
Last Version: 7.3.0-M25

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.10.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 7.4.0-M12

Release Date:

Last Version: 7.3.0-M6

Release Date:

Last Version: 7.3.0-M28

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.10.4-31-00bd25

Release Date:

Mongo Scala Bson Library

org.mongodb.scala : mongo-scala-bson_2.12

A Scala wrapper / extension to the bson library

Last Version: 4.7.0-beta0

Release Date:

Last Version: 7.3.0-M2

Release Date:


org.scala-stm : scala-stm_2.12

A library for Software Transactional Memory in Scala

Last Version: 0.11.1

Release Date:


org.scalameta : junit-interface

A Java implementation of sbt's test interface for JUnit 4

Last Version: 1.0.0-M5

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.0.6

Release Date:


org.clojure : data.json

Generating/parsing JSON from/to Clojure data structures

Last Version: 2.4.0

Release Date:


org.clojure : math.numeric-tower

Parent POM for projects contributed to Clojure

Last Version: 0.0.5

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.3.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.0.0-M3

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.14.4-fix

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.1.0

Release Date:

TrueUpdate Manager Plugin OpenEJB : trueupdate-manager-plug-openejb

Provides an update installer for applications running in OpenEJB.

Last Version: 0.1.9

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.0.17

Release Date:

TrueUpdate Server Implementation Maven : trueupdate-server-impl-maven

Provides a RESTful web service for diffing JARs in one or more Maven repositories.

Last Version: 0.1.9

Release Date:

Google Cloud Dataflow SDK for Java - All : google-cloud-dataflow-java-sdk-all

Google Cloud Dataflow SDK for Java is a distribution of Apache Beam designed to simplify usage of Apache Beam on Google Cloud Dataflow service. This artifact includes entire Dataflow Java SDK.

Last Version: 2.5.0

Release Date:

DataStax Enterprise Java Driver - Extras

com.datastax.dse : dse-java-driver-extras

Extended functionality for the DataStax Enterprise Java driver.

Last Version: 1.9.0

Release Date:

CometD :: Java :: Common : cometd-java-common

The CometD project is a scalable web messaging bus that uses WebSocket and HTTP AJAX push technology patterns known as "Comet" techniques

Last Version: 7.0.7

Release Date:

JInput natives : jinput-platform

Library for access to input devices.

Last Version: 2.0.7

Release Date:

TrueUpdate Sample Implementation Java EE : trueupdate-sample-impl-javaee

Provides a singleton session bean for using the TrueUpdate Agent.

Last Version: 0.1.9

Release Date:


com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-waf

The AWS Java SDK for AWS WAF Service module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with AWS WAF Service

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.9.1

Release Date:

TrueUpdate Agent Implementation Java EE : trueupdate-agent-impl-javaee

Provides an update agent for updating a Java EE application.

Last Version: 0.1.9

Release Date:

Keyple Util Java Lib

org.eclipse.keyple : keyple-util-java-lib

Utility classes for Keyple components

Last Version: 2.1.0

Release Date:

Central Sync Maven Plugin : centralsync-maven-plugin

Maven plugin that syncs a Bintray project to Maven Central

Last Version: 0.18.3

Release Date:

Collector: RabbitMQ : zipkin-collector-rabbitmq

Zipkin span collector for RabbitMQ transport

Last Version: 2.8.4

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK for AWS Service Catalog

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-servicecatalog

The AWS Java SDK for AWS Service Catalog module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with AWS Service Catalog

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

exposed-java-time : exposed-java-time

Exposed, an ORM framework for Kotlin

Last Version: 0.38.2

Release Date:

Extern Api SDK for Java - Commons

ru.kontur.extern-api : extern-api-java-sdk-common

Kontur.Extern SDK for java designed to simplify usage of Kontur.Extern.Api services. This artifact includes the parent POM for other Kontur.Extern SDK artifacts.

Last Version: 1.7.9

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK for Amazon Machine Learning

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-machinelearning

The AWS Java SDK for Amazon Machine Learning module holds the client classes that is used for communicating with Amazon Machine Learning Service

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

TrueUpdate Artifact Implementation Maven : trueupdate-artifact-impl-maven

Provides an artifact resolver which is based on a local Maven repository and some optional remote Maven repositories.

Last Version: 0.1.9

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK for Amazon Polly

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-polly

The AWS Java SDK for Amazon Polly module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with Amazon Polly.

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

SignalFx java libraries

com.signalfx.public : signalfx-java

Bare minimum core library needed to sending metrics to SignalFx from Java clients

Last Version: 1.0.19

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.1.2

Release Date: