
alphanumeric-comparator : alphanumeric-comparator

An implementation of a comparator that sort strings in an order that makes sense for a human.

Last Version: 1.4.1

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK :: JMES Path Query library : jmespath-java

Implementation of the JMES Path JSON Query langauge for Java.

Last Version: 2.0.0-preview-2

Release Date:

Reloadly Java SDK :: Core

software.reloadly : java-sdk-core

The Reloadly SDK for Java - Core module holds the classes that are used by the individual service clients to interact with Reloadly Services. Users need to depend on reloadly-java-sdk artifact for accessing individual client classes.

Last Version: 1.0.2

Release Date:

Adobe I/O - Core Library

com.adobe : aio-lib-java-core

Adobe I/O - Java SDK - Core Library

Last Version: 0.0.14

Release Date:

Adobe I/O - IMS Library

com.adobe : aio-lib-java-ims

Adobe I/O Events - Java SDK - IMS Library

Last Version: 0.0.14

Release Date:


com.github.fangjinuo.langx : langx-java-gmssl

Java lang extensions, a supplement to , replacement of a Guava, commons-lang, hutool

Last Version: 4.1.0

Release Date:


dev.guardrail : guardrail-java-support_2.12

Principled code generation for Scala services from OpenAPI specifications

Last Version: 0.72.0

Release Date:


io.github.cajr8023 : hd-java-sdk-core


Last Version: 1.0.8

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.0.2.RELEASE

Release Date:

Adobe I/O - Core Library

com.adobe.aio : aio-lib-java-core

Adobe I/O - Java SDK - Core Library

Last Version: 0.0.46

Release Date:


com.yeepay.yop.sdk : yop-java-sdk-base

本项目用于对接 YOP 上面的 API。

Last Version: 4.2.3-jdk6on

Release Date:


ai.whylabs : whylogs-java-core

The core library for WhyLogs

Last Version: 0.1.8-b0

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.1

Release Date:


ch.exense.step : step-functions-plugins-java-def

step is the first open-source automation platform for unified agile testing.

Last Version: 3.19.0

Release Date:


com.agrirouter.api.lmis : agrirouter-api-java-api

This project contains the API for the communication with the agrirouter. Everything you need for the onboarding process, secure communication and much more.

Last Version: 1.0.0-jdk11-RC1

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.0.2

Release Date:


com.aliyun : aliyun-java-sdk-kms

Aliyun Open API SDK for Java Copyright (C) Alibaba Cloud Computing All rights reserved. 版权所有 (C)阿里云计算有限公司

Last Version: 2.15.0

Release Date:

Amazon SQS Extended Client Library for Java

com.amazonaws : amazon-sqs-java-extended-client-lib

An extension to the Amazon SQS client that enables sending and receiving messages up to 2GB via Amazon S3.

Last Version: 2.0.2

Release Date:

Java Scheduler

com.amlinv : java-sched

Scheduler of java processes that seeks to optimize the execution of processing tasks by the JVM with minimal threads in order to reduce the overhead of context switching, optimize the utilization of CPU cores, and provide controls to the application over the scheduling of processing tasks.

Last Version: 1.1.0

Release Date:


com.cinchapi : concourse-driver-java

Concourse is a distributed database warehouse for transactions, search, and analytics across time. Developers use Concourse to quickly build mission critical software while also benefiting from real time insight into their most important data. With Concourse, end-to-end data management requires no extra infrastructure, no prior configuration and no additional coding–all of which greatly reduce costs and allow developers to focus on core business problems.

Last Version: 0.11.2

Release Date:


com.cognitect : transit-java

Transit is a data format and a set of libraries for conveying values between applications written in different languages. This library provides support for marshalling Transit data to/from Java.

Last Version: 1.0.362

Release Date:


com.couchbase.lite : couchbase-lite-java

Couchbase Lite is an embedded lightweight, document-oriented (NoSQL), syncable database engine.

Last Version: 3.0.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.4.4

Release Date:

Last Version: 3.12

Release Date:

garmadon-schema : garmadon-schema

Garmadon is a java event logs collector for hadoop and frameworks

Last Version: 1.4.0

Release Date:

devon4j-logging : devon4j-logging

Logging Module (not a logger, only extensions for logback).

Last Version: 2022.04.001

Release Date:


com.epam.reportportal : logger-java-log4j

EPAM Report portal. Log4j Intergration

Last Version: 5.1.4

Release Date:


com.expedia : metrics-java

Metrics library based on the Metrics 2.0 specification

Last Version: 0.11.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.3.3.RELEASE

Release Date:

RawSocket SPI java

com.github.alei121 : rawsocketspi-java

Linux raw socket via Java DatagramChannel

Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date:


com.github.blasd.apex : apex-java

Spring Boot Dependencies

Last Version: 1.11

Release Date:


com.github.daniel-sc.podio-java-codegen : code-gen-core

Code generator - includes a main class for using as command line tool

Last Version: 1.3.0

Release Date:


com.github.daniel-sc.podio-java-codegen : code-gen-static

Contains non-generated classes on which generated classes depend.

Last Version: 1.3.0

Release Date:


com.github.simonpercic : oklog3-java

Response logging interceptor for OkHttp3. Logs a url link with url-encoded response for every OkHttp call.

Last Version: 2.3.0

Release Date:

GCloud Java core : gcloud-java-core

Core module for the gcloud-java.

Last Version: 0.1.7

Release Date:

Last Version: 5.0.2

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.27.0

Release Date:


com.hp.autonomy.hod : java-hod-client

Java Client for communicating with Micro Focus Haven OnDemand

Last Version: 0.25.3

Release Date:

Java Dynamic Sqs Listener Spring Starter

com.jashmore : java-dynamic-sqs-listener-spring-starter

Spring Starter for automatically setting up the Spring Core implementation in a Spring Boot Application

Last Version: 5.0.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.5.9

Release Date:

MetaRing Framework Java Broadcast

com.metaring : framework-java-persistence

Module for Server-to-Client Broadcast communication

Last Version: 1.5.9

Release Date:

Selenium Tools for Microsoft Edge : msedge-selenium-tools-java

An updated EdgeDriver implementation for Selenium 3 with newly-added support for Microsoft Edge (Chromium).

Last Version: 3.141.1

Release Date:

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure SDK - Announcements Service : oci-java-sdk-announcementsservice

This project contains the SDK used for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Announcements Service

Last Version: 2.33.0

Release Date:

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure SDK - Apigateway : oci-java-sdk-apigateway

This project contains the SDK used for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Apigateway

Last Version: 2.33.0

Release Date:

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure SDK - Audit : oci-java-sdk-audit

This project contains the SDK used for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Audit Service

Last Version: 2.33.0

Release Date:

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure SDK - Autoscaling : oci-java-sdk-autoscaling

This project contains the SDK used for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Autoscaling

Last Version: 2.33.0

Release Date:

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure SDK - Budget : oci-java-sdk-budget

This project contains the SDK used for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Budget

Last Version: 2.33.0

Release Date:

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure SDK - Circuit Breaker : oci-java-sdk-circuitbreaker

This project contains the Circuit Breaker module used for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure SDKs

Last Version: 2.33.0

Release Date: