Dependency Injection

Apache Shiro :: Samples :: Guice Web

org.apache.shiro.samples : samples-guice

Apache Shiro is a powerful and flexible open-source security framework that cleanly handles authentication, authorization, enterprise session management, single sign-on and cryptography services.

Last Version: 1.8.0

Release Date:

Guice Commons Configuration

net.lamberto.junit : guice-commons-configuration

A Guice module using Apache Commons Configuration for mapping named properties by using a type-based injection.

Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.1.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 4.0.0-beta

Release Date:


org.scalatra.scalate : scalate-guice_2.13.0-RC1

Guice integration for a Jersey based Scalate web application.

Last Version: 1.9.3

Release Date:


com.intapp : vertx-guice

Enable Verticle dependency injection in Vert.x using Guice.

Last Version: 1.0

Release Date:


org.scalafx : scalafxml-guice-sfx2_2.11

Guice based dependency resolver for ScalaFXML

Last Version: 0.2.2

Release Date:


de.devsurf.injection.guice.integrations : de.devsurf.injection.guice.integrations.configuration

Goolge Guice-Extension which add the support for Classpath Scanner and auto registration for Guice-Modules and Beans. ASM, Reflections/Javassit or a Sonatype-Guice-Extension can be used as Classpath Scanner.

Last Version: 0.6.1

Release Date:

Guiced Persistence - EhCache

com.jwebmp.guicedee.persistence : guiced-persistence-ehcache

Enables EH Cache with Hibernate connections in the GuicedPersistence provider

Last Version:

Release Date:


org.atmosphere.samples : atmosphere-di-guice-sample

Sonatype helps open source projects to set up Maven repositories on

Last Version: 2.0.8

Release Date:

Guice JUnit Runner

nl.pvanassen : guice-junit-runner

Parent pom for projects by Paul van Assen

Last Version: 1.1.0

Release Date:

Implementation Tester - Guice Annotations

javax.cache : guice-annotations-tester

Runs Annotations tests using the Guice test harness

Last Version: 1.1.1

Release Date:

Guice :: Commons Configuration

com.github.testdriven.guice : commons-configuration

Implementation of Apache commons-configuration for Guice

Last Version: 1.0

Release Date:

Ka Event Guice

org.kasource.kaevent : ka-event-guice

Ka-Event base project, which builds all modules.

Last Version: 0.9

Release Date:


com.brightback.oss : ebean-guice

Parent pom for oss projects

Last Version: 0.0.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.5

Release Date:

ODL :: odlguice :: odlguice-features

org.opendaylight.odlguice : odlguice-features

OpenDaylight is leading the transformation to Open Software Defined Networking (SDN). For more information, please see

Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date:


com.nlocketz.plugins : easy-plugins-guice-plugin

Annotation directed service providers, made easy!

Last Version: 0.2.6

Release Date:

javax.cache.imp : cache-ri-impl

JPMS Module-Info for the JCache Library (For JLink)

Last Version: 62

Release Date:

Last Version: 3.0.3

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.0.0-M3

Release Date:

Guice Auto register

com.googlecode.guice-autoreg : guice-autoreg

Guice-autoreg automagically registers all guice modules for you.

Last Version: 0.3

Release Date:

Last Version: 3.0.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.1

Release Date:


org.99soft.guice : junice

Simple library to inject a Junit4 test classess via Google-Guice.

Last Version: 1.3

Release Date:

CRaSH Guice

com.linagora :

The CRaSH Guice integration module

Last Version: 0.2

Release Date:

Apache Wink Guice Server

org.apache.wink : wink-guice-server

The Apache Software Foundation provides support for the Apache community of open-source software projects. The Apache projects are characterized by a collaborative, consensus based development process, an open and pragmatic software license, and a desire to create high quality software that leads the way in its field. We consider ourselves not simply a group of projects sharing a server, but rather a community of developers and users.

Last Version: 1.4

Release Date:


org.scalafx : scalafxml-guice-sfx8_2.11

Guice based dependency resolver for ScalaFXML

Last Version: 0.5

Release Date:


com.github.sebhoss.contract : contract-guice

Annotation-based design by contract library.

Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 3.3.1

Release Date:

Neuron DI @ Guice for Scala 2.11

global.namespace.neuron-di : neuron-di-guice-scala_2.12.0-RC1

Neuron DI is an ultra-light dependency injection framework which emphasizes the beauty and power of lazy dependency resolution and caching.

Last Version: 4.1

Release Date:


io.crnk : crnk-guice

JSON API framework for Java

Last Version: 2.5.20180326220647

Release Date:

Guice JPA JUnit Runner

net.lamberto.junit.jpa : guice-jpa-junit-runner

A JUnit Runner allowing Guice-based testing with JPA Hibernate4-based. Each test method is running with a clean Injector instance.

Last Version: 1.0.1

Release Date:


com.ttdev : wpt-sample-guice

A lightweight unit testing framework for Apache Wicket

Last Version: 3.0.3

Release Date:

Stellardrift Guice-fork

ca.stellardrift.guice-backport : guice-parent

A fork of Guice that restores removed API, and uses external ASM.

Last Version: 5.0.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.0.5

Release Date:


com.github.shyiko.dotenv : dotenv-guice

A twelve-factor configuration library for Java 8+

Last Version: 0.1.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 3.3

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.1.0

Release Date:

Guiced Persistence - BTM

com.jwebmp.jre10 : guiced-persistence-btm

A complete JPA 2.1 implementation for Standalone or EE Implementation. Enables Multiple Persistence units with full JTA Support using BTM. Perfect for Guice implementations, test suites, and Guice enabled Web Applications or EAR Projects. Requires JDK 8

Last Version:

Release Date:

Last Version: 3.3

Release Date:

Postguice Test

com.voodoodyne.postguice : postguice-test

Help integrate Postgres, Guice, and Hibernate

Last Version: 0.10

Release Date:

Guice Parent Holder

com.jwebmp.jpms.guice : guice-parent

The modules where we are waiting for the owners to move to JPMS

Last Version:

Release Date:

Guiced Services Versioning

com.guicedee : versioner

Supplies the version numbers for all the dependencies in a single location

Last Version:

Release Date: