

com.colisweb : geoflram_2.12

Geofla DB in memory

Last Version: 1.2.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date:


org.locationtech.geotrellis : geotrellis-spark-testkit_2.11

geographic data processing library for high performance applications

Last Version: 3.5.2

Release Date:

Apache Geode

org.apache.geode : geode-dunit

Apache Geode provides a database-like consistency model, reliable transaction processing and a shared-nothing architecture to maintain very low latency performance with high concurrency processing

Last Version: 1.15.0

Release Date:


edu.ucr.cs.bdlab : geolite

A Spark extension to provide big exploratory analytics of spatio-temporal data

Last Version: 0.5.0-RC1

Release Date:

geomajas-face-rest plug-in parent

org.geomajas : geomajas-face-rest-all

geomajas-face-rest plug-in grouping module

Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.0.1

Release Date:


org.locationtech.geotrellis : geotrellis-vectortile_2.11

geographic data processing library for high performance applications

Last Version: 3.5.2

Release Date:

Apache Unomi :: Extensions :: Geonames Database :: REST API

org.apache.unomi : cxs-geonames-rest

REST API for the Apache Unomi Context Server extension that integrates with the Geonames database

Last Version: 1.6.0

Release Date:


win.doyto : doyto-query-geo

DOYToWin organization-level POM

Last Version: 1.0.0-ALPHA

Release Date:

GeoPackage Driver

io.jeo : jeo-geopkg

Java Geospatial Library

Last Version: 0.7

Release Date:


de.sciss : lucre-geom_3.0.0-RC2

Extension of Scala-STM, adding optional durability layer, and providing API for confluent and reactive event layers

Last Version: 4.4.4

Release Date:


com.georgebindragon : utils-android

this is a common android utils project.

Last Version: 1.5.0

Release Date:

GeoMesa Stream API

org.locationtech.geomesa : geomesa-stream-api_2.12

A distributed spatio-temporal database built on a number of cloud data storage systems

Last Version: 3.4.1

Release Date:


nl.cloudfarming.client : geometry-shape-type

AgroSense is a highly modular farm management system base on the netbeans platform.

Last Version: 1.0.24

Release Date:

Apache Geode

org.apache.geode : geode-concurrency-test

Apache Geode provides a database-like consistency model, reliable transaction processing and a shared-nothing architecture to maintain very low latency performance with high concurrency processing

Last Version: 1.15.0

Release Date:


de.sciss : lucre-geom_3.0.0-M3

Extension of Scala-STM, adding optional durability layer, and providing API for confluent and reactive event layers

Last Version: 4.4.1

Release Date:


org.locationtech.geotrellis : geotrellis-accumulo_2.13

geographic data processing library for high performance applications

Last Version: 3.6.2

Release Date:

Last Version: 3.4.1

Release Date:


org.bremersee : geojson

This project contains classes for reading and writing GeoJSON with the Jackson JSON Processor.

Last Version: 2.4.1

Release Date:

Geobuf Driver

io.jeo : jeo-geobuf

Java Geospatial Library

Last Version: 0.7

Release Date:


dev.haeusler.geojson-kotlin : geojson

A GeoJSON implementation for Kotlin

Last Version: 1.0

Release Date:

GraphHopper Map Matching

com.graphhopper : map-matching

Super pom of the GraphHopper Map Matching component

Last Version: 0.7.0

Release Date:

GraphHopper Reader JSON

com.graphhopper : graphhopper-reader-json

Super pom of GraphHopper, the fast and flexible routing engine

Last Version: 0.10.3

Release Date:

GraphHopper Map Matching

com.graphhopper : graphhopper-map-matching

Super pom of GraphHopper, the fast and flexible routing engine

Last Version: 5.3

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.8.0

Release Date:

GraphHopper Reader for Shapefile Data

com.graphhopper : graphhopper-reader-shp

Super pom of GraphHopper, the fast and flexible routing engine

Last Version: 0.12.0-pre1

Release Date:

GraphHopper Reader for Gtfs Data

com.graphhopper : graphhopper-reader-gtfs

Super pom of GraphHopper, the fast and flexible routing engine

Last Version: 5.3

Release Date:


com.graphhopper : jsprit-io

A toolkit to solve vehicle routing problems.

Last Version: 1.9.0-beta.4

Release Date:


com.graphhopper : jsprit-instances

A toolkit to solve vehicle routing problems.

Last Version: 1.9.0-beta.4

Release Date:

GraphHopper Tools LGPL licensed

com.graphhopper : graphhopper-tools-lgpl

Super pom of GraphHopper, the fast and flexible routing engine

Last Version: 0.8.2

Release Date:

RGi Modified GraphHopper

com.rgi-corp : graphhopper-reader-osm

GraphHopper with some modifications

Last Version: 0.8.0

Release Date:


com.graphhopper : hmm-lib-external

Hidden Markov Model (HMM) library for time-inhomogeneous Markov processes

Last Version: 5.3

Release Date:


com.graphhopper : jsprit-analysis

A toolkit to solve vehicle routing problems.

Last Version: 1.9.0-beta.7

Release Date:


com.graphhopper.external : hmm-lib

Hidden Markov Model (HMM) library for time-inhomogeneous Markov processes

Last Version: 2.0-pre3

Release Date:


org.orbisgis : h2gis-test-utilities

Common class for Spatial JUnit Test

Last Version: 2.0.0

Release Date:


org.orbisgis : h2gis-osgi

Register H2GIS functions when a DataSource is declared as OSGi services

Last Version: 2.0.0

Release Date:


org.mapsforge : sqlite-android

Vector map library and writer - running on Android and Desktop.

Last Version: 0.18.0

Release Date:


org.mapsforge : vtm-http

OpenGL vector map library - running on Android, iOS, Desktop and browser.

Last Version: 0.18.0

Release Date:


org.mapsforge : vtm-models

OpenGL vector map library - running on Android, iOS, Desktop and browser.

Last Version: 0.18.0

Release Date:


org.mapsforge : vtm-android-mvt

OpenGL vector map library - running on Android, iOS, Desktop and browser.

Last Version: 0.18.0

Release Date:


org.mapsforge : vtm-json

OpenGL vector map library - running on Android, iOS, Desktop and browser.

Last Version: 0.18.0

Release Date:


org.mapsforge : mapsforge-poi-android

Vector map library and writer - running on Android and Desktop.

Last Version: 0.18.0

Release Date:


org.mapsforge : vtm-jeo

OpenGL vector map library - running on Android, iOS, Desktop and browser.

Last Version: 0.18.0

Release Date:


org.xbib.elasticsearch : spatial4j

Libraries for Elasticsearch

Last Version:

Release Date:

PostGIS Raster Plugin

io.oss84.geotools : gt-postgis-raster

Unsupported modules for GeoTools.

Last Version: 24.2-oss84-1

Release Date:

Postgis JDBC Driver JTS Parser

net.postgis : postgis-jdbc-jts

Parser between JTS and PostGIS geometry formats.

Last Version: 2021.1.0

Release Date:


org.orbisgis : postgis-jts

JTS wrapper on a PostGIS jdbc connection

Last Version: 2.0.0

Release Date: