Data Formats


eu.fthevenet : binjr-adapter-csv

Flexible Time Series Visualization

Last Version: 2.1.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.0.0

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Flume Hbase CSV Serializer

org.keedio.flume.sink.hbase : csvSerializer

Flume HBase Serializer to split Flume CSV events into HBase table columns

Last Version: 0.0.2

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.0.15

Release Date:


ch.zizka.csvcruncher : csv-cruncher

Treats CSV or JSON files as SQL tables, and exports SQL SELECTs back to CSV or JSON.

Last Version: 2.3.6

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.6.2

Release Date:

Milyn :: Smooks Example :: CSV-to-XML-2

org.dhatim : milyn-smooks-example-csv-to-xml-2

Maintains uniform view of dependencies and build configuration for examples. Inherits from smooks-parent and must contain just the things specific to examples.

Last Version: 1.7.5

Release Date:


com.bigelectrons.joesan : csv-parser_2.12

Generic CSV parser library using Shapeless scala library

Last Version: 0.2.0

Release Date:

csv-validator-parent : csv-validator-parent

Validation tool for CSV and CSV Schema files

Last Version: 1.2-RC4

Release Date:


com.kenshoo : xlsx2Csv

A file format converter from xlsx to csv using streaming.

Last Version: 0.1.1

Release Date:

Thundr Contrib Csv

com.threewks.thundr : thundr-contrib-csv

A thundr module for working with csvs

Last Version: 3.0.0

Release Date:

Last Version:

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.1.17

Release Date:


com.after_sunrise.commons : commons-ats-csv

Miscellaneous code snippets for lazy developers.

Last Version: 0.2.10

Release Date:

app.softwork CSV and FLF kotlinx.serialization

app.softwork : kotlinx-serialization-csv-watchosx64

A multiplatform Kotlin CSV and FLF kotlinx.serialization library

Last Version: 0.0.5

Release Date:


cat.inspiracio : csv

Java classes for reading and writing comma-separated value files.

Last Version: 0.0.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.6.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.5.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.6.0

Release Date:

app.softwork CSV and FLF kotlinx.serialization

app.softwork : kotlinx-serialization-csv-iosarm32

A multiplatform Kotlin CSV and FLF kotlinx.serialization library

Last Version: 0.0.5

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.0.0-RC1

Release Date:


com.secureops : fieldextraction-csv

CSV support for Fieldextraction

Last Version: 1.5.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.1

Release Date:

app.softwork CSV and FLF kotlinx.serialization

app.softwork : kotlinx-serialization-csv-watchosx86

A multiplatform Kotlin CSV and FLF kotlinx.serialization library

Last Version: 0.0.5

Release Date:

Super CSV Annotation

com.github.mygreen : super-csv-annotation


Last Version: 2.2

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.0.10

Release Date:


com.github.blasd.apex : apex-csv

Spring Boot Dependencies

Last Version: 1.11

Release Date:

Nerd4j CSV

org.nerd4j : nerd4j-csv

CSV manipulation library.

Last Version: 1.2.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.5.1

Release Date:


com.github.mygreen : super-csv-annotation1

[ Super CSV Annotation, And Localization Message ]

Last Version: 1.2

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.10.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.1.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.2.0

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Last Version: 1.4.0

Release Date:

CSV Data Store

org.codelibs.fess : fess-ds-csv

Fess is Full tExt Search System.

Last Version: 14.2.0

Release Date:


com.github.fracpete : common-csv-weka-package

CSV loader/saver that handles common CSV formats.

Last Version: 2021.1.3

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.6.2

Release Date:


com.github.nomou.spreadsheet : spreadsheet-csv

a simple streaming spreadsheet for CSV

Last Version: 1.0.4

Release Date:

Avacodo CSV

org.avacodo : avacodo-csv

Simple standalone csv converter

Last Version: 1.0.4

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.2

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.6.2

Release Date: