

ch.tutteli.atrium : atrium-verbs-internal-js

Specifies the internally used assertion verbs for the JS platform

Last Version: 0.18.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.7.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.8.3

Release Date:


org.scommons.nodejs : scommons-nodejs-test_sjs0.6_2.13

Core Scala.js testing utilities on Node.js platform

Last Version: 0.7.0

Release Date:


org.scommons.nodejs : scommons-nodejs-test_sjs1_2.13

Core Scala.js testing utilities on Node.js platform

Last Version: 0.8.3

Release Date:


org.webjars.npm : qiniu-js

WebJar for qiniu-js

Last Version: 2.5.5

Release Date:


ro.dragossusi : messagedata-js

Message-Data classes for easier handling

Last Version: 3.0.3

Release Date:


ro.dragossusi : resource-js

Android objects to observe loading completion and error

Last Version: 4.0.1

Release Date:


ro.dragossusi : viewmodel-js

ViewModel classes for easier usage in multiplatform projects

Last Version: 0.0.3

Release Date:

zipline : zipline-js

Runs Kotlin/JS libraries in Kotlin/JVM and Kotlin/Native programs

Last Version: 0.1.0

Release Date:


com.ditchoom : socket-js

Simple multiplatform kotlin coroutines based socket.

Last Version: 1.0.45

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.0.1-dev683

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.0.1-dev683

Release Date:

Arrow Annotations

com.javiersc.arrow : arrow-annotations-js

Functional companion to Kotlin's Standard Library

Last Version: 1.0.2

Release Date:

Arrow Continuations

com.javiersc.arrow : arrow-continuations-js

Functional companion to Kotlin's Standard Library

Last Version: 1.0.2

Release Date:

Arrow Core Extensions

com.javiersc.arrow : arrow-core-js

Functional companion to Kotlin's Standard Library

Last Version: 1.0.2

Release Date:


com.juul.indexeddb : external-js

Kotlin/JS IndexedDB Wrapper

Last Version: 0.2.3

Release Date:


com.juul.tuulbox : collections-js

Toolbox of utilities/helpers for Kotlin development

Last Version: 6.2.0

Release Date:

BIRT Javascript Engine

org.ow2.orchestra.eclipse.birt :

Birt integration within Orchestra. Those Eclipse's artifacts are temporaly published under Orchestra repository awaiting the Eclipse fundation to do it. This is not a full publication of Birt artifacts but just ones needed by the Orchestra project

Last Version: 3.7.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.12.5-new-mm

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.12.5-new-mm

Release Date:


dev.evo.elasticmagic : elasticmagic-js

Elasticsearch Kotlin query DSL

Last Version: 0.0.11

Release Date:

Arrow Annotations

io.arrow-kt : arrow-annotations-js

Functional companion to Kotlin's Standard Library

Last Version: 1.1.3-alpha.23

Release Date:

Arrow Continuations

io.arrow-kt : arrow-continuations-js

Functional companion to Kotlin's Standard Library

Last Version: 1.1.3-alpha.23

Release Date:

Arrow Optics

io.arrow-kt : arrow-optics-js

Functional companion to Kotlin's Standard Library

Last Version: 1.1.3-alpha.23

Release Date: