

io.joynr.java.common : distributed-logging-appender

Distributed Logging Appender supports writing log messages to a joynr logging proxy

Last Version: 0.31.1

Release Date:


io.kevinlee : logger-f-sbt-logging_sjs1_2.12

Logger for F[_] - Logger with sbt logging

Last Version: 2.0.0-beta1

Release Date:


com.increff.commons : commons-logging

commons-logging provides a custom log4j appender to manage log files

Last Version: 1.7

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.1.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.0

Release Date:


org.appops : appops-br-logging

appops black rhino logging

Last Version: 0.7.0

Release Date:

Exception and logging generator

de.andreasgerhard : exception-logging-generator

Maven plugin and project commons to generate internationalized exceptions and logging informations

Last Version: 0.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.2.0.RELEASE

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.1.0

Release Date:

Spring Extention Logging

io.winkelmann : spring-extension-logging

Extension to log every incomming/outgoing http request etc. with Log4J due an spring interceptor and configure it once.

Last Version: 1.0.1

Release Date:


net.kawinski.logging : nktrace

More readable logs with indentation

Last Version:

Release Date:

Apache Log4J Performance Tests

org.apache.logging.log4j : log4j-perf

The Apache Log4j development-time performance tests

Last Version: 2.3.1

Release Date:

Logback Extras

com.bisnode.logging : logback-extras

Extras and helpers for Logback logging

Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.0.2

Release Date:


com.arkivanov.mvikotlin : mvikotlin-logging-js

Kotlin Multiplatform MVI framework

Last Version: 3.0.0-beta02

Release Date:

Beigesoft logging adapter for SLF4J on Android.

org.beigesoft : beige-logging-slf4j-android

It contains of simple, non-static, OOP and resources(performance) friendly logger, its bridges to Android, SLF4J and Apache Common Logging.

Last Version: 1.0.3

Release Date:


uk.gov.service.payments : logging

Common functionality for GOV.UK Pay Java repositories

Last Version: 1.0.20220620101053

Release Date:


com.qiniu : qiniu-logging-plugin-log4j

Sonatype helps open source projects to set up Maven repositories on https://oss.sonatype.org/

Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.3

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.6.0

Release Date:

Orchestra :: Extensions :: Logging

org.ow2.orchestra : orchestra-ext-logging

The OW2 Consortium is an open source community committed to making available to everyone the best and most reliable middleware technology, including generic enterprise applications and cloud computing technologies. The mission of the OW2 Consortium is to i) develop open source code for middleware, generic enterprise applications and cloud computing and ii) to foster a vibrant community and business ecosystem.

Last Version: 4.9.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 4.7.2

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.2.ga

Release Date:


com.github.bordertech.lde : lde-tomcat-commons-logging

Embedded Local Development Environment (LDE) web server provider.

Last Version: 1.0.4

Release Date:


com.yahoo.parsec : parsec-logging

The Parsec Java Libraries.

Last Version: 1.0.22

Release Date:

Logback remote appender

de.dehn.logging : logback-remote-appender

Appender using http protocol for remote logging

Last Version: 1.2

Release Date:

OWASP Security Logging Log4j

org.owasp : security-logging-log4j

The OWASP Security Logging project provides developers and ops personnel with APIs for logging security-related events.

Last Version: 1.1.7

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.0.2

Release Date:


com.juul.tuulbox : logging-ktor-client-jvm

Toolbox of utilities/helpers for Kotlin development

Last Version: 6.2.0

Release Date:


net.sf.buildbox.strictlogging : strictlogging-log4j

Implementation of strictlogging-api for the popular Log4J API.

Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date:


com.raynigon.spring-boot : ecs-logging-access

The ecs-logging-access is a part of the unit-api

Last Version: 1.1.2

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.0.0-beta3

Release Date:


io.kevinlee : logger-f-sbt-logging_3

Logger for F[_] - Logger with sbt logging

Last Version: 2.0.0-beta1

Release Date:


com.alterioncorp : logging-filter-parent

Parent POM for com.alterioncorp projects.

Last Version: 1.2

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.0-rc1

Release Date:

Beigesoft logging Java library.

org.beigesoft : beige-logging

It contains of simple, non-static, OOP and resources(performance) friendly logger, its bridges to Android, SLF4J and Apache Common Logging.

Last Version: 1.0.3

Release Date:


io.frees : frees-logging_sjs0.6_2.11

A Cohesive & Pragmatic Framework of FP centric Scala libraries

Last Version: 0.8.2

Release Date: