

com.antwerkz.sofia : java-tests

Sonatype helps open source projects to set up Maven repositories on

Last Version: 0.23

Release Date:

PillFill Java Client

com.apothesource.pillfill : pf-java-client

A mHealth library to simplify accessing patient prescriptions, drug information, and prescriber/pharmacy data.

Last Version: 1.0.1

Release Date:

App55 Library for Java

com.app55 : app55-java

App55 client library for the Java platform.

Last Version: 0.8.7

Release Date:


com.appadhoc : adhoc-java

Last Version: 0.0.10

Release Date:


com.applitools : eyes-appium-java

Applitools Eyes SDK for Appium Java WebDriver

Last Version: 3.172.0

Release Date:


com.applitools : eyes-images-java-jersey1x

Applitools Eyes SDK Rest API wrapper for Java

Last Version: 2.49

Release Date:


com.applitools : eyes-java

Dummy package for loading the latest eyes-images-java Applitools Eyes SDK.

Last Version: 2.48

Release Date:


com.applitools : eyes-sdk-java

Applitools Eyes SDK base for Java

Last Version: 2.24

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.51

Release Date:


com.applitools : eyes-sdk-java-jersey1_17-sf2_53_1-parent

Applitools Eyes SDK for Selenium Java WebDriver

Last Version: 2.52

Release Date:


com.applitools : eyes-sdk-java-parent

Applitools Eyes SDK for Selenium Java WebDriver

Last Version: 2.57

Release Date:


com.applitools : eyes-selenium-java-ab2_39

Applitools Eyes SDK for Selenium Java WebDriver

Last Version: 2.30

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.51

Release Date:


com.applitools : eyes-selenium-java-jersey1_17-sf2_53_1

Applitools Eyes SDK for Selenium Java WebDriver

Last Version: 2.52

Release Date:


com.applitools : eyes-selenium-java-jersey1x

Applitools Eyes SDK for Selenium Java WebDriver

Last Version: 2.34

Release Date:


com.applitools : eyes-selenium-java-jersey1x-sf2_45

Applitools Eyes SDK for Selenium Java WebDriver

Last Version: 2.30

Release Date:


com.applitools : eyes-selenium-java-jersey1x-sf2_48_2

Applitools Eyes SDK for Selenium Java WebDriver

Last Version: 2.30

Release Date:


com.applitools : eyes-selenium-java-jersey2x

Applitools Eyes SDK for Selenium Java WebDriver

Last Version: 2.28

Release Date:

AppNeta Java Agent : appneta-agent

The AppNeta Java instrumentation agent. Contains the required jar, configuration file and native libraries for Windows and Linux. AppNeta provides application performance monitoring for Java web apps through this agent. The files contained here allow for event tracking within your application to identify latency timings between your application layers. More options can be found here: For other information on our Java agent please visit

Last Version: 5.0.6

Release Date:

AppNeta Java Instrumentation API : appneta-api

Enables custom instrumentation by providing an API to capture start and end times for your functions and include arbitrary data. While AppNeta provides superior out-of-the-box performance monitoring, using the API can allow for more detailed transaction reporting within AppNeta's user interface. For other information on our Java agent please visit For API information please visit

Last Version: 5.0.6

Release Date:

AppNeta instrumentation agent installer plugin : appneta-maven-plugin

A Maven plugin that installs the AppNeta Java instrumentation agent. Can be used within a pom or directly from command line. The supported goals are "install-agent" and "download-agent". The configuration properties are "agentVersion", "agentLocation" and "agentOperatingSystem"(the last one is only valid for "download-agent" goal), all are optional and may be specified as maven configuration properties or system properties. For other information on our Java agent please visit

Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date:


com.appnexus.grafana-client : grafana-api-java-client

A simple java client for interacting with Grafana using a fluent interface

Last Version: 1.0.5

Release Date:

AppOptics Java Agent Jar : appoptics-agent

The AppOptics Java instrumentation agent jar file. This artifact provides a convenient way to download the agent jar from public Maven repository. Please take note that this should NOT be included as a part of the project dependencies. Rather, this artifact should be integrated into the build process by using extra step such as the "copy" goal of "maven-dependency-plugin". For more information, please refer to

Last Version: 6.24.3

Release Date:

AppOptics Java AWS Lambda : appoptics-aws-lambda

The AppOptics Java agent provides an instrumentation SDK for AWS Lambda as the appoptics-aws-lambda Maven artifact, which provides a convenience wrapper to trace functions, wrappers to trace the operation and propagate the trace context in Apache Http clients, and OpenTelemetry-compatible SDK to create custom spans for additional insight. In addition, appoptics-aws-lambda supports code profiling when the function is configured with enough memory/CPU.

Last Version: 1.0.1

Release Date:

AppOptics Java Instrumentation SDK : appoptics-sdk

Enables custom instrumentation by providing an SDK to capture start and end times for your functions and include arbitrary data. While AppOptics provides superior out-of-the-box performance monitoring, using the SDK can allow for more detailed transaction reporting within AppOptics's user interface. For other information on our Java agent please visit For SDK information please visit .

Last Version: 6.24.3

Release Date:


com.appscode.api : appscode-api-java-client

Java Client library for AppsCode APIs(

Last Version: 0.13.1

Release Date:


com.appscode.api : java-client

Java Client library for AppsCode APIs(

Last Version: 0.2.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.1.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.1.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.1.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.1.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.1.0

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Last Version: 0.1.0

Release Date:


com.appunite : websockets-java

JavaWebsocketClient is simple library for Websocket connection for java and Android. It is designed to be fast and fault tolerant.

Last Version: 2.1.0

Release Date:


com.appwavelets.agent : appwavelets-java-api

AppWavelets JAVA API - Failure Injection into your JAVA Applications

Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date:

Apruve Client for Java

com.apruve : apruve-java

Java client for merchant integration with Apruve

Last Version: 0.4.2

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date:

Skeerel JAVA Library

com.arcansecurity.skeerel : skeerel-java

A Java library for the Skeerel API

Last Version: 2.0.3

Release Date:


com.arcticicestudio : arcver-java

Java library implementation of the Arctic Versioning Specification.

Last Version: 0.10.0

Release Date:


com.arcticicestudio : lumio-java

A luminous warm and calm color palette Java library.

Last Version: 0.3.0

Release Date:


com.arcticicestudio : nord-java

A arctic, north-bluish color palette Java library.

Last Version: 0.2.0

Release Date:


com.arcticicestudio : northem-dark-java

Java library implementation of the north-bluish dark color palette "Northem Dark". Optimized for syntax highlighting and UI projects. This is a darker and more blue-tinged variation.

Last Version: 0.2.0

Release Date:


com.arcticicestudio : northem-java

Java library implementation of the north-bluish dark color palette "Northem", optimized for syntax highlighting and UI projects.

Last Version: 0.2.0

Release Date:


com.arcticicestudio : northem-light-java

Java library implementation of the north-bluish light color palette "Northem Light". Optimized for syntax highlighting and UI projects. This is a light and more color-intensive variation.

Last Version: 0.2.0

Release Date:

Ardoq Java Client

com.ardoq : java-api-client

Java client to Ardoq public API

Last Version: 1.26

Release Date:

Arm Mbed Cloud SDK : mbed-cloud-sdk-java

The Mbed Cloud SDK provides a simplified interface to the Mbed Cloud APIs by exposing functionality using conventions and paradigms familiar to Java developers.

Last Version: 1.2.1

Release Date:


com.arxanfintech : tomago-sdk-java

Sonatype helps open source projects to set up Maven repositories on

Last Version: 2.0.1

Release Date:


com.arxanfintech : wallet-sdk-java

Sonatype helps open source projects to set up Maven repositories on

Last Version: 3.0

Release Date:

AskFast Library

com.askfast.askfastapi : askfast-api-java

AskFast Library to use the AskFast system

Last Version: 1.5.7

Release Date:


com.asprise.imaging : java-scanner-access-twain

Acquire images from and have total control on almost all kinds of scanners on both Windows 32bit and 64bit.

Last Version:

Release Date: