
Last Version: 3.0.0-M2

Release Date:

OW2 Utilities :: Metadata :: CAR Impl

org.ow2.util.metadata : metadata-car-impl

Implementation of metadata Client archive utility modules.

Last Version: 3.0.0-M2

Release Date:

OW2 Utilities :: Metadata :: EjbJar Impl

org.ow2.util.metadata : metadata-ejbjar-impl

Implementation of metadata Ejb-Jar utility modules.

Last Version: 3.0.0-M2

Release Date:


org.flywaydb : flyway-sqlserver

Flyway: Database Migrations Made Easy.

Last Version: 8.5.13

Release Date:

Last Version: 18.0.2

Release Date:

Jackson datatype: HPPC

com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype : jackson-datatype-hppc

Add-on module for Jackson ( to support High-Performance Primitive Collections (HPPC, see data types.

Last Version: 2.13.3

Release Date:


com.github.tomakehurst : wiremock-standalone

A web service test double for all occasions

Last Version: 2.27.2

Release Date:

Last Version: 3.0.0-RC3

Release Date:

Last Version: 3.0.0-RC3

Release Date:

Spring-Boot Starter :: Camel :: JSON validator

org.apache.camel : camel-json-validator-starter

Spring-Boot Starter for Camel JSON Schema validation based on Everit JSON-schema library

Last Version: 3.0.0-RC3

Release Date:


com.googlecode.protobuf-java-format : protobuf-java-format

Provide serialization and de-serialization of different formats based on Google’s protobuf Message. Enables overriding the default (byte array) output to text based formats such as XML, JSON and HTML.

Last Version: 1.4

Release Date:

util : util

Parent project for Google Cloud Platform Big-Data connectors.

Last Version: 2.2.7

Release Date:


org.wildfly.swarm : mongodb

MongoDB integration

Last Version: 2018.5.0

Release Date:


org.wildfly.swarm : cassandra

Cassandra integration

Last Version: 2018.5.0

Release Date:


org.wildfly.swarm : neo4j

Neo4j integration

Last Version: 2018.5.0

Release Date:

WSO2 Carbon - DAS - Message Flow Data Publisher

org.wso2.carbon.mediation :

WSO2 is an open source application development software company focused on providing service-oriented architecture solutions for professional developers.

Last Version: 4.7.122

Release Date:

Last Version: 6.1.57

Release Date:

WSO2 Carbon Databridge Commons Thrift Feature : org.wso2.carbon.databridge.commons.thrift.feature

This feature contains the bundles common jars for both thrift transport publisher and receiver

Last Version: 6.1.57

Release Date:

Last Version: 6.1.57

Release Date:

Last Version: 6.7.2

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.3.1.Final

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.3.1.Final

Release Date:

gcsio : gcsio

An implementation of File System-like interface targeting Google Cloud Storage.

Last Version: 2.2.7

Release Date:

DataNucleus RDBMS plugin

org.datanucleus : datanucleus-rdbms

Plugin for DataNucleus providing persistence to RDBMS datastores.

Last Version: 6.0.0-release

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.42.0

Release Date:

WSO2 Carbon - Data Bridge Commons

org.wso2.carbon.commons : org.wso2.carbon.databridge.commons

org.wso2.carbon.agent.commons.thrift is the common thrift objects used in Agent and Agent Server communication

Last Version: 4.4.9

Release Date:

DataNucleus JDO API plugin

org.datanucleus : datanucleus-api-jdo

Plugin providing DataNucleus implementation of the JDO API.

Last Version: 6.0.0-release

Release Date:


org.jooq : joor-java-8

jOOR is a recursive acronym that stands for jOOR Object Oriented Reflection. It is a simple wrapper for the java.lang.reflect package.

Last Version: 0.9.14

Release Date:

Last Version: 3.0.0-rc1

Release Date:

Jackson-JAXRS: Smile

com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs : jackson-jaxrs-smile-provider

Functionality to handle Smile (binary JSON) input/output for JAX-RS implementations (like Jersey and RESTeasy) using standard Jackson data binding.

Last Version: 2.13.3

Release Date:

Neo4j - Graph Database Kernel

org.neo4j : neo4j-kernel

Neo4j kernel is a lightweight, embedded Java database designed to store data structured as graphs rather than tables. For more information, see

Last Version: 4.4.8

Release Date:

Last Version: 18.0.2

Release Date:

Infinispan Spring 3 Integration

org.infinispan : infinispan-spring

The Infinispan Spring Integration project provides Spring integration for Infinispan, a high performance distributed cache. Its primary features are * An implementation of org.springframework.cache.CacheManager, Spring's central caching abstraction, backed by Infinispan's EmbeddedCacheManager. To be used if your Spring-powered application and Infinispan are colocated, i.e. running within the same VM. * An implementation of org.springframework.cache.CacheManager backed by Infinispan's RemoteCacheManager. To bes used if your Spring-powered application accesses Infinispan remotely, i.e. over the network. * An implementation of org.springframework.cache.CacheManager backed by a CacheContainer reference. To be used if your Spring- powered application needs access to a CacheContainer defined outside the application (e.g. retrieved from JNDI) * Spring namespace support allowing shortcut definitions for all the components above In addition, Infinispan Spring Integration offers various FactoryBeans for facilitating creation of Infinispan core classes - Cache, CacheManager, ... - within a Spring context.

Last Version: 8.2.12.Final

Release Date:


com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs : jackson-jaxrs-cbor-provider

Functionality to handle CBOR encoded input/output for JAX-RS implementations (like Jersey and RESTeasy) using standard Jackson data binding.

Last Version: 2.13.3

Release Date:

Kie Commons Data

org.kie.commons : kie-commons-data

Collection of reusable Java Data Structures from the KIE team.

Last Version: 6.0.0.CR5

Release Date:

Jackson dataformat: protobuf

com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat : jackson-dataformat-protobuf

Support for reading and writing protobuf-encoded data via Jackson abstractions.

Last Version: 2.13.3

Release Date:

Hibernate Search Avro Serialization

org.hibernate : hibernate-search-serialization-avro

Implementation of the Hibernate Search serialization protocol for remote indexing using Avro

Last Version: 5.11.10.Final

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.7.3

Release Date:


org.jetbrains.kotlinx : kotlinx-serialization-core-jvm

Kotlin multiplatform serialization runtime library

Last Version: 1.3.3

Release Date:

Apache JempBox

org.apache.pdfbox : jempbox

The Apache JempBox library is an open source Java tool that implements Adobe's XMP(TM) specification. JempBox is a subproject of Apache PDFBox.

Last Version: 1.8.16

Release Date:

WSO2 Carbon Databridge Feature : org.wso2.carbon.databridge.feature

This aggregated feature contains the all bundles related to databridge

Last Version: 6.1.57

Release Date:

util-hadoop-hadoop3 : util-hadoop

Parent project for Google Cloud Platform Big-Data connectors.

Last Version: 1.9.4-hadoop3

Release Date: