General Purpose Libraries


com.symphony.oss.fugue : fugue-deploy

Cloud Service Provider Abstraction

Last Version: 0.3.0

Release Date:


com.symphony.oss.fugue : fugue-launch

Cloud Service Provider Abstraction

Last Version: 0.3.0

Release Date:


com.symphony.oss.fugue : fugue-resources

Cloud Service Provider Abstraction

Last Version: 0.3.0

Release Date:

Open Icon Library

org.webjars : fugue-icons

WebJar for Fugue Icon Collection

Last Version: 3.5.6

Release Date:


io.github.jools-uk : jxls

Small library for Excel generation based on XLS templates

Last Version: 2.11.1-robbiju

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Last Version: 0.0.5

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com.oyesk.starter : oyesk-starter-vavr

This lib adds Vavr-Try module for jackson, in this way you can return Try instances directly from controllers.

Last Version: 0.0.1

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io.vavr : vavr-beanvalidation2

Integrates vavr with bean validation 2.x frameworks (JSR 380)

Last Version: 0.10.0

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com.github.ljtfreitas : java-restify-vavr

Java Restify Maven Group (Parent)

Last Version: 2.1.0

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Vavr Test

io.vavr : vavr-test

A property check framework for Vavr.

Last Version: 0.10.4

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Vavr Match Annotation Processor

io.vavr : vavr-match-processor

Processor for structural pattern matching.

Last Version: 0.10.4

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Last Version: 0.0.5

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Last Version: 2.0.0.RELEASE

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com.linkedin.pegasus : restli-disruptor

Pegasus is a framework for building robust, scalable service architectures using dynamic discovery and simple asychronous type-checked REST + JSON APIs.

Last Version: 27.7.18

Release Date:


nl.komponents.kovenant : kovenant-disruptor

LMAX Disruptor Worker Queues for Kovenant

Last Version: 3.3.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 3.0.0

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io.acryl : restli-disruptor is a framework for building robust, scalable service architectures using dynamic discovery and simple asychronous type-checked REST + JSON APIs.

Last Version: 29.22.16

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Last Version: 3.1.0

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Last Version: 3.4.2

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Last Version: 1.0.2.RELEASE

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it.unimi.dsi : fastutil-extra

fastutil extends the Java Collections Framework by providing type-specific maps, sets, lists and priority queues with a small memory footprint and fast access and insertion; provides also big (64-bit) arrays, sets and lists, sorting algorithms, and fast, practical I/O classes for binary and text files. This module adds data structures based on references, bytes, and characters.

Last Version: 8.5.4

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.1.1

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org.powernukkit.fastutil : fastutil-lite

A fastutil distribution which contains only a select set of APIs, dramatically reducing the library size.

Last Version: 8.1.1

Release Date:


io.monix : monix-internal-jctools_2.11

Monix Execution Shaded JCTools is a shaded version of JCTools library. See:

Last Version: 3.3.0

Release Date:


io.monix : monix-internal-jctools_2.12

Monix Execution Shaded JCTools is a shaded version of JCTools library. See:

Last Version: 3.4.1

Release Date:


io.monix : monix-internal-jctools_2.13

Monix Execution Shaded JCTools is a shaded version of JCTools library. See:

Last Version: 3.4.1

Release Date:


io.monix : monix-internal-jctools_3

Monix Execution Shaded JCTools is a shaded version of JCTools library. See:

Last Version: 3.4.1

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Last Version: 2.10.1

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Last Version: 0.2.0

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Last Version: 2.3.8

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Last Version: 0.2.0

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Last Version: 2.10.1

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ODL :: integration :: other-artifacts

org.opendaylight.integration : other-artifacts

POM to import, with all the needed versions of upstream ODL artifacts not imported elsewhere.

Last Version: 0.16.0

Release Date:

moskito embedded web rest interface - jersey support

net.anotheria : moskito-inspect-jersey

This project contains dependencies and configuration (web-fragment) needed to enable moskito-inspect rest interface via Jersey. To use it simply add it as dependency.

Last Version: 2.10.1

Release Date:


com.sun.bigbrother : ci-bayes

Module for classifying data based on various Bayesian algorithms

Last Version: 1.0.9-patch-1

Release Date:

Newegg SDK for Java - Other

com.newegg.marketplace : sdk-other

Newegg Marketplace API provides an interface in every major service group to allow you to check whether the service you are invoking is available or not.

Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.4

Release Date:


net.anotheria : moskito-php

MoSKito, the open source java monitoring

Last Version: 2.10.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.0

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org.apache.nifi : nifi-other-graph-services

Apache NiFi is an easy to use, powerful, and reliable system to process and distribute data.

Last Version: 1.16.3

Release Date:

sampling api

net.anotheria : moskito-sampling-api

MoSKito, the open source java monitoring

Last Version: 2.10.1

Release Date:


org.orienteer : org.orienteer.birt.orientdb

Connector for Eclipse BIRT for OrientDB

Last Version: 1.0

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JNPM Core Library

org.orienteer.jnpm : jnpm

Java Implementation of Node Package Manager (NPM)

Last Version: 1.4

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.5

Release Date:


org.orienteer : orienteer-twilio

Orienteer - Business Application Platform

Last Version: 1.5

Release Date:


org.orienteer : orienteer-bpm

Orienteer - Business Application Platform

Last Version: 1.5

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Last Version: 1.1

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Pure Java Events Logger

org.orienteer : logger

Pure Java Events Logger for all types of java applications: client/server side, android, etc.

Last Version: 1.3

Release Date:


org.phoebus : app-channel-utility

Support for pvs with properties and tags as used by directory services

Last Version: 4.6.7

Release Date: