
Maven Pluto Installer Plugin

org.apache.portals.pluto : pluto-maven-plugin

Apache Pluto is the Reference Implementation of the Java Portlet Specification.

Last Version: 3.1.1

Release Date:

Maven S3 Wagon

org.globalbioticinteractions : maven-s3-wagon

This project is an implementation of a Wagon provider for accessing Amazon's Simple Storage Service (S3). It enables Maven to download files from and deploy files to services supporting a S3 api. It draws heavily from code developed by Sean Hennessy, Jeff Caddel at Kuali and Ben Hale at SpringSource

Last Version: 0.0.4

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SMYLD Portal Engine plugin : smyld-pe-maven-plugin

Portal Engine to generate components out of XML files

Last Version: 1.0.9

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Last Version: 2.1.0

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Alt-Deploy Handler Maven Extension

org.goots.maven.extensions : alt-deploy-maven-extension

Maven extension to handle legacy / new formats of altDeploymentRepository

Last Version: 1.7

Release Date:

soitoolkit-populate-local-maven-repo : soitoolkit-populate-local-maven-repo

Sonatype helps open source projects to set up Maven repositories on

Last Version: 0.6.1

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Grab Dependency Populator

org.goots.maven.extensions : grab-dependency-populator

Maven extension to scan a path for @Grab annotations and add them to the project dependencies

Last Version: 1.3

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org.goots.maven.plugins : pom-deployer-maven-plugin

Plugin to install and deploy a specified XML (POM) file to a custom groupId:artifactId location

Last Version: 1.2

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org.goots.maven : module-reader

Top-level parent POM for Red Hat Release Engineering Tooling.

Last Version: 1.0

Release Date:

Gosu :: Compiler for Maven

org.gosu-lang.gosu : gosu-maven-compiler

Gosu Compiler support for the Maven compiler plugin, as a Plexus Compiler component.

Last Version: 1.15.8

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Javac2 Maven Plugin : org.solovyev.external.javac2-maven-plugin

Instruments NotNull/Nonnull class files using IntelliJ's javac2 instrumenter

Last Version: 1.0.4

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native-image-maven-plugin Maven Plugin

org.graalvm.nativeimage : native-image-maven-plugin

Tool for generating an image that contains ahead-of-time compiled Java code.

Last Version: 21.2.0

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Last Version: 0.9.9

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Last Version: 2.4.0.RC2

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Maven plugin for GRAILS applications

org.grails : grails-maven-plugin

This plugin allows you to integrate GRAILS applications into maven 2 builds.

Last Version: 2.4.6

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Last Version: 5.2

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Last Version: 4.3.1

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Last Version: 0.9.9

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Unojar Maven Plugin

org.greening : unojar-maven-plugin

Unojar maven plugin creates a "fat jar" or "uber jar". It packages dependency jars with a main jar file, and with a specified main class to start, into a ...unojar.jar file. Dependent jars are automatically loaded with the main jar, and main method in the main class is called. This allows an entire application to be released as a single file and run with "java -jar ...unojar.jar".

Last Version: 1.5.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.0.1-nimble

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Last Version: 1.2

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emma4it Maven Mojo

org.sonatype.maven.plugin : emma4it-maven-plugin

A set of plugins to use emma on integration tests

Last Version: 1.3

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Last Version: 1.1.0

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org.gridvise : gridvise-maven-plugin

gridvise-maven-plugin enable the invocation of gridvise runbooks from maven

Last Version: 0.0.4

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SLF4J Maven integration

org.grouplens.common : slf4j-maven-shim

This package provides an SLF4J backend that logs with Maven loggers. This allows logging output from SLF4J libraries to be sent to the Maven logging framework.

Last Version: 0.8

Release Date: