom providing dependency and plugin management for applications built with Maven

Last Version: 2.3.0-RELEASE

Release Date:

Pulsar Client 2.x Shaded API

org.apache.pulsar : pulsar-client-2x-shaded

Pulsar is a distributed pub-sub messaging platform with a very flexible messaging model and an intuitive client API.

Last Version: 2.10.0

Release Date:

Whiley Command-Line Interface

org.whiley : wycli

A command-line interface for interacting with the Whiley ecosystem.

Last Version: 0.9.9

Release Date:


io.ktor : ktor-client-json-iosarm32

Ktor is a framework for quickly creating web applications in Kotlin with minimal effort.

Last Version: 2.0.2

Release Date:


org.evomaster : evomaster-client-database-spy

A tool for automatically generating system-level test cases

Last Version: 1.2.1

Release Date: