

net.javacrumbs.shedlock : shedlock-provider-couchbase-javaclient

Sonatype helps open source projects to set up Maven repositories on

Last Version: 4.37.0

Release Date:


org.eclipse.jnosql.communication : couchbase-driver

The Eclipse JNoSQL communication layer to Couchbase

Last Version: 1.0.0-b4

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.4.4

Release Date:

Last Version: 10.0.0-M6

Release Date:

Last Version: 10.0.0-M6

Release Date:


org.apache.nifi : nifi-neo4j-cypher-service

Apache NiFi is an easy to use, powerful, and reliable system to process and distribute data.

Last Version: 1.16.3

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date:

Neo4j - NDP Messaging Library V1

org.neo4j : neo4j-ndp-messaging-v1

Serialization code and definition of messages for NDP V1

Last Version: 2.3.0-M02

Release Date:


org.neo4j : scalastyle_2.11

Scalastyle style checker for Scala

Last Version: 1.1.1

Release Date:

Neo4j - Bolt Messaging Library V1

org.neo4j : neo4j-bolt-messaging-v1

Serialization code and definition of messages for Bolt V1

Last Version: 2.3.0-RC1

Release Date:

Last Version: 3.0.12

Release Date:

Last Version: 3.4.0-alpha01

Release Date:

Cypher for Gremlin: Cypher Gremlin Neo4j Driver for Java

org.opencypher.gremlin : cypher-gremlin-neo4j-driver

Run Cypher queries via Neo4j Java API on Gremlin Server or a compatible graph database

Last Version: 1.0.4

Release Date:


org.apache.nifi : nifi-neo4j-3-cypher-service

Apache NiFi is an easy to use, powerful, and reliable system to process and distribute data.

Last Version: 1.16.3

Release Date:

neo4j : neo4j

Path: :open:serialization:neo4j:neo4j

Last Version: 8.9.2

Release Date:

Structr Neo4j Enterprise Database Driver

org.structr : structr-neo4j-enterprise-driver

Sonatype helps open source projects to set up Maven repositories on

Last Version: 2.2.9-2.0.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.0.2.RELEASE

Release Date:

Neo4j - Data Collector

org.neo4j : neo4j-data-collector

The Neo4j data collector daemon.

Last Version: 4.4.8

Release Date:

GraphAware Tests

com.graphaware.neo4j : tests

Tools for testing Neo4j-related and GraphAware-related code

Last Version:

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.3.0-RC1

Release Date:

Neo4j - Cypher Reference Card

org.neo4j.doc : neo4j-cypher-refcard

Reference Card for the Neo4j Cypher Query Language.

Last Version: 3.1.0-M08

Release Date:

jQAssistant Commandline Neo4jv3

com.buschmais.jqassistant.cli : jqassistant-commandline-neo4jv3

jQAssistant Commandline distribution to run jQAssistant as standalone tool.

Last Version: 1.12.0-M1

Release Date:

Last Version: 4.4.8

Release Date:


net.javacrumbs.shedlock : shedlock-provider-neo4j

Sonatype helps open source projects to set up Maven repositories on

Last Version: 4.37.0

Release Date:

Java Neo4j OGM

io.innerloop : java-neo4j-ogm

A Java Object Graph Mapper (OGM) for Neo4J

Last Version: 0.3.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.1.2.RELEASE

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.0.2.RELEASE

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.0.0.M3

Release Date:

Last Version: 4.4.8

Release Date:

openCypher DSL

org.neo4j : neo4j-opencypher-dsl

A DSL for generating openCypher compatible Cypher statements

Last Version: 1.1.1

Release Date:

DataNucleus Neo4j plugin

org.datanucleus : datanucleus-neo4j

Plugin providing persistence to Neo4j graph datastores.

Last Version: 6.0.0-release

Release Date:


com.arcadeanalytics : arcade-connectors-neo4j3

Arcade Connectorsa: connectors to data stores

Last Version: 1.0.13

Release Date:

Last Version: 4.4.6

Release Date:

Last Version: 4.4.8

Release Date:


org.neo4j : neo4j-connector-apache-spark_2.12_common

Common Services for Neo4j Connector for Apache Spark using the binary Bolt Driver

Last Version: 4.1.2

Release Date:

Last Version: 4.4.8

Release Date:

jQAssistant Embedded Neo4j 2.x Community Server

com.buschmais.jqassistant.neo4jserver : neo4jv2

Provides the adapter for the embedded Neo4j 2.x Community Server.

Last Version: 1.6.0

Release Date: